Vapor's effect on the lungs

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2009
Delhi, LA USA
When I first started vaping I did not cough anything up just quit coughing and no more shortness of breath. I constantly got better over the year. Within the last week I began to cough stuff up. Sometimes at night I will get a slight shortness of breath and cough up phlegm. I already had some COPD before quitting cigarettes.

Is it possible that after a year of vaping my lungs are just starting to get rid of stuff. Could it be vaping is starting to cause me problems.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
Been vaping 3 months now (with the exception of a week or so "off the wagon"). Coming off of a 1.5 PPD cig habit that started in 1988. Not only am I breathing easier, coughing less in the morning, and having more singing voice is returning. I have noticed an improvement in my note support as well as control. I am primarily a guitarist but I am often called upon to sing backup/harmony and have sung lead vocals before. I was thinking of doing some one man acoustic gigs for a little extra income but my voice just wasn't there. Now, I just may put together a few sets of songs and go for it!! I am also dusting off my old clarinet and playing that as well as xaphoon and harmonica. All WIND instruments!

underwater goddess

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2010
the dark depths
When I first started vaping I did not cough anything up just quit coughing and no more shortness of breath. I constantly got better over the year. Within the last week I began to cough stuff up. Sometimes at night I will get a slight shortness of breath and cough up phlegm. I already had some COPD before quitting cigarettes.

Is it possible that after a year of vaping my lungs are just starting to get rid of stuff.

It is possible. It takes 7 years after you quit smoking for your lungs to become 100% clean again.


Ultra Member
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May 9, 2009
S. Indiana
I don't know Martha. Did you see TB's post on respiratory issues after a year of vaping awhile back? I saw a post similar to yours somewhere today. I'll try to find it.. I think it was by Quovardis(sp).
I have been smoking some analogs since the holidays, and of course all those nasty side effects started coming back. I put them down again on my anniversary date (4/21), so I'll see what happens.
Maybe the spring pollen is getting to you (fingers crossed).


Super Member
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Mar 25, 2010
As far as the lungs goes, I'm not sure what is going on, but since I started vaping a few months ago and completely gave up all analogs almost three weeks ago, I feel better. However, I've noticed that in the last couple days, my lungs are feeling worse than before. I can't breath as well as I did when I first started vaping and for the first few weeks after that. I'm wondering if it's the increased use of menthols, as I've been searching for the "perfect" menthol flavor, and testing and trying different mixtures. I love V4L's Smilin Menthol, and have three bottles of it. I went through almost 30ml in about a week, mixing it with my unflavored nicotine juice and a little vg. Anyone vaping menthols noticed their lungs getting worse? Too much menthol or just too much vaping overall? I'm not sure, but it doesn't feel so good. It's almost like I'm smoking cigs again, short of breath, hard to get a deep breath, etc. Anyone having this issue or had this issue?



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2009
Roscommon, MI
As far as the lungs goes, I'm not sure what is going on, but since I started vaping a few months ago and completely gave up all analogs almost three weeks ago, I feel better. However, I've noticed that in the last couple days, my lungs are feeling worse than before. I can't breath as well as I did when I first started vaping and for the first few weeks after that. I'm wondering if it's the increased use of menthols, as I've been searching for the "perfect" menthol flavor, and testing and trying different mixtures. I love V4L's Smilin Menthol, and have three bottles of it. I went through almost 30ml in about a week, mixing it with my unflavored nicotine juice and a little vg. Anyone vaping menthols noticed their lungs getting worse? Too much menthol or just too much vaping overall? I'm not sure, but it doesn't feel so good. It's almost like I'm smoking cigs again, short of breath, hard to get a deep breath, etc. Anyone having this issue or had this issue?


Yes this happened to me, I noticed it about 6 weeks after I started vaping, however I dont use menthol juice. I never coughed up anything ever, and I quit analogs almost 7 mos ago with the exception of a test cig I smoked a couple weeks ago.

I continue to have periods of tightnness in my chest and am very SOB. It happens to alot of people. Nothing helped much except I stopped using the full flavored juices. Even so, there are still times I get so winded climbing stairs its as if I never stopped cigarettes. It is cheaper using a PV which is why I started vaping anyway. But unlike the majority of members, I have never felt some sort of huge increase in health, not even a small one, I simply save money vaping. And loved analogs too much to quit vaping, it is enjoyable.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
Yes this happened to me, I noticed it about 6 weeks after I started vaping, however I dont use menthol juice. I never coughed up anything ever, and I quit analogs almost 7 mos ago with the exception of a test cig I smoked a couple weeks ago.

I continue to have periods of tightnness in my chest and am very SOB. It happens to alot of people. Nothing helped much except I stopped using the full flavored juices. Even so, there are still times I get so winded climbing stairs its as if I never stopped cigarettes. It is cheaper using a PV which is why I started vaping anyway. But unlike the majority of members, I have never felt some sort of huge increase in health, not even a small one, I simply save money vaping. And loved analogs too much to quit vaping, it is enjoyable.

I am so sorry to hear that. The majority of vapers have so much lung function improvement pretty much right off the bat.
Do you have underlying illness?
I am almost a year in vaping, and I still have small improvements. I occasionally get a little SOB, but I notice it happens when I have my pv attached to my mouth like a binky!!:rolleyes:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2009
Roscommon, MI
I am so sorry to hear that. The majority of vapers have so much lung function improvement pretty much right off the bat.
Do you have underlying illness?
I am almost a year in vaping, and I still have small improvements. I occasionally get a little SOB, but I notice it happens when I have my pv attached to my mouth like a binky!!:rolleyes:

Prior to vaping I was never SOB and had no trouble climbing stairs. I do have asthma which is so mild that a pulmonoligist saw no reason to prescribe inhalers. I have other chronic health problems which are stable but became more annoying once I quit analogs. My first month vaping I felt basically the same, then gradually the breathing problems and total inertia set in. Snus/stonewalls helped at first, then wore off, as far as increasing energy levels. I already tried upping nic, PG vs VG, etc...but so far my body has not adjusted to the lack of combustible tobacco products. If I had more money I would not hesitate to go back to analogs. I keep hoping someday I will feel as "good" as I did prior to stopping smoking. Not vaping doesnt help either. I am out of ideas now. But ECF continues to be a great source of support and information, people are so kind on here.

underwater goddess

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2010
the dark depths
Yes this happened to me, I noticed it about 6 weeks after I started vaping, however I dont use menthol juice. I never coughed up anything ever, and I quit analogs almost 7 mos ago with the exception of a test cig I smoked a couple weeks ago.

I continue to have periods of tightnness in my chest and am very SOB. It happens to alot of people. Nothing helped much except I stopped using the full flavored juices. Even so, there are still times I get so winded climbing stairs its as if I never stopped cigarettes. It is cheaper using a PV which is why I started vaping anyway. But unlike the majority of members, I have never felt some sort of huge increase in health, not even a small one, I simply save money vaping. And loved analogs too much to quit vaping, it is enjoyable.

I have a theory. You could be allergic to PG, like I am.

Inhaling something you are allergic to causes the lungs to become inflamed. Inflamed lung tissue cannot absorb oxygen very well, leaving you short of breath. (Speaking of that, some freedivers eat anti-inflammatory diets to reduce lung inflammation to increase lung capacity.)

You say that you have tried switching to VG. How long did you try the VG for before giving up and switching back? I know from personal experience that once inflamed, body tissue takes a long time to return to normal. (My hands are still badly burned from the time I touched PG (it was in my shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion) 3 years ago!)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2010
A, A
Apparently, my account is waiting activation, so I am posting my question here instead of starting a new thread.

I have always been under the impression that part of the carcinogenic properties of smoking lies in the healing process, and that when people quit smoking their chances of cancer increase due to the heightened level of healing, before lowering again (after about six months). Basically, while quitting smoking is good, it is also a particularly dangerous point as well. In light of that, I am trying to load up on certain anti-cancer foods during the transition to e-smoking.

The primary two foods I'm loading up on are small berries (I mix with cottage cheese or yogurt), and raw broccoli (shown to offer significant protection against lung cancer specifically). I am also taking a good multi-vitamin. The final thing is vitamin D (every doctor in my family, and every doctor that I know through my family, swears on D3's positive effects, and advocates taking at least 2000 IUs daily).

What other foods or supplements have been shown to offer protection to cancer in general, and lung cancer specifically? And what foods or supplements aid the healing process?

I worked for three years as a dietician, have just completed a refresher course in dietary science and am getting my RN currently and I can tell you that eliminating the dairy products will help you with your lungs and lower your cancer risk. The casein in milk products has been shown to cause tumors in rats over and over again. I am speaking in terms of recent research, I am not a qualified nurse yet.

**watch out for lactose free creamers, they often have lots and lots of casein in them***

don't take my word for it. google casein cancer risk and read the medical research articles published by trusted journals.

Also high fiber diets are a great way to guard against cancer. Fiber helps your kidneys to eliminate toxins by picking up the bile. No fiber and you kidneys will have to re-release the toxins into your bloodstream so eat those veggies guys!!


Unregistered Supplier
Aug 23, 2009
I have read two studies relating to the effects of PG on the lungs.

One stated they fed human level doses to mice for two years and there appeared to be no negative effects.

THe other one stated they did a study on people constantly exposed to smoke machines in clubs (PG is used to produce the smoke).

In this study it stated that constant exposure caused reduced lung function.

I have been smoking e-cigs for a year and i find when i vape to much i appear to get shortness of breath and when i reduce it to a moderate level it goes away.

This seems to support the study. Of course anything in excess is not good for you.

Compared to a regular cigarette I'm sure they are much better. Shortness of breath i can live with. Lung cancer I cannot...Mike :cool:


Ultra Member
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ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2009
Here and back
No facts here, just experience. I got my friend with COPD to start using e cigs. A month or two later when she went to her doctor the doctor was amazed at her improvement. Asked why the improvement she said she started the e cigs. Doctor wanted as much info and literature as was available to pass on to her other patients. Upshot, the doctor said my friends oxygen levels were so much improved that she no longer qualified for the insurance to pay for her oxygen treatments.


Moved On
Aug 18, 2011
Moore, OK
All I know is that back in August of 2011 I was getting concerned at how much I was starting to cough and at night when I went to bed I could hear rattling in my lungs. That was when I decided to switch to E cigs. Within a month the cough went away and so did the rattling. I can take deep breaths easily now and I feel like I have more energy. I've gone from 18mg down to 6mg's though I notice that I vape more with the lower amount than I did with the higher. But still I'm thinking it has to be better than analogs. My heart doctor and my primary care doctor are both pleased that I gave up the analogs, not that they approve of e cigs neccesarily but it's a much better alternative in their minds. Someday i'll quit completely but I feel like i've done myself a favor by switching to e cigs. My body is my guide and I know my lungs like me for it. :)
I quit smoking a couple weeks ago. In total, I smoked for 5 years. Started when I was 16 but didn't get hooked until I was 17 when I figured out that you actually inhale the smoke into your lungs. Before I don't think I knew what I was doing, I was just mouthing the smoke or something. Well beginning to inhale got me to around .5-1 pack a week. Sometimes a pack a weekend when I would stay the weekend at a friend's house where his mom bought us underagers the smokes and let us smoke there. This is my second go at vaping. I tried it out a couple years ago and kept with it smoke-free, but being a singer, I lost that smoky rasp to my voice, got ...... off and reluctantly started smoking again. Fast forward another couple years and I was down to smoking 3-4 cigs a day, sometimes more on the weekends if I was partying and whatnot. But I began to mouth half the smoke and inhale the rest, trying to cut down on what I was inhaling, and had switched to ultra light American Spirits. But trying to quit tobacco for good now and not let the whole music/singing aspect of my life push me back to it. Its been a couple weeks but I'm still not coughing any junk up. I WAS smoking less and inhaling less so maybe that's why. Now when I vape, I don't even inhale and only vape 0 nic. Just trying to keep the whole physiological addiction at bay, or the addiction to the act of smoking itself. It's working well so far, although I'm now vaping more than I smoked. Gonna get that under control, because like others, I'm not really sure either what it is I'm drawing into my mouth. I know its non-carcinogenic flavorings, moisturizers (pg/vg), and water. But what sort of chemical changes occur to those when heated, besides becoming vaporized? What about the metals inside the atomizer and the wicks? I'm sure some sort of materials are vaporized off of them and end up going into people's lungs and mouths. I know its better than smoke, but we are the guinea pigs for these futuristic smokes. Only time will tell, and we are the ones time will tell through.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Please bear in mind the following...

We are all part of a movement which is nothing short of a health revolution.

We have all broken the chains of the Big Tobacco Beast that enslaved us, and our families for the past many years.

How many of you have had loved ones fall to the poison of cigarettes? It's heart wrenching for us. It's no big deal to the beast. He's already lined up their next young innocent replacement for his chain smoke gang.

The fallen victim of Tobacco now enters the clutches of the Big Tobacco Beast's best friend, The Big Pharma Beast. The victim will now be a slave to a lifetime of dependency of pharmaceutical products.

We, however, have broken free of this tyranny.

We have a powerful tool in our quest to lead healthy lives. We took with us the T Beast's nicotine, and created tools that allow us to extract its health benefits, while enjoying the sensation we once had with poison. Our delivery system employees the same agent used to treat asthma patients. We took this from the Big Pharma Beast.

I've been Vaping & smoke free for 8 months now. I smoked 1.5 packs a day for 25 years.
I have a few points to respond to...

First- I, too belive that 95% of the adverse side affects posted on EFC are not caused by Vaping.

I truly suspect that quite a few of these worst case scenarios are completely fabricated stories posted by anti e cig organizations (mostly funded by Big Tobacco & Big Pharma).
- I know my lung capacity has increased since I made the big switch. I do cardio 6 days a week, while measuring my heartbeat rate. Prior to switching, my heartbeat rate was 156-163 while doing 5 mph on the treadmill for 1 hour. From about month 2 thru this day my heartbeat rate ranges from 121-134 while doing 5 mph on the treadmill for 1 hour. My heartbeat rate is lower because my lung capacity has increased.

- Nicotine has health benefits in low to moderate doses. It does increase your heartbeat rate, just as caffeine does. It constructs your blood vessels. This decreased the level of oxygen fed to your body. This, in turn, causes you to take more breaths to compensate.

It takes your body about 40 minutes to relax the constricted blood vessels after consuming the nic.

If I go on the treadmill at 5 mph right after Vaping, my heartbeat rate will be in the 156-163 range for approximately 20 minutes, before gradually dropping down to 121. Like clockwork, my HB goes to the optimum 121 at the 40 minute mark of cardio.

I get very similar results if I drink coffee or Diet Coke right before getting cardio.

The bottom line is to heed the advice you see all over this forum. Use moderation & good judgement. We vape a lot more than we ever smoked. It's important to keep track of your consumption levels, and space them out in a healthy manner.

A little wine consumed daily is very healthy. It will add to your life. On the other hand, too much wine consumed daily will ruine your life.

- PG/VG safety.. It's healthy in moderation.

Both of my young children have Athsma. They both take nebulizer treatments which all contain PG.

- Lung effects...
Clinical Studies have shown that PG has health benefits on your lungs. That's why it's been in asthma inhalers for a very long time.

PG/VG dries out your body. It does not moisturize it.

This is perfectly fine as long as you react accordingly.
Drink plenty of water, use a humidifier when you feel dry sinuses, mouths, and lungs.

Use common sense!!!!!
Feel lightheaded after Vaping? Stop Vaping!! Take a break. You felt sick after smoking too many cigs, and simply stopped at that point. Do the same for Vaping.

Had to go to the ER after Vaping? You probably OD'd on Nic. Try chain smoking for 2consecutive hours. You'll be in the ER for sure. Try chain drinking expresso for 2 consec hours. Same results. Try chain drinking several bottles of wine for 2 hours (not binge drinking, chain drinking non stop). I'm sure you'll end up in the same spot.

Just because e juices taste like cookies, it doesn't mean you can chain vape them like you could binge on actual cookies.

Think of your e juice as a highly concentrated shot of expresso. Caffein and Nicotine are chemical cousins. You simply can't suck on either all day.

If we space it out, we'll all maximize the benefits.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
For me, I noticed breathing easier within 2 months. I smoked 38 years.

However, I do think there is probably some inflammation from ecigs that could affect one when you try to go to higher levels of athletic endeavor. Ie: on ecigs, you may now be able to ride your bicycle for 5 miles (when you couldn't before at all).

But, now if you are pushing 25+ miles on a bicycle, for me, I noticed that if I vape within 2 hours of going for the ride, I am having to breathe harder than I do, than if I held off vaping for 2+ hours before the ride.

just a FYI & MHO.
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
For me, I noticed breathing easier within 2 months. I smoked 38 years.

However, I do think there is probably some inflammation from ecigs that could affect one when you try to go to higher levels of athletic endeavor. Ie: on ecigs, you may now be able to ride your bicycle for 5 miles (when you couldn't before at all).

But, now if you are pushing 25+ miles on a bicycle, for me, I noticed that if I vape within 2 hours of going for the ride, I am having to breathe harder than I do, than if I held off vaping for 2+ hours before the ride.

just a FYI & MHO.

I, again, believe this can be attributed to the manner in which nicotine constricts our blood vessels. You will have very similar results if you don't vape, but drink lots of coffee prior to your bike ride.

The important thing to look at is this...
Were you able to push 25+ miles after abstaining from smoking real cigs 2 hours prior to your work out? Nicotine takes only about 40 minutes to leave our systems.

Let's compare lung function after that 40 clearance period after Vaping to lung/performance/function after we had smoked cigarettes before switching.

I can easily push 25+ miles on my bike now with an nicotine abstinence period of 1 hour prior to my ride. I couldn't do that while I smoked.
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