Wall St. Journal poll vote on FDA/ECig

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 17, 2010
Wow, I've never started a thread before but I just voted on a
Wall Street Journal poll concerning the regulation of E-Cigs by the FDA. There is a thread in the beginners forum with links to the WSJ article and to the poll. Maybe someone who is good at posting things could copy the links to this forum. Please check it out.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2010
So far, 75% voted NO (this is a good thing)!

Wall Street Journal: Question of the Day Should e-cigarettes be regulated as drug-delivery devices by the FDA?

Thanks steeleb, Here's your link(s) ;)

["Wall Street Journal: Question of the Day: Should e-cigarettes be regulated as drug-delivery devices by the FDA?"] Poll is HERE

An article ["E-Cigarettes Spark New Smoking War - WSJ.com"] Here

And the last one ["Rush Limbaugh Touts Benefits of E-Cigarettes, Slams FDA"] here

Thank you. Is there a way you can elevate this to a broader audience? I think it is very important to get the word out ASAP.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2010
It looks like this Question was started 3 days ago and bumps to the top of the list every time someone leaves a comment - voting goes on FOREVER.

So, people on ECF can vote NO whenever they discover the link, and grow the # of NO votes (2140 now), but voting is not enough it is the COMMENTS that keep the issue prominent (only 8 comments!).

I think this is a major platform to showcase public opinion is on our side of this issue. STICKY anyone?

This is the main WSJ Question of the Day page: Wall Street Journal: Question of the Day Topics

Right now the e-cig Q is lagging behind a Sarah Palin Q and the economic recovery Q - those 2 Questions have a combined 88 comments. But remember, it is not the # of votes or the # of comments but the most recent comment that keeps the E-cig Q "thread" alive -- hey, just like here in this forum! If even one ECF person voted & COMMENTED each day, that thread would be bumped to the top for a good long while.

NO votes are at 75.7 now, but even if that goes to 90%, MOST PEOPLE on that site WILL NEVER SEE IT unless there are the comments to keep it a "hot" thread. The *new* threads get clicked on the most, JUST LIKE HERE.
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