VaporOptions 401 Passthrough

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I've posted this review in both the vendor's forum and here.

Anyone with experience with the last batch of 401 passthroughs knows that the pneumatic switches were extremely prone to jamming, rendering the unit useless... so imagine my suprise when Adam hooked me up with the new batch he got in and it activated when I blew a piece of styrofoam off of it - ELECTRIC SWITCH! I knew something might have been up from the slight difference in the wire, and I was right. Just to torture test, I dripped three drops of juice directly into the hole in the connector (where you screw the atomizer) in one of the two I bought, and 8 hours of drying later, it's still working like a champ!

I'm OVERJOYED at the new build quality. I've been through two of the previous batch and they died faster than my atomizers... Now I'm confident I've got a solution that will outlast all of my batteries. Even the wire connection is much improved over the previous series. If you've been disappointed in the past, take it from me, these passthroughs have rectified ALL problems in the previous DSE401 passthrough series, and still seems to have that extra bump in voltage (DISCLAIMER: Haven't verified this yet).

I can't recommend them enough for you 401 fans. :thumb:
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