vaping rookie

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Jul 8, 2011
Johnson City, TN
Hello. It's my first post on ECF. Although you don't know me, you have already been a lot of help. Thank you for providing such a wealth of information for this neophyte vaper.

Let's see... I got my starter kit a couple of weeks ago. I'm vaping on an eGo-T low resistance type B. Although I really don't have much with which to compare this eGo-T, I must say I am quite impressed. The vapor is dense. It fills my mouth with a rich, heavy fog I can feel talking to my throat before exhaling a satisfying cloud of vapor and tasting mocha or strawberry cheesecake or whatever other flavor I fancy. It's a very sensual experience. It has all the stuff I liked about analogs and a buttload more, but without the offensive smell or cost. I can vape all day without having to worry about a dying battery or an empty tank (although I do carry a spare tank to work, just in case). After smoking 3/4 to a full pack of 100's a day for over a decade, I simply no longer have any desire for an analog.

Before I got mine, a co-worker let me borrow her gas station e-cig for a couple of weeks, something based on a Joye 306 I think. It was pretty feeble, and thank God I didn't let that discourage me from getting this eGo-T. The difference is night and day. The gas station cig tasted like pure PG, that sickly sweet haunted house fog machine taste. Its cartridges were only good for a few hits, and the resulting vapor was feeble. She still smokes. She has to go outside to her car in 90° heat to do it. Hahaha!


*puff* :vapor:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Hello. It's my first post on ECF. Although you don't know me, you have already been a lot of help. Thank you for providing such a wealth of information for this neophyte vaper.

    Let's see... I got my starter kit a couple of weeks ago. I'm vaping on an eGo-T low resistance type B. Although I really don't have much with which to compare this eGo-T, I must say I am quite impressed. The vapor is dense. It fills my mouth with a rich, heavy fog I can feel talking to my throat before exhaling a satisfying cloud of vapor and tasting mocha or strawberry cheesecake or whatever other flavor I fancy. It's a very sensual experience. It has all the stuff I liked about analogs and a buttload more, but without the offensive smell or cost. I can vape all day without having to worry about a dying battery or an empty tank (although I do carry a spare tank to work, just in case). After smoking 3/4 to a full pack of 100's a day for over a decade, I simply no longer have any desire for an analog.

    She possibly saved your life- so lend one of your eGo-t's to her for a few weeks

    Before I got mine, a co-worker let me borrow her gas station e-cig for a couple of weeks, something based on a Joye 306 I think. It was pretty feeble, and thank God I didn't let that discourage me from getting this eGo-T. The difference is night and day. The gas station cig tasted like pure PG, that sickly sweet haunted house fog machine taste. Its cartridges were only good for a few hits, and the resulting vapor was feeble. She still smokes. She has to go outside to her car in 90° heat to do it. Hahaha!


    *puff* :vapor:

    She possibly saved your life- so lend one of your eGo-t's to her for a few weeks, like she did for you.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Jul 8, 2011
    Johnson City, TN
    Yeah or just buy her a cheap, maybe used eGo/Riva or 510.

    Well, I like her pretty well, but not enough to buy her presents or anything. I think my wife and my co-worker's boyfriend would question my motives, especially since I had already ordered my e-cig before she ever thought about letting me borrow hers. She was just letting me borrow something that would otherwise be sitting in a closet.

    However, I did assemble a second cig, filled it with my favorite all-day juice thus far (Mocha Lite from MyVaporStore), and took it by her office this morning. I told her to bring her battery to my office toward the end of the day and I'd make sure she'd be able to take home a fully charged one. She was doubly appreciative since it's raining here today. Now she won't have to go to her car and battle the elements to get her nic fix. Bonus!

    If she likes it half as much as I love mine, she'll order a starter kit for herself.
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