oba oba

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2011

50/50 Blend, 18mg nic, 3.7 Inferno (ego), XXL Smoktech carto

Smell-ooooh fruity -limp wrist-
Throat Hit-not much its mellow

OBA OBA?-What? might as well call it WTH is that?
Ya, I wish I knew what it is too. This is my first Oba Oba flavor so take this review with a grain of salt since I have no previous juice to compare this with-flavor, strength or otherwise.

I have heard it described from tobacco grapefruitish to marshmallowy bubble gum. Now that is a huge range huh!? Lol You have to taste it to know what Oba Oba is. Its a thinker, and a creeper.

It is mellow, and flavor is light but not void or way in the background. It has a dominant fruity tone with a slight sour finish. The flavor mainly delivers through the exhale.

I understand the marshmallow described by others, if that is indeed that is what it is. That part may be where people also taste the gum aspect of it. I think that it is better described as creamy. (like that is a better description lol)

I didn't notice any trace of tobacco in it whatsoever (so then I cheated and revisited the description on the site under FRUIT flavors lol just to be sure I'm describing it accurately)!

It is unique in its own right and smells pleasant. I can't tell you what IT is but I can say those who prefer subtle fruity blends, and smoothie milkshake type vapes will like this for sure.

Vapor..... has some very interesting flavors and I am glad I found them check them out.
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