Weight gain with quitting

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
I gained weight only after I starting to vape zero nic. Guess like nicotine indeed increased metabolism rate and 'tricked' the mind of feeling not hungry. No wonder most smoker are skinny and scaly. While vaping non-zero nic , I in-fact lost weight. ..Nowadays, I exercise more to compensate for the 'lost' in metabolism rate, and also due to better respiratory-system since analog-free.

When I first started vaping juice with nic I certainly had more of an appetite but after switching to zero nic juice for a few weeks my appetite is basically non existent, I get cravings for food but it seems just like a nic craving at the moment so i'm kinda hoping things fix themselves up.

But anyway weight wise things are in the balance. Neither put on or off.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2010
New England
Haven't felt the need to weight myself but my clothes don't fit any different, so that's always good.
Last year I was losing weight no matter what I ate and was smoking more and enjoying it less. So when I was down 85 lbs in less than 3 months I decided to go to the doctor. I found out that I was a diabetic. I cut back to less than a pack a day, lost another 15 lbs, and then started with the e-cig and I've been a happy camper every since.
My lung capacity has increased so much between the weight loss and not smoking, now if only the warmer weather would get here so I can start walking again everything would be peachy. Winter always depresses me.
I've been off cigarettes for over a month now and haven't noticed a weight gain, maybe a drop of a couple of pounds but don't know for sure.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2009
Not bump this up late, but I think there will be notably different answers depending on the seasons. In winter, it is not uncommon for even fit folks to put on a few. Spring, its pretty common for everyone to begin shedding.

I actually came across this trying to see if any water retention or anything closely related was experienced by those vaping.

Anyway, theorybabble aside, I've been about the same, actually losing weight as I find it harder to enjoy what I remember as my favorite beers with vape. And that depresses me like mad. I have to relearn tastes? What a rip off! ;)
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