Vapor Monkeys- Blue Monkey Melody

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2013
Melbourne, FL
[h=2]Vapor Monkeys- Blue Monkey Melody[/h] Filed under: E-Juice Reviews and Ratings — Leave a comment
October 11, 2013

It just so happens, that whenever I am awarded the opportunity to stand in close proximity to a jar, bowl, bag, or any other containment apparatus full of Jolly Rancher candies, I am inexplicably drawn to push all of the “lesser” colors out of the way with my grubbing little fingers in order to fish down to the first blue Jolly Rancher I can grab. I think it holds a certain level of fascination with me because there actually is no blueberry (anywhere close to that particular shade of blue, which goes by the name of Brilliant Blue FCF) found anywhere in nature. It is a flavor that, in my opinion, was created by the Lord himself and handed down from the heavens to the CEO of the Jolly Rancher corporation, or more specifically the Hershey Company. Vapor Monkeys, in order to create this very interestingly-flavored Blue Monkey Melody E-juice, must have taken a couple million blue Jolly Rancher candies, put them in that hydraulic press that killed the first Terminator, and squeezed pure blue raspberry candy juice right out of the hard candies themselves.

Vapor Monkeys’ Blue Monkey Melody carries in it’s vapor the essence of that most beloved of all artificial flavors; the blue raspberry. Vapor Monkeys even went so far as to color this particular e-liquid blue… that same, instantly recognizable shade of blue you find in the candies. Take a puff from your clearo, carto, drip atomizer, etc. and you’ll immediately detect that sweet candy taste of the blue-est of blueness belonging exclusively to the Jolly Rancher. You may recognize it as blue raspberry right away, or if you’re like me, you’ll first think, “Wow, this tastes really blue!” The best part about this flavor is that it seems to affect every area of your tongue. Traditionally speaking, certain types of tastes are detectable by corresponding segments of the tongue and the taste buds exposed on each part. The “Tongue Map,” as it was once called, was later disproved by scientific research, not that the research was really needed. All it really would have taken to disprove that archaic taste theory was a nice long toke on... (Click here to read the rest of my review...)
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