Weird stares/weird things people say while vaping

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Brandon David

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Today I am working on the back porch of my apartment. I am vaping on an iStick at 20 watts on my Lemo that is microcoiled at 1.3ohms with 100% VG Juice. I am blowing some pretty big clouds and it looks like a mini club on my porch with all the vapor and still air. When people walk past my place, I always get double takes or people look down like I'm doing something bad.

At a parade recently I heard someone shout while passing me "did you see that? He's smoking that loud." Since I listen to rap music a lot, I figure smoking that loud means smoking an organic leaf that is known for blowing big clouds of smoke.

Most of the time I get comments from people who are genuinely curious as to what I am doing as I vape sweet flavor, but today the stares are cracking me up. It cracks me up after I vape a full tank (6mL) of juice in my apartment and someone comes over. They don't know what to think walking into a cloud.

Also when I pull up to a gas station after vaping with the windows closed, its funny to watch people stare as I get out and the vapor billows out.

Anyone get the most awkward stares or comments while vaping?

I haven't gotten funny comments but after taking my mother to the hospital the other day, I decided to step out to the car and have a vape and get her overnight bag for her. I sat in the car and browsed the forum for a bit while puffing away. I got out and opened the back door to retrieve her bag and you'd of thought snoop dogg was in the back of my honda toking up. There were definitely some stares with all the clouds coming out the door. Lol


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Sep 1, 2014
Tampa, Florida
See, I don't have this worry.

Of course, I also open carry a pistol when it's warm out, and I'm on fairly good terms with the local PD

As a person who EDC concealed, I never saw the advantage to open carry as the element of surprise is ruined, but to each their own. But that's a discussion for another forum :)
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 6, 2013
Florida, SW
I vape right up to the doors of stores and waiting to get wrestled
to the ground thinking I just dropped a gun in my jacket pocket.

No need to be :confused: it's just a spin off from something I started that I guess
is not in the topic either but seem to be at the moment though I thought. :confused:

I get the gist and I think your previous post was totally acceptable

it's just the braggadocious, look at me syndrome that kinda erk'd me



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Aug 22, 2013
Houston, Tx
I don't get out and about much. But I took my new used truck to dealer for its first post buy check up, oil change, tire rotation, etc... I had some GREAT vaping reactions. An elderly lady wanted to know all about it. I happened to be using a Vision Spinner II at the time with a Kanger Mini Areo Tank with some DIY red licorice in it. So she wrote all of it down. Next one of the Service guys asked me what I was vaping. I had just watched him hit his real quick and pocket it. Turns out he has been vaping 6 years !! But has never heard of ECF lol! I gave him the scoop for sure. Then my main service adviser came up to me with another employee talking about it and how good my vape smelled. This was really a good day for me. Like I said I don't get out much, so having three peeps to talk to about VAPING was really fun !!


Senior Member
Aug 24, 2014
South Carolina
I love the looks people give when I'm producing massive clouds as I sit at the bar while they smoke their cigarettes. I give them that welcome to the 21st century look. Look, second hand smoke is not as harmful as people make it out to be, but at least I'm not stinking the place up with smoke. I totally vape just to show off. I like higher nicotine but specifically vape 6 mg in the nautilus just to make huge clouds in front of people lol it's just easier to make larger clouds at a lower nic level. I can't wait to get into RDAs so I can really show off. Not afraid to admit it, I'm a show off.
I love the looks people give when I'm producing massive clouds as I sit at the bar while they smoke their cigarettes. I give them that welcome to the 21st century look. Look, second hand smoke is not as harmful as people make it out to be, but at least I'm not stinking the place up with smoke. I totally vape just to show off. I like higher nicotine but specifically vape 6 mg in the nautilus just to make huge clouds in front of people lol it's just easier to make larger clouds at a lower nic level. I can't wait to get into RDAs so I can really show off. Not afraid to admit it, I'm a show off.

That's awesome!


Ultra Member
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Apr 26, 2014
Eastern, PA, USA
I believe it is quite idiotic to blow clouds while driving.
It should be prohibited with possible jail time.

It already is. If you blow a huge cloud a wreck and its witnessed, I'm pretty sure you will be charge with reckless driving. Do it again and you'll be hot with reckless endangerment if you have passengers and endangering the public welfare.


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Jan 24, 2014
a friend of ours had a motorcycle wreck back in september and is in a rehab facility now (the PT not drug kind) and the security guard there has a hard on for us vapors.

He comes to greet me as I'm walking up usually just as I'm giving the iStick five clicks to the pocket with a "NO SMOKING!" which I usually just tell him I've put it away thanks and have a good day.

Sunday I kinda let him have it.."it is NOT smoking nor a tobacco product and I'm not going to the smoking patio because they actually are smoking tobacco products and it makes me sick" then he went looking for Ed to tell him "NO SMOKING" *lol* but I honor their "no smoking" policy it's Med Center they're strict and have bored rental cops.

Our friend's room has monitoring robot with cam and sound, so I sneak in his bathroom if we're staying for longer *lol* catch me if you can!! *neener*

I always just go into the bathroom in my mom's pvt room, when she's hospitalized. It's difficult at St Joes, the bathroom doors are the latticed kind, so I just try to hold it in as long as I can, and exhale what little remains into the shower compartment. :D But at the Northside-forsyth hospital, the doors are solid, so no problem. :D Beats the heck out of walking to the parking lot -- where yes, I always smoked in my vehicle, and nobody ever had the temerity to say anything to me about it -- but lots of other folks were just hanging out in the parking lot, smoking like a bonfire -- at least I was a bit more discreet. :D



Senior Member
Aug 24, 2014
South Carolina
Weird things people say while vaping- Those have chemicals in them ( yeah, about three). Those things will be recalled ( wrong, keep inhaling burning paper and move along) those things make me cough ( because one person can't ride a bike, should we all not ride bikes? )

I lowered my nicotine just to show off with huge cloud production in public. I drive a very fast sports car just to show off, it's not what I want. I am humble, I always am concerned about people around the world, I want to make it a better place. However, I have to show off for these scumbag snobs with their first world issues.
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