Waffle Flavoring Questions and Opinions: Please Help!

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Dec 15, 2009
Harper Woods MI
Hello all,

I used to love Waffle juice. I made it on a whim some time ago when I couldn't get hold of Rath juice (who is now out of business) and used Capella's waffle flavoring. It was perfect. It tasted like waffle, and people who walked into the room I was vaping in, or had vaped in, or my car, people would comment on the curious smell of waffle. I then got addicted to VaporBomb CinnaBomb-they sell the flavoring thank god (vaped it for a year straight every day, nothing else). So, I started getting tired of CinnaBomb flavoring and decided to get back into DIY. I also got my girlfriend to FINALLY quit smoking and pick up vaping, so needless to say, I got the bug to try new juices out again as she doesn't share my tastes at all. First on the to do list was Waffle (but I am beyond frustrated).

I got me some more Capella waffle flavor, and it just isn't what I remember. I used the exact recipe I used some time ago, and it isn't the same. I need almost 2x the flavor base (16% to 32%) to get near to what I want, but even then, its just not right, as if such a large amount of base is wrong. I found a thread from TastyVapor that said Capella is now diluting their bases and I guess that explains it. I taste all the base flavors (maple, butter, sweet bread) but they are so very muted. Sure, you can make the argument that my taste buds are destroyed by such heavy use of CinnaBomb, but my old RY4 recipe, Apple Pie, and clove still hold up like I remember.

Therefore, I need help picking another Waffle flavor base. I was going to go with TFA waffle, or TFA's new Belgian Waffle (now with 20% more flavoring), but from threads a year ago, the consensus was that TFA waffle sucks and is too perfumy. However, TFA waffle 2 years ago seems to have been the crowd favorite. Also, I cannot find any reviews on TFA Belgian (with the 20% more flavor they recently added). Also, VaporBomb, who I love, has a waffle flavoring that is too chemically (kinda smells like plastic and doesn't taste great). Anyone know which base they use?

What makes for a wonderful, maple, buttery, bread tasting home run? I was considering using capellas still, but adding maple flavoring and wilton butter, but the question then becomes: Which maple do I get? Do I get Capella or TFA? If TFA, do I get the Maple or the Maple Syrup? Does TFA have a safe, tasty butter? If you have a recipe, please provide the % and supplier of the flavoring. If neither TFA or Capella's for any of this, what is good?

All the threads I have found that provide insight into this are at least a year old, so people who have tried these out, RECENTLY please help! I've lost my patience and need help!!!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2012
Baltimore-ish, Maryland
I've only just now begun DIY. But my first purchase was TFA from WizardLabs. I got The Belgian Waffle, Blueberry Extra Flavor, English Toffee, and Black Honey Tobacco (among others). Those are the ones Ive put into my first DIY cocktail.

I'll have to check my notes to see how this has all been mixed up. I find it to have alovely, fruity but distinctly waffle-y character. Some of it may be coming from the Engligh Toffee as well. I imagine it will only get better as it steeps.
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