Very confused newbie..PLEASE help!!

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New Member
Sep 9, 2009
I read through all the threads basically and I still do not really understand.

I am ready to start with an e-cig. I am so ready to quit the real cigarettes.
All the info I have researched...I have a few questions and i would appreciate some help very much.

First, what exactly is a manual battery and what is the difference? Which is better and easier for a newbie?

Second, I am so overwhelmed with all the different kinds of e-cigs. what I really need is one with a good throat kick and vapor. I am not sure I understand about the juice part. I smoke around 2 packs a day.. Lights.. I do NOT like the heavy ones.. just lights.

I would like a mini to take around when I go out.. and i would like one that you can connect to the computer from my understanding.. an usb?

Which is a good one for a newbie? Also, how can I get the flavors I want in a mini and in the usb?

from what I have read on this forum about people saying they vapor and then there is the mini e cig.. what is the difference??

I am sorry if it seems like I am dumb.. I am not. I am deaf and sometimes it takes me awhile to really understand some complicated things such as this. LOL.

Please reply asap.. I have to order this tonight before tomorrow.

Thanks sooooo much.

Ralph Hilton

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2009
Semmering, Austria
A manual battery is one with a switch that you press to turn on the current to the atomizer rather than an automatic which turns on the atomizer when you inhale. I prefer the manual as i can warm the atomizer just before inhaling. I started 2 weeks ago with a kit containing a manual and auto battery. I only briefly tried the auto and settled for the manual - opinions may vary.
A 510 has a good vapor and throat kick.
Vaping is a general term for using any type of ecig.
I haven't tried a mini yet - I've been ok with the 510 I got. There is a thing called a pass through that is an ecig which connects to the usb port on your computer.
Most people using ecigs buy liquid and refill cartridges themselves - its much cheaper than buying pre-filled ones. The liquids can be used with all cartridges so will work for a mini and a pass though mini.
If you put your location in your profile then people can help more easily in suggesting suppliers - some are from my perception a total rip off.

Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
SimplyCariLee: First, what exactly is a manual battery and what is the difference? Which is better and easier for a newbie?

Second, I am so overwhelmed with all the different kinds of e-cigs. what I really need is one with a good throat kick and vapor. I am not sure I understand about the juice part. I smoke around 2 packs a day.. Lights.. I do NOT like the heavy ones.. just lights.

Any Joye 510 manual would do. Also called Dura C (JantyUSA), Titan (Totally Wicked), YETI (

I would like a mini to take around when I go out.. and i would like one that you can connect to the computer from my understanding.. an usb?

The 510 is considered a mini. There are smaller versions - superminis - but the performance suffers, in most people's opinions around here.

For the usb connection, you need a "passthrough".

Which is a good one for a newbie?

If I were buying now, with what I know I'd buy this:

Strapped for cash, start with this:
Joye 510 with PCC

Have some money and want the passthrough:

Uh'o... Cignot is out of passthroughs. And Rocky Mountain Vapor is out of 510 kits. Try Innovapor:

510 Starter Kit - Everything you need to transition to vaping! - $100.00 : InnoVapor, The Finest in Personal Vaporizers

In the dropdowns add the PCC (not the Pelican case); Go with Rich at medium for a light smoker; add the passthrough and probably the car and wall plug adapters. (although I'd email Millie or Noah or Mark there to see if they are rated 1 amp if not get else where - cignot.).

Also, how can I get the flavors I want in a mini and in the usb?

You can order them in the cart if available or buy juice (definitely buy juice with your order) and add juice to the filler (white fuzzy stuff) in the cartridge.

from what I have read on this forum about people saying they vapor and then there is the mini e cig.. what is the difference??

Not sure except that *for the most part there is more vapor with manual models like the 510 and 901 than almost anything beginning with a '4' - 4081, 401, 402, etc.

*some people like those '4's - mainly looking for something that you can puff or get some vapor vs. vapor like smoking.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2009
I am also a newbie. With all the terms, I might not quit real smoking after all. E-cig sounds so complicated. :confused:

Kate, it sounds way more difficult than it really is. Try it, you will like it. I've smoked analogs for 43 years. Never really wanted to quit. My 501 is the best thing since sliced bread. Anything this great should be classified as a sin. LOL (and probably will be) I don't consider myself to have "stopped" smoking, I've just gone to a different "brand". And let me tell you, my lungs are feeling better all the time.
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