What does 'tobacco' flavor really mean? Fun with definitions....

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OK, this feels like a lame question but I thought I would post here to try to get a little clarity.

Can someone give me ideas as to the different terms used to describe tobacco flavors? Perhaps there is a 'tobacco terms and definitions thread' on ECF? I thought I knew what tobacco was (especially after smoking for many years) but when it comes to vaping (and after trying about 30 different juices) I'm a bit confused on what these definitions actually mean.

For example, perhaps someone could fill in the following blanks:

When I read a juice has 'natural tobacco' flavor, in general it may have __________ undertones. (dried hay?) :)
'True tobacco' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (damp hay?)
'Pipe' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (sweet grass?)
'Cigar' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (dark smoky hay?)
'Dry tobacco' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (dried grass?)

What about:
Dekang's TAB (similar to RY4?)
Wild West
Virginia Flue Cured (honey hay?)
Any others

I'm on the brink of ordering more e-liquid and just realized that I've been avoiding 'tobacco flavored' juice (such as 555 and USA Mix, Wild West, Virginia Flue Cured) because I thought they would taste more cigarette-ish. I think this happened after trying Wyatt Earp, Turkish Blend and Clove (didn't work for me). However, this theory of mine is silly because RY4 is considered tobacco (I think) and it doesn't taste anything like a cigarette to me.

Any other tobacco flavor definitions would be appreciated.

Sweet, flavorful tobacco suggestions would be greatly appreciated too! My flavor preferences have been Backwoods Brew, AVE and Velvet Vapors juices so far (Bobas, or flavors with caramel, coffee, waffle, cinnamon sugar, peach and strawberry).

I realize this is a lot to ask, but what the heck. :)
Happy weekend eve and thanks for your input.
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I enjoy the 3&5 flavor. It has a certain baked nuttiness that reminds me of a freshly opened pack of State Express 555 or similar. It doesn't taste anything like a smoldering cigarette, but it's an interesting and complex flavor in its own right. My sole Reo Grande is loaded with it right now.


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visitlynn...jump over to nitelitevapor.com and try GoldRush, Sundance, and/or Bounty Hunter. As for filling in the blanks, I'm not a good person for that as I just vape what tastes good to me. GoldRush is the closest I've come to a cig flavor.

Awesome ~ thanks hairball! I'll check out nitelitevapor's GoldRush, Sundance and or Bounty Hunter.


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Jul 4, 2009
Ogden, UT, US
OK, this feels like a lame question...

For example, perhaps someone could fill in the following blanks:

When I read a juice has 'natural tobacco' flavor, in general it may have __________ undertones. (dried hay?) :)
'True tobacco' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (damp hay?)
'Pipe' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (sweet grass?)
'Cigar' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (dark smoky hay?)
'Dry tobacco' flavor, may have ____________ undertones. (dried grass?)

I'll trade you one lame question for another:

"Do you have Hay fever?"

Okay now-- Hairball's suggestion is a good one, and I've recently ordered those same juices myself (haven't received them yet).

Another suggestion: Vapor Station's Tennessee. Mild, tasty tobacco with a hint of nuts.
VS has a sampler pack if you want to try several. Frisco has a pronounced nutty taste, Texas has very little and is 'dry' and is probably most like a cig. Phoenix has a bit of a cigar taste. Tampa is very popular and similar to Texas but not as dry. PG versions are thin, VG versions much thicker. Prices are reasonable.


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mostlyclassics ~ the 3&5 flavor sounds good, may I ask where you purchased yours?

luceblueboy ~ thank you for the helpful tobacco definitions.

Iffy ~ I haven't tried Captain Black, Borkum Riff. My favorite pipe flavor was Vaporbomb's Coumarin Pipe but I just found out they no longer make it! Here's Mickster's description: "Coumarin Pipe (60PG/40 12mg)- This one is also really delicious. Tastes vaguely of angel food. Really smooth, slightly sweet. This was my all day vape yesterday. This is a new flavor so it only comes in 5ml so far, but I re-ordered 4. light peach colored juice."

chopper22980 ~ Lipton tea is a great description I hadn't thought of. Were there any juices you returned too?


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I'll trade you one lame question for another:

"Do you have Hay fever?"

lol :)

Okay now-- Hairball's suggestion is a good one, and I've recently ordered those same juices myself (haven't received them yet).

Another suggestion: Vapor Station's Tennessee. Mild, tasty tobacco with a hint of nuts.
VS has a sampler pack if you want to try several. Frisco has a pronounced nutty taste, Texas has very little and is 'dry' and is probably most like a cig. Phoenix has a bit of a cigar taste. Tampa is very popular and similar to Texas but not as dry. PG versions are thin, VG versions much thicker. Prices are reasonable.

Cool ~ thanks so much for the suggestions MaxUT! I haven't tried Vapor Station's juices yet and look forward to it.


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visitlynn...jump over to nitelitevapor.com and try GoldRush, Sundance, and/or Bounty Hunter. As for filling in the blanks, I'm not a good person for that as I just vape what tastes good to me. GoldRush is the closest I've come to a cig flavor.

Just FYI: It looks like nitelitevapor.com has changed to nitelitevapor.us


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visitlynn...jump over to nitelitevapor.com and try GoldRush, Sundance, and/or Bounty Hunter. As for filling in the blanks, I'm not a good person for that as I just vape what tastes good to me. GoldRush is the closest I've come to a cig flavor.

hairball, I just found your nitelitevapor review thread. Thanks for the great review it's very helpful. The Capparillo Cafe Latte looks delicious too. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/e-liquids/199671-nitelitevapor-review-juices.html#post3504960


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May 26, 2011
chopper22980 ~ Lipton tea is a great description I hadn't thought of. Were there any juices you returned too?[/QUOTE]

Yeah after trying it for awhile it kinda grew on me.Wyatt Earp is one of them.Having grandparents that did not believe tea should have sugar the Earp reminds me of them.Sounds crazy I know.
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