Vaping in public/at work?

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Vaping Master
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Jun 23, 2012
Western MA
I will vape at work all day. No issues from anyone. In fact they busy my chops about pulling out the "hooka". I USUALLY try to gauge what public place I'm in. Mainly because it's my "break" from vaping. Grocery stores, dining out, etc. But I carry it and will pull it out and take a vape or two when I desire. It's kind of a case of if kids are there, I don't offer a "fascination" for them.


Ultra Member
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Jul 4, 2009
Ogden, UT, US
I was standing in the damned gutter in front of a rental car the gutter!...and a woman walked by on the sidewalk...saw me smoking...and then went into the whole, "Cough, COUGH" waving her hand in front of her face...

If I had to spend much time in San Francisco, and put up with crap like that, I think I'd put a fluorescent splint on one of my middle fingers.


Vaping Master
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Nov 1, 2010
NW Detroit Burbs
so I started back at my old job last week and it turns out that they gave me an office this time around and I found that I can sit at my desk and vape all day nobody bothers me, I still go out with the smokers a couple times a day just to get away from my desk and I'm getting a lot of questions about my provari and tank makes me wish I had some volts to pass out I think I could convert a few I think I'll pick up a couple kits from smokeless image next pay day


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Mar 4, 2011
Hickory, NC
I started vaping at my desk at work right away. No one objected and I kept doing it. After a while people found out about it and started to invite me to use it in meetings. I finally showed it to someone in HR. She reacted like your typical non-smoker. How non-smokers really react not how those of you that are afraid to vape in public think they react. She said, "How cool!!! As long as no one cares, I don't see why not."


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2011
Jackson TN USA
I vape about everywhere however sometimes I do be discreet it depends on the circumstances, I got asked not to in a bowling alley one time because the other customers "thought I was smoking" never went back there. Just about every Restaurant I go to I ask the server out of politeness if its ok, and after the initial curiosity they always say go for it after I explain what it is. I do know that Walmart does has a policy against it however i have never ever seen it enforced. i have seen people vape away while doing the shopping many times. Would I make a fuss if a restaurant said no? absolutely not. Would I go there again? absolutely not.


Ultra Member
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Aug 25, 2011
Rochester, NY
She reacted like your typical non-smoker. How non-smokers really react not how those of you that are afraid to vape in public think they react. She said, "How cool!!! As long as no one cares, I don't see why not."

That's the reaction I get from most non-smokers. I haven't had any NOT be cool with it. I think it's in the way some people present it. I approach the non-smoker excited about the fact that I have something safe, and it tastes and smells good and can't hurt them. "hey check it out, I'm not smoking for me and everyone around me... and it doesn't even stink.. wanna see?". Doesn't really give them the choice to argue with me without being a complete .....
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