What do we vape, Steam or Vapor? - I think Steam wins here's why

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John Phoenix

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2011
New Orleans
I decided to research what the difference is between steam and vapor. Vapor it tiny water particles at or just slightly above room temperature. Steam is water particles that is heated to above the boiling point and acts like a gas.

Here's how some folks put it:

Kiteman says:
The difference is purely one of temperature.

Water vapour is the same temperature as the air in which it is spread.

Steam is above the local boiling-point of water (usually taken to be 100°C, but varies with local weather and altitude).

It is also a general assumption that "a cloud of steam" will be largely steam / water vapour, whereas "water vapour" is typically only a few percent of the volume of the air.

Chemically, steam and water vapour are identical.

frollard says:
As a few others say (Re-Design, Kiteman) the key difference is temperature.

Steam is water above boiling point that is allowed to escape as gas. It only exists at above water's boiling point at a given pressure (100+ degrees C at sea level). It is individual water molecules bouncing around like a gas. Note, sometimes steam is referred to as water vapour above boiling temperature.

Water vapour is DIFFUSED water particles, like fog or mist. It is AIR molecules with tiny tiny water particles floating in it. It exists at temperatures/pressures BELOW boiling point. When the water particles are condensed it appears as a fog, when they are totally evaporated it is invisible.

When your kettle boils and 'steam' comes off the boiling water, it quickly hits cold air and condenses into a cloud of water vapour + steam, then totally evaporates

References: Water vapour | Define Water vapour at Dictionary.com
Steam | Define Steam at Dictionary.com

Difference between Steam and Water Vapour « The Official MartinZ Blog

Another site puts this way
Vapor is any substance in a gaseous state. Thus steam is just an example of a vapor. In fact, steam is one of the most common examples of vapor. It forms when water is boiled but vaporization also takes place when we hang washed clothes in air. It is then called evaporation but the same vapor is called steam when we boil water.
So the difference between vapor and steam is purely one of temperature. Water vapor (as in evaporation) is at the same temperature as the air outside. But in case of steam, water is at boiling point or higher. If we talk in terms of chemical composition, there is no difference between vapor and steam.
Steam is nothing but water that escapes the surface of water in the form of gas when it is boiled. Steam exists only when water is above 100 degrees centigrade and is composed water molecules that behave like a gas. Steam is also called water vapor above boiling point.

In brief:
Difference Between Steam and Vapor
• Water vapor is water that is in gaseous state while steam is water that has been created by heating water beyond its boiling point
• Steam is invisible much like vapor and what one sees coming out of kettle is steam that has actually condensed and technically no longer steam.

Read more: Difference Between Steam and Vapor | Difference Between | Steam vs Vapor

So steam actually IS vapor yet steam is produced via heating water to it's boiling point and vapor is the result of processes like evaporation.

My question is doesn't our atty's coils heat the liquid to boiling? We can say we know we are heating the liquid so we know it's not evaporation taking place.. therefore, wouldn't it be more correct to say we are steaming instead of vaping?

I think we also need to take into account the boiling points of our various liquids, Liquid Nicotine(
, Propylene Glycol (212F), Vegetable Glycerin(545F) and the flavorings(?). (boiling points in parentheses)

Wow some of those boiling points are really high. How hot do our coils get?

My research shows that the nicrome wire coils in our e-cigs can reach 600 F and you need at least 370 to vaporize most e-cig liquids. (various places on the net)

So is the final product more Steam as we call it or Vapor - seems to me steam would win. Your thoughts?

(This was just for fun and i wanted a really good answer when people askd me is it steam or vapor so I started reading)

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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I think the most accurate description of what we exhale is a glycol-based mist or fog...

The water that makes up that which we exhale is not coming from boiling water.
It is coming from water in our mouth, throats, lungs, and our surroundings.

There isn't nearly enough water in our juice to create any noticeable amount of steam.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
All things aside, would you rather refer to ourselves as 'steamers' (sounds a lil gay, no offense to anyone) or 'misters' (sounds absurd no?) ?! I rest my case. lol

LOL Poetfisis, I am not sure we have found a cool sounding name for what we do. Vaper and vapist sound like we should be jailed. Maybe we should have a contest for a better name.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
I decided to research what the difference is between steam and vapor. Vapor it tiny water particles at or just slightly above room temperature. Steam is water particles that is heated to above the boiling point and acts like a gas.

Here's how some folks put it:

Difference between Steam and Water Vapour « The Official MartinZ Blog

Another site puts this way Read more: Difference Between Steam and Vapor | Difference Between | Steam vs Vapor

So steam actually IS vapor yet steam is produced via heating water to it's boiling point and vapor is the result of processes like evaporation.

My question is doesn't our atty's coils heat the liquid to boiling? We can say we know we are heating the liquid so we know it's not evaporation taking place.. therefore, wouldn't it be more correct to say we are steaming instead of vaping?

I think we also need to take into account the boiling points of our various liquids, Liquid Nicotine([/FONT][/LEFT][/FONT][/COLOR]476.6°F)
, Propylene Glycol (212F), Vegetable Glycerin(545F) and the flavorings(?). (boiling points in parentheses)

Wow some of those boiling points are really high. How hot do our coils get?

My research shows that the nicrome wire coils in our e-cigs can reach 600 F and you need at least 370 to vaporize most e-cig liquids. (various places on the net)

So is the final product more Steam as we call it or Vapor - seems to me steam would win. Your thoughts?

(This was just for fun and i wanted a really good answer when people askd me is it steam or vapor so I started reading)



Very helpful John. Still...always trust your own experience more than anything else. There are two many people saying they have the facts without presenting both sides of the issues. A dead give away for a con job.


John Phoenix

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2011
New Orleans
i still like the one that came out of the other thread....it was "I'm sucking on my own Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System"

I call it an NDS.

While not always PC in certain circles the above still holds comic relief. (80 year old granny smokers) I have taken to calling this animal an NDS - Nicotine Delivery System. Of course it depends on who I'm talking to. If I'm talking to someone who i know is against nicotine and the act of smoking I call it a PV just to lessen the shock value. If I'm talking to a smoker to me NDS sounds cooler than PV or just out right call it an E-cig for the folks slower on the uptake.

Am I worried about any backlash by calling it an NDS? No. Even if everyone called it an NDS it would not matter. The Law doesn't say these strictly are not nor can be considered Nicotine Delivery Systems only that they cannot be advertised as such by manufacturers and people who sell them (because doing so denotes a medical device which can only be intended to be beneficial health wise. (safer than cigarettes) This stems from a law pushed through by the FDA in the 80's that says "Only a drug can cure or have beneficial health effects ( Or an FDA/AMA approved device for delivering drugs)" - This is one example where they corrupt medical laws have backfired to help the consumer) Everyone knows these are or can be used as Nicotine Delivery Systems, That was never really in question they are just not classed as such legally. Cigarettes are nicotine delivery systems yet they are not medical devices that can be sold with health claims. I see no big deal. I'm not worried that the law will change due to my personal preference. That would be absurd once you understand how these laws were made and who they are designed to protect.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
I have no qualms with calling it an e-cig, electronic cigarette, battery operated cigarette, whatever the case may be. It mimics smoking, so therefore it makes sense that people relate it as such. Makes it easier to understand. When I say "yes, it's an electronic cigarette" and they say "yuck", I'll come back with how it's nothing like a regular cigarette, all the differences, how it's healthier, all that stuff, and then I get the "oooooooh, that's really cool!" I don't see how that is seen as so very negative to so many people on here. It's the educational part that matters. Getting the word out that what we're doing is a good thing. All this mumbo jumbo about calling what we do something else to try to hide what it is we're really doing is getting us nowhere. I don't say that I "may need to lose some weight if I get any heavier". No, I have a beer belly, so I call myself fat. I am what I am. Not everybody can do that, I get it. We're a society made up of false promises that make us feel better about ourselves. Take a look at the U.S. Army recruiting slogan. "Army of One". Sounds really cool when you're signing up, as if you'll actually be an important individual. Then you get shipped off and quickly realize that you're not an Army of One at all, you're just another number added to the ranks of many. So I really don't get worked up over it unless somebody blatantly tries to shove it down my throat. You call it what you want, and I'll call it what I want, and all will be well. :)

**edit** we have TVs that we can't hear that have CNN on them all day here where I work. I just saw something mentioning a tshirt that says "I'm too pretty to do home, so my brother has to do it for me" that JC Penny had to take off it's shelves and write an apology to the public for ever selling it. Seriously? This is the same thing. We're trying to blame somebody else for our neglect as parents. They're so worried that a parent will sue them because "my daughter thought because she thinks she's pretty she doesn't have to do her homework, and it's all because of your tshirt!!!". This kinda...stuff....disgusts me. If your daughter is failing, own up to the fact that you maybe worked a long hard day, came home and cooked dinner, tried to tidy up the house, fed the animals, paid bills, or whatever it is that takes up almost your whole night so that you couldn't be there to help your child with their homework. Or maybe you just came home (or stayed at home all day) and sat on your .... and watched TV or played on the internet or whatever else. Own up to whatever it is that you haven't done and quit blaming it on others.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
I have no qualms with calling it an e-cig, electronic cigarette, battery operated cigarette, whatever the case may be. It mimics smoking, so therefore it makes sense that people relate it as such. Makes it easier to understand. When I say "yes, it's an electronic cigarette" and they say "yuck", I'll come back with how it's nothing like a regular cigarette, all the differences, how it's healthier, all that stuff, and then I get the "oooooooh, that's really cool!" I don't see how that is seen as so very negative to so many people on here. It's the educational part that matters. Getting the word out that what we're doing is a good thing. All this mumbo jumbo about calling what we do something else to try to hide what it is we're really doing is getting us nowhere. I don't say that I "may need to lose some weight if I get any heavier". No, I have a beer belly, so I call myself fat. I am what I am. Not everybody can do that, I get it. We're a society made up of false promises that make us feel better about ourselves. Take a look at the U.S. Army recruiting slogan. "Army of One". Sounds really cool when you're signing up, as if you'll actually be an important individual. Then you get shipped off and quickly realize that you're not an Army of One at all, you're just another number added to the ranks of many. So I really don't get worked up over it unless somebody blatantly tries to shove it down my throat. You call it what you want, and I'll call it what I want, and all will be well. :)

**edit** we have TVs that we can't hear that have CNN on them all day here where I work. I just saw something mentioning a tshirt that says "I'm too pretty to do home, so my brother has to do it for me" that JC Penny had to take off it's shelves and write an apology to the public for ever selling it. Seriously? This is the same thing. We're trying to blame somebody else for our neglect as parents. They're so worried that a parent will sue them because "my daughter thought because she thinks she's pretty she doesn't have to do her homework, and it's all because of your tshirt!!!". This kinda...stuff....disgusts me. If your daughter is failing, own up to the fact that you maybe worked a long hard day, came home and cooked dinner, tried to tidy up the house, fed the animals, paid bills, or whatever it is that takes up almost your whole night so that you couldn't be there to help your child with their homework. Or maybe you just came home (or stayed at home all day) and sat on your .... and watched TV or played on the internet or whatever else. Own up to whatever it is that you haven't done and quit blaming it on others.

I tell them they can switch back and forth between smoking and vaping at will. I caution them that the juice that comes with ecig kits is typically crap. I tell them about my juices. I tell them how much I like a clean car. I tell them how much less mucous is in my throat after vaping vs. smoking. Other than less mucous, I tell them I have seen no facts that prove ecgs are any healthier than cigarettes. I am honest. I don't promote ecigs. I give them my experience.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
When it comes to "facts", these are somebody's assumptions based on their research. You can pay somebody to come to whatever "assumption" you want them to and they'll find a way to deliver the "facts" in whatever angle they can to make it look right to whoever sees it. You can research that here. I think you'll find everybody's health has improved, people with COPD no longer have it (or much much less than they did), pretty much all of us have lost our smokers cough, more energy, better smelling and tasting senses, etc etc.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Own up to whatever it is that you haven't done and quit blaming it on others.
Put this on a T-Shirt and I'll buy one.
Just have it say: Own up to whatever it is that you have or haven't done and quit blaming it on others

What ever happened to personal responsibility?
Well, the Nannys will make sure nobody has to have any personal responsibility soon enough.

If I was a kid, I would REFUSE to wear a freaking helmet while riding a bicycle.
That was the point where I thought enough was too much.

I jumped my bikes off the biggest things I could find as youngster, with no helmet.
The worst thing that happened to me was slamming my jumblies.

So yeah, make all kids wear a cup.
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