VaporBomb Juice Review Thread

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Nov 15, 2010
Review time! It's been a while and I don't remember some things I've reviewed recently so I apologize if I repeat one. I've tried a lot of new flavors since my last review and I'll try to cover all of the ones I can remember. I guess if I forgot one then it means it didn't taste memorable, be it good or bad.

Clove - Hmm. I wouldn't have purchased this flavor and received it as a free sample. I was scared to try it because I'm not a huge fan of cloves in general. I never smoked a clove cigarette so I didn't know what to expect. I finally tried it even though I was afraid it might be a flavor that's hard to get out of a carto. It's potent and incredibly accurate. It's actually kind of pleasant, but not for vaping an entire tank. Just a few puffs. I just don't see myself using this frequently at all. Maybe a little here and there or in emergency oh-crap-I'm-outta-juice situations. I know some people love it, but it's not my thing.

7 Leaf - 10/10. Heck, 100/10! This is now one of my absolute favorite juices!!! I generally don't like tobacco flavors, but this is so far beyond a simple tobacco flavor, it's astounding. If you like the smell of a freshly opened pack of cigarettes, you'll probably love this flavor. It's really reminiscent of that scent. It has a sort of piney taste, but not overpowering. It's really just a background flavor. It might have a slight menthol taste, but I can't tell. Maybe it's just sort of a sharpness that I get with menthol that I get in 7 leaf. There's also a fruity flavor but it's not strong, either. 7 Leaf is sharp, refreshing and very satisfying to me. I really can't describe this properly because it's one of "those" juices that's too complex for it.

French Vanilla/Vanilla, Churro, Peach, Melon, Cotton Candy, Marshmallow - I'm doing a mass review on these because they all suffered the same shortcomings. The flavor was accurate but far too mild. I guess I like the big flavors that come through strongly and these didn't fit the bill, unfortunately. Again, the flavor is spot on! I suppose I should have known that it would be this way since the food is pretty mild aside from possibly Churro since I haven't eaten that before and have nothing to compare it to.

I don't really like melons of any type and those went to my husband. Still, the actual melon flavor was better than the peach to me. I recently got a second bottle of it as a sample and it seemed better than the first but later on was kinda blah again. Maybe it's just my tastebuds. The Churro is the only other one worth describing. While it was kind of tasty, it also never really lost that perfume flavor. My husband liked it so he vaped it up. It really doesn't taste at all like a cinnamon anything to me. In fact, all of these juices went to my husband and he really likes them all. In fact, we've ordered the marshmallow, french vanilla and peach again just for him.

Blueberry, Strawberry, Black Cherry - These are the new fruit flavors I've tried. I just got the strawberry today so this is kind of a preliminary review. It's milder than I would normally like, but it's tasty enough to make up for it. It also tastes like it's gonna get more potent over time so I'll be patient. It was actually a mistake because I should have gotten strawberry cheesecake, but I can't complain. I think I'm really gonna love it on down the line after steeping. Very accurate, a little tart and that's a good thing.

Blueberry was too mild but also accurate. Black Cherry, on the other hand, was extremely potent. It really tasted like cherries but it wasn't as pleasant as I had hoped. I can't really put my finger on why, though. It left me with a strange after-taste that was kind of chemically. It's one of those that tastes good at first but worse as you go through the tank. Once I started mixing it with a Arctic Ice at like 70% Arctic Ice and 30% Black Cherry, it was palatable. Still not fantastic.

Cuban Supreme - Another really pleasant surprise. Back story: My aunt has a thing for cigars, but she's always looking for a cheaper way to do everything. My mother, husband, uncle and myself are all vaping now and it made her curious. She asked me if she could buy a bottle of some sort of cigar flavor to try. I told her that I'd happily purchase it myself and had to argue with her until she relented :laugh: I explained to her that you simply cannot find a juice that mimics cigarettes, cigars or what-have-you because those things taste like burning leaves, chemicals, additives, skunk funk and who knows what else. We got the order, she tried it and didn't like it. It's too bad. Luckily, she only smokes cigars occasionally and that's not good but it's not bad as chain smoking.

Anyhoo, I love love love this juice. I almost kicked my husband out of bed so I could put it on the pillow next to me and cuddle up with it at night. Not really, but man. This is a very sharp juice that really packs a punch in the throat-hit department. Nothing sweet or piney about this stuff. It's almost kind of peppery, but not red pepper. More like freshly ground black pepper. It's kind of strange that I'd like that, but I do. It has some hints of fruit, but it's not sweet. Pretty tangy. It's a 10.

Red Licorice - Awesome juice. Potent and sweet. The downside is that it's sweet to the point of almost being cloying. It's really lovely to have on hand and use from time to time as a dessert juice. I remember when I was younger, I'd go to the movie theater and get a pack of Twizzlers and a soda that was a mixture of every type of soda they had on the fountain. I bit off both ends of the Twizzler and used it as a straw until it was really cold, then I'd eat it. Strange, I know. But this brings back fond memories. vaping red licorice with a glass of cold Coke or other soda on hand is really pleasurable. Maybe I should get a Coke flavor and mix it sometime! Sadly, I tried one before and didn't like it. Not from VB, though.

Spearmint - I bought this juice and later on got another bottle as a sample. I liked it both times. I wasn't super crazy about it, though. It's actually a little too spearminty to me. I mean, if you like that sort of thing then this is for you! It tastes identical to Wrigley's Spearmint gum. I like that gum, but I prefer the pink gum that tastes like bubble gum. I still happily vaped it up, but it didn't go as fast as my favorites.

Caramel Candy - No, just no. I'm sorry VB, but this stuff isn't good at all. It tastes kind of like caramel, but it's way too much. The caramel devours any other flavor you put with it and it's really hard to get rid of. It sticks with you, too. Caramels I've tried in the past act as more of a background flavor but this is not in that category. I guess I shouldn't have had expectations and that might have been what ruined it for me. It was purchased for my husband but neither of us could stand it. I wound up giving it to my mom who likes caramel, but I haven't heard whether or not she liked it. She used caramel juices in the past as something to add to other flavors so I dunno. I hope she did and I hope others like this. I just don't. At all.

Okay, that's all I can think of. The juices were 70pg/30vg-80pg/20vg aside from maybe a few that were 60pg/40vg. I used a variety of cartomizers, but the two most common ones were the Vision Extremes and more recently the bottom coil Phoenix cartos. All were vaped on an eGo battery at around 3.2 volts. The usual disclaimer applies: This is purely my opinion and YMMV!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2010
It's great stuff. I have a big bottle right now and I've loaded it up. This time it doesn't taste quite right and needs to steep. Other times it was usually good from the get-go but I know how that is. It already tastes a lot better than it did. It wasn't bad, just extra harsh. I mixed with green apple like Michelle told me about and it's so complimentary.


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Jan 29, 2012
The burbies of Cleveland
I've said this before (somewhere) but it was awhile back...hazelnut, which is a little on the mild side, with just a few drops of Cinnabomb added. Puffing on this as I write this in a 5103.5 ml DC Tank, and it is absolutely delicious!

Oh! And Sugar Cookie! Nobody ever reviews this stuff! Also, very good!

Shoot! I forgot to order that Red Licorice...go update the spreadsheet so I don't forget next time!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2010
After discovering Snickerdoodle, I've been really interested in trying Sugar Cookie but I haven't spent the $$ to try new flavors lately. We've just been trying to stock up on the things we know we like. I'm betting I'd love it.

You want me to update my spreadsheet? I totally forgot I even had it :laugh:

I got a tidy sum for doing some maintenance on a client's site yesterday. I usually write for her, but she knows that I've been throwing myself into learning web coding and design so she wanted me to do it rather than hire a random person. It was simple stuff: enlarging a logo area so a bigger pic would fit and creating and implementing some child categories so the drop down menu would work. It was also for the night before when I got into the code for one of her widgets to change the color schemes, which was a little more complicated.

Anyway, since I've been focusing on this so much, I had the thought that I might like to make my own website for ecig stuff. I've already made a TV site and I love it, but I don't write as often as I used to. I don't get a lot of traffic yet plus there's plenty of competition there. I just made it because I love TV! Other than vendors, ECF (a forum, so it might not count) and video bloggers on YouTube, there isn't a lot of competition in this niche.

All I could really write about are products from Got Vapes and VaporBomb :laugh: Still, it would allow me to do some of the things I've wanted to see implemented on the site like thorough descriptions of the flavors and before and after pictures of the juice color once it's steeped so people can use it as a resource of sorts.

I probably couldn't post it on ECF if I decide to monetize it with ads and affiliates, though. My sister makes around $700 per month from her work-at-home type of website from ads and affiliates and she told me once that she sees a lot of e-cig affiliate opportunities out there. I took a look at them once and told her no, absolutely not. They were all places that are really no better than gas station ecigs. Maybe they have better quality, but they're still just out to make you spend way too much $$. They sell gear that isn't compatible with anything else, the kits are grossly overpriced and they try to make you believe you can't refill your carts. Bunch of crap. Still, I might get lucky and see some good ones.

Long story short: I'm thinking of making an e-cig blog, maybe from scratch instead of using a theme. Also, this was mostly inspired by the awesome smoke style brushes I got for Photoshop recently :laugh: I've been dying to find a way to use them!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2010
I dunno, I'm still pondering it. I'm really interested in web design and programming right now. I feel obligated to regularly update my TV site, but it's become a hassle since I really want to play with coding! On the other hand, I don't think an e-cig review/info site would require that much upkeep.

Like, I started out reviewing things episode by episode and that got old pretty quick. The fact that I'm long winded didn't help matters. It took me 4 hours to do a Pretty Little Liars review that ended up being about 1600 words long. My review of the season premiere of True Blood was pretty tiring, too. I took over 400 (!) screen shots and had to whittle it down as much as possible. I blame the screen shot program I got that let me use a hotkey and auto saved it to a folder :laugh:

I do want to do an e-cig site, but I keep putting it off and I don't know why. I'm sort of taking that as a sign. I'm feeling more like I want to today, though. I'd love something productive to do aside from photoshopping a bottle of juice into various pictures of strawberries. I'll let y'all know once I have it ready. I'm not sure what the ECF rules are on these things, but people post their YouTube reviews all the time.

Edit: Okay, I jumped the gun and got a domain. Pointing it to my hosting server now. I can't give you the link yet, ECF has to review it first to make sure I'm not just trying to shove affiliate links down people's throats :laugh: No biggie, I can't submit it for review until I get it polished, anyway. I'll update when I can!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2010
Still working on the design, making each main category it's own subdomain so I can get the layout I want for the main page of each category without too much coding. I'm covering e-cig hardware as well as juice, so it's a task.

Anyway, I was just about to make some review posts with dummy text just so I could tweak the design just how I want and I made a list of the VB flavors I've tried. I've vaped 49 different flavors. :?: I had no idea the number was that high. I'm sure there's plenty of folks who've tried more, but I wasn't expecting that :laugh:

One thing, I've contemplated getting some of the alcoholic flavors but I'm a little unsure. Do they actually taste alcoholic or do they taste like virgin versions of the flavors? I don't care for alcoholic drinks that actually have booze in them.


ECF Guru
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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Oh also, has anyone tried the bananas foster? What are your impressions? I love bananas, but don't like anything banana "flavored" candy, instant pudding etc I need to order some strawberry pie (I think this has become my fav juice of all I've tried anywhere so far), and was thinking about the bananas foster, but just don't know about getting a big bottle. I was kind of waiting to see if it would change and maybe just maybe strawberry pie would be the flavor of the week. lol Any chance of that happening at all??? hehehe


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2010
Deb, thanks for the offer! I'll pass this time as rum is something I can't stomach due to liking it too much back when I was sowing my wild oats ;) thanks for the info, though. I'm glad they're not alcoholic tasting.

I actually think bananas foster is a new flavor. I've never seen it before that I can recall. I chose to get a 5ml bottle of it since the coupon code doesn't apply to flavors of the week.

I've had banana before and it was quite good. It tasted like the circus peanuts candy which I don't like but works as a juice. It was over a year ago, so the banana flavor may be different now. The lemonade juice is completely different.

For what it's worth, I also ordered Vienna cream and coconut! Can't wait to try them.


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Dec 16, 2011
Hollywood, MD
I don't know what my problem is.. I am just not digging on any of the sweet juices.. something about the taste puts me off.. guessing it's just my taste buds as I'm going by what people are recommending hehe.. I literally have like 20 sample bottles of stuff I've tried once :(. The only sweet ones I've liked so far are Butterscotch.. I used to enjoy Watermelon very much but I can't vape it anymore I just don't care for the taste.. I've been mainly sticking to Virginia Menthol.. :( It's good was just hoping I'd have a taste for some of the others.. Ordering the 7 leaf too to give that a go..


ECF Guru
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May 18, 2012
Texas, near Fort Hood
Nothing wrong with you Gormy, some folks just don't like the sweet stuff, and some do. I thought when I started that I would want only tobacco vapes, then I liked mostly spicy type stuff, but I'm finding that I am loving the sweet stuff the most. I really don't like tobacco vapes, and the spicy stuff is now losing it's allure for me somewhat.

Don't throw out what you have. Your tastes could turn back towards sweet some. And if you don't think they will, you could always pif your juice in the pif thread. Someone would love to have it, and you could likely pick up something nice for yourself.


Super Member
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Dec 16, 2011
Hollywood, MD
Heheh I definitely wasn't going to toss it.. have quite a few of the 10's that I thought I would like but it didn't work out.. I need to make a list when I get home. I do like cinnabomb as well though didn't like the 2x quite as much hehe. Should of ordered another bottle of the standard.

Nothing wrong with you Gormy, some folks just don't like the sweet stuff, and some do. I thought when I started that I would want only tobacco vapes, then I liked mostly spicy type stuff, but I'm finding that I am loving the sweet stuff the most. I really don't like tobacco vapes, and the spicy stuff is now losing it's allure for me somewhat.

Don't throw out what you have. Your tastes could turn back towards sweet some. And if you don't think they will, you could always pif your juice in the pif thread. Someone would love to have it, and you could likely pick up something nice for yourself.
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