Vivi Nova V6?

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Aug 5, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
I won't necessary call it BS since it's all made in China, whether it's a 'Vision' or not doesn't matter much as long as you know the difference among the different versions (long/short wick, location of air vent, etc.). With that said, the design for V5 looks awesome. :p

PS You'll experience wicking issues with larger tanks even if it comes with longer wicks. From the picture, V6 comes with short wicks so you have to vape it horizontally or tilt it after a few hits to get it to wick.


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Jun 29, 2012
yes yes yes, i've been burned every time with the knockoffs, even when a us based site says vivi nova do some digging the ones made by truman suuuuuck. also the clones of the stardust and k2 i've gotten all have had wicking issues, and you cant always be sure that the genuine replacement heads will fit the clone bodies. I personally wouldn't want a long vivi just to get extra mills, it would need massively long wicks and you would still be tipping but now for a longer amount of time, and the extra strain on those little plastic threads at the base. to get extra volume and have good function it needs to be wider (larger diameter). i liked the looks of the metal one with the sight glass in your photo, but again would only buy it if it was an authentic vision or the heads would function properly. A top cap drilled thumbscrew for refilling, like those tuff tanks would be neat, would save on spills when out and about, nut they allready are pretty easy. i wish they could help the vivi's juice consumption, seems that they use a lot more than ce2's or the stardusts...maybe its because of my chain vaping it since the day it came. i got my last vivi mini from ( for 8.99 if you want dirt cheap try vapor i dont know about quality but it is cheap. VAPE-ON
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