What am I in for?

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Full Member
Sep 26, 2010
San Jose, CA
It has been exactly a month since I quit analogs and began vaping. I'm waiting for the horrible withdrawal symptoms. Where's my cough? Quit zits? Anything? Oh yeah, I have gotten the increase of junk in my eyes and perhaps drink a bit more than before.

Do you think I'm in the clear? Or...a disaster waiting to happen? I started at 12mg nic and am down to 6mg to 0 depending. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak.

Has anyone out there had a similar experience? I was a just under pad smoker for about 25 years.

Don't get me wrong...I'm grateful if I didn't have to suffer...I'm just wondering when I should consider myself "in the clear".



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2010
I have had pretty bad side effects
I notice ash trays "smelling" even from across the table...even if I can't see them
My taste buds are altered to the point that camel silvers no longer taste as good
Some strange ocd habit of checking the ecf forum has developed
I am even having speaking problems...I say things like atty and pcc for no apparent reason..oh and mAH is pronounced like Ma now


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 13, 2010
No symptoms at all for me either, guess I'm lucky. I just have my life without nasty cigs now. I smoked about a PAD for 30 years, guess I'm pretty tough, I never had morning hacking or any bad symptoms from smoking other than coughing up an occassional lugi....that's the only thing that's changed, no more phlem.

Vaping ROCKS!


Full Member
Sep 26, 2010
San Jose, CA
I will consider myself extremely lucky then!! I wasn't speaking of vaping side effects per se, but rather withdrawing from tobacco. I really expected to have many things manifest themselves physically. I have a vacay planned in about a month and was wondering if I should expect them to hit then. Sounds like I just might be in the clear. Yay!!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2010
I have had pretty bad side effects
I notice ash trays "smelling" even from across the table...even if I can't see them
My taste buds are altered to the point that camel silvers no longer taste as good
Some strange ocd habit of checking the ecf forum has developed
I am even having speaking problems...I say things like atty and pcc for no apparent reason..oh and mAH is pronounced like Ma now

You are too funny! Had to laugh at this one. It is odd how things change. Family has no idea what I'm talking about either. : ) Overall, I don't think I've had much withdrawal at all either. Kinda hard to tell, started out without any, then had some kind of thing happen that was scary. Put me down in bed for quite awhile, but Drs & I have figured out it wasn't much to do (if anything) at all with vaping or withdrawal. It was a confusing situation & trying to put the pieces together was difficult, but think we have it figured out. It was a couple unrelated things going on that just happened during that time period. I have figured out though that I'm sensitive to all PG juices. A 50/50 PG-VG mix is working pretty good though.

tee6395, if you are down to 6mg already, you are not likely to have much of anything as long as you don't do it too fast. I'm reducing mine faster than I ever imagined I would, and am thrilled about that. I'm about the same as you & started out at 18mg. I'm a very heavy vaper! Keep up the good work & enjoy!!!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 25, 2010
Sorry to burst your bubble. I didn't have any problems for the first three months. All of a sudden -WHAM-quit zits...maybe. I can't scientifically prove my breakouts are a result of quitting. Like some others have said, my skin got better for the first three months of vaping. Now it's horrible. Could be a new juice or something completely unrelated to vaping.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Sorry to burst your bubble. I didn't have any problems for the first three months. All of a sudden -WHAM-quit zits...maybe. I can't scientifically prove my breakouts are a result of quitting. Like some others have said, my skin got better for the first three months of vaping. Now it's horrible. Could be a new juice or something completely unrelated to vaping.

That just proves that everyone is going to have different experiences at different times. Detox is not a cut-and-dry "this and this and this are going to happen, and this is when it will happen" thing. The only times in my life when I've had more than a couple of zits have been when I went through drug rehab and now. It'll go away, and I know I'll be better off for it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 27, 2010
Camden, SC
I have had pretty bad side effects
I notice ash trays "smelling" even from across the table...even if I can't see them
My taste buds are altered to the point that camel silvers no longer taste as good
Some strange ocd habit of checking the ecf forum has developed
I am even having speaking problems...I say things like atty and pcc for no apparent reason..oh and mAH is pronounced like Ma now

I think we all have these side effects. Lol


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 26, 2010
Here, there, everywhere!
I'm in the same boat as Wil and Bigham. Vaping came easily to me. I only had a little coughing and some fatigue that went away after a couple of days. Congrats on a month!

So you had fatigue? I could literally fall asleep at my desk some days lately. I am still smoking a few cigs a day (just can't find that right combo yet) but I mean soooo tired!
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