Vaping for a year and still smoking

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Ultra Member
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Oct 24, 2014
The ONLY time I ever made my roommate not smoke was when I had pneumonia and his truck window didn't work so all the smoke came right across my face and instantly locked up any breathing.

I don't like it when he lights up and I'm eating or on the exercise bike but it's not end of the world type stuff. And it has never tempted me to smoke.
6 years now but long before now I used a cigarette to take a comparative picture to the assorted ecig evolution over the years and holding it was very foreign to me.
It does not bother me when people smoke --even at the beginning. I have mine - they have theirs. As a smoker I did not like if someone blew smoke in my face and I still do not like smoke or vapor in my face. With analogs, it's funny but I can tell by the smell when someone lights up if it's menthol or not. It's a great conversation starter when I am out socially. Folks ask me how I know. I just do. Strange --


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
First, congrats on cutting down to half a pack. That’s no easy task from two packs. That said, I agree with previous posters. Higher nic in a MTL tank.

The first time I quit smoking with vaping, I sort of weaned myself of smoking. I tracked what I smoked per day and made myself smoke at least one less the next day. If a craving hit, I just vaped more until it passed. May be something to think about.

The second time I just made the switch without having to think about weaning. Don’t know why. I was just able to do it, barring a couple of packs because my mod died and it took a couple days to remember I had an old one buried somewhere.


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Ultra Member
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Jan 25, 2018
Congrats on your progress thus far.

To answer your question, it is possible to quit smoking with 3mg liquid. I did it, but it isn't easy. A bump in nic, and a higher ohm coil with watts turned down and airflow cut down is probably going to help you, it would have made my transition easier. I smoked 2 packs a day, for 20 years. I have to say that the physical habit was harder for me, but the extra additives in a cigarette is another big hurdle to overcome. I had my wife smoking around me the whole time, but that has no effect on me as I have no sense of smell, which helped me a lot during my transition. I then got her off of smokes on 6mg liquid, and now she is using 3mg. It took me 3 weeks to totally drop smoking after I picked up vaping, it took my wife a few weeks longer.


Senior Member
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Jul 26, 2014
Grand Junction, Co
Let me start by saying, I really want to quit smoking. I have been smoking for well over 20 years and was up to over 2 packs a day when I started vaping. I have cut down to half a pack a day. So from about 50 smokes to around 10 give or take. I have a variety of nic strengths and even started building lately and using RDA's and RTA's. My husband also vapes (although he only uses a few devices and 6 mg. ejuice) and is also still smoking. Someone recently told me my problem is nic strength. I use 6 mg in tanks and 3 mg. in my dripper. I have tried nic salt in sourin air but it is just too harsh (even using only 25 mg. nicotine salt). I have tried 12 mg in my tanks but it is so harsh I just cough, hubby has same problem. But, we are both still smoking and really want to quit. Any suggestions? Is it possible to quit using 6 and 3 mg nicotine ejuice?
I'm not sure how much of this has already been mentioned but I've also had my fair share of problems with quitting smoking entirely. 3-6mg might do the trick if you are using a sub ohm tank or dipper but in my case I rarely get the relief I once did from smoking. Some of what has helped me is using an ego or something similar with higher nicotine (24mg) with higher VG 60/40 for when I really need/want nicotine. The throat hit can be hard to get used to if you are used to smoking as it doesn't really feel exactly the same, and in my experience is somewhat more unpleasant with high PG. If that doesn't work you could try WTA (whole tobacco alkaloids) e Liquids or snus, I use or have used both in the past and they both seem to help quite a bit.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
Is it possible to quit, using 6 and 3 mg nicotine ejuice?

My answer based on my own experience with 6mg, is a definite YES you can. I'd also gotten down to 1/2 PAD, from 1 - 1.5 PAD for 42+ years, when I first decided to try vaping to help me quit. I found 3 eliquids I liked, and to start with...I bought 1 50mL bottle in 6mg, and 2 smaller 10mL bottles in 11mg, and was using just a small JoyeTech 510 double starter kit (very old school cig-a-like kit with batteries that were only a puny 320mAh).

I started cutting down on the smokes while vaping as much as I wanted each day. I chose to reduce the number of smokes I could have per day, every week. So, the first week I could have 9 per day. The next week I could have 8 per day, etc., etc. I used the 6mg eliquids all day every day, except for first thing in the morning and right after meals. For those times...I vaped using the 11mg eliquids, but I only used them for the first 2 weeks. After that, 6mg was fine the whole day. As the weeks progressed I was liking vaping more and more, and enjoying smoking much less. By the last 2 weeks...having 2, then 1 per day was no problem at all. When I smoked my last 1 on Jan. 14, 2014 I knew it would be my last one I'd ever smoke. I had no cravings, no withdrawl, etc. while doing the above and none since I quit.

Whether someone dual uses at all, how long they dual use, how they choose to reduce their smokes or go cold turkey, what nic mg eliquids to use, etc....are all individual decisions each person makes for him/herself. There is no 1 method of switching over to vaping from smoking, or timetable to accomplish it, or vaping kit or set-up, or nic mg eliquids...that works for everyone. You just need to find the correct combination of those things that will help you do it.

If you keep smoking while vaping, the vapor will never be as satisfying because the chemical dependence far outweighs the nicotine addiction.

I respectfully totally disagree with that statement. There are many of us who dual used to help us switch to vaping only. For me, and I'm pretty sure for others who dual used, too...we were able to switch because the vapor was as satisfying! If it wasn't...we'd probably still be dual using and/or have gone back to smoking only.
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Full Member
Mar 17, 2018
Ohio, United States
If they are the same flavors you can mix them to cut the 12 MG down and vape that. For example 10 ML of 3mg mixed with 10 ML of 12 mg would give you 7.5 MG liquid. Or 5 ML of 3mg and 10 ML of 12 mg mixed would give you 9 MG liquid
I smoked about the same amount as you and I smoked closer to 40 years. Your first sentence says it all ---you really want to quit. So did I. I think that makes a huge difference in your success. And you have been successful. To cut down from that amount is impressive and you should give yourself a pat on the back for that.

You sound experienced since you are using RTA's and tanks but I am not sure if I agree with the others about the nic levels. Usually, if someone is not satisfied or just stopping smoking analogs the advice is to up the nicotine but here is where I differ a bit and I'll explain why.

You smoked a lot of cigarettes like I did. That means that you were like always smoking and after so long you are really used to the act of smoking a lot --something they refer to as hand to mouth. So...even if you are getting a higher nicotine fix - you might actually take in too much because you will then just be vaping a lot.

It's not like you are going fully transfer over to vaping and all of a sudden vape less than you were smoking because you are used to doing it a lot.

I think it would be hard to fully switch on the 6 or 3mg. I am on 3mg now and I have been vaping for 7 years.

I think you just have to make an attempt at making the jump.

I would suggest maybe a slight bump up to 9mg but not sub-ohming at that level because you do not want to take in too much nic. I may have missed it but I did not see what tanks you are using. Can you use maybe a 1.2 coil?

(you can mix your current juices to get to that level 1/2 of the 12 and 1/2 of the 6 in equal amounts would get you to 9)

Before you do that - I think you have to set yourself up mentally and pick a day that you have free time. Whatever day that is -- say a Saturday that you are going to get up and immediately start vaping and focus on not having one cigarette for the whole day. Maybe pick a day that you have activities (to keep yourself occupied) but that you are not on a crazy time crunch schedule.

And vape for the whole day ----. Make sure you have enough batteries, juice and all supplies so that there is no temptation. At the level you are at, and based on how determined you appear to be, hopefully, you can get through one day since you have a replacement.

Then you can see how you feel. You know yourself. Was it something that you could do again? If so, do it the next day. If you did not feel you could get through the whole day - could you decrease your number of cigarettes smoked by 1 or then perhaps to decide to up the nicotine further?

The potential downsides ---is your hubby as committed as you? Would he be willing to do the same thing? I do not think your 1-day experiment would work if your hubby is smoking his allotment of cigarettes around you.

If you are both totally in sync -it would be a great thing. If not and you are together 100% of the time, I think that could be an issue.

(I have a friend still dual using. Her hubby still smokes analogs and after dinner when he smokes - she smokes with him. She says it is too hard when he is smoking around her. So now, she has two habits - analogs and vaping)

Good luck and be proud of the success you have accomplished so far.
Totally agree... trying to compare sub ohming and MTL vaping is like apples and oranges - NOT the same thing.

When your only taking in 2 - 5 ml of ejuice per day in a MTL device, your needs where concerns nicotine are far different than when your vaping 10+ ml in a sub ohm device at higher wattages.

Couple that with everyones absorption rates are different to boot and we realize vaping must be tailored to individual needs.

I smoked about the same amount as you and I smoked closer to 40 years. Your first sentence says it all ---you really want to quit. So did I. I think that makes a huge difference in your success. And you have been successful. To cut down from that amount is impressive and you should give yourself a pat on the back for that.

You sound experienced since you are using RTA's and tanks but I am not sure if I agree with the others about the nic levels. Usually, if someone is not satisfied or just stopping smoking analogs the advice is to up the nicotine but here is where I differ a bit and I'll explain why.

You smoked a lot of cigarettes like I did. That means that you were like always smoking and after so long you are really used to the act of smoking a lot --something they refer to as hand to mouth. So...even if you are getting a higher nicotine fix - you might actually take in too much because you will then just be vaping a lot.

It's not like you are going fully transfer over to vaping and all of a sudden vape less than you were smoking because you are used to doing it a lot.

I think it would be hard to fully switch on the 6 or 3mg. I am on 3mg now and I have been vaping for 7 years.

I think you just have to make an attempt at making the jump.

I would suggest maybe a slight bump up to 9mg but not sub-ohming at that level because you do not want to take in too much nic. I may have missed it but I did not see what tanks you are using. Can you use maybe a 1.2 coil?

(you can mix your current juices to get to that level 1/2 of the 12 and 1/2 of the 6 in equal amounts would get you to 9)

Before you do that - I think you have to set yourself up mentally and pick a day that you have free time. Whatever day that is -- say a Saturday that you are going to get up and immediately start vaping and focus on not having one cigarette for the whole day. Maybe pick a day that you have activities (to keep yourself occupied) but that you are not on a crazy time crunch schedule.

And vape for the whole day ----. Make sure you have enough batteries, juice and all supplies so that there is no temptation. At the level you are at, and based on how determined you appear to be, hopefully, you can get through one day since you have a replacement.

Then you can see how you feel. You know yourself. Was it something that you could do again? If so, do it the next day. If you did not feel you could get through the whole day - could you decrease your number of cigarettes smoked by 1 or then perhaps to decide to up the nicotine further?

The potential downsides ---is your hubby as committed as you? Would he be willing to do the same thing? I do not think your 1-day experiment would work if your hubby is smoking his allotment of cigarettes around you.

If you are both totally in sync -it would be a great thing. If not and you are together 100% of the time, I think that could be an issue.

(I have a friend still dual using. Her hubby still smokes analogs and after dinner when he smokes - she smokes with him. She says it is too hard when he is smoking around her. So now, she has two habits - analogs and vaping)

Good luck and be proud of the success you have accomplished so far.

Thanks, and I currently have a few different tanks, ello subohm, smok prince, two toptank nanos, bravo rta, kylin mini rta, and a couple rda's. Also, have the priv one. I do have some 1.5 coils for the toptank nanos. Since the priv one is more restricted, I actually put some 12 mg. in there today and found it really satisfying. But, I agree, with the amount I smoked, I need the ability to vape a lot. So, what I did today, is put the 3 mg in two rta's and put 12 in the priv and six in one of the toptanks with a .5 coil. I found the variety and being able to switch between them was really good, and think I only smoked 6 today. Yeah. I know not great but better.
As far as hubby goes, I think I am holding him back more than anything. I notice he will be vaping all night until I light a cig. Plus, any time I have tried, he wouldn't smoke near me. I think I need to just make the jump and Saturday is the perfect opportunity. Not only are we both home, but my son is visitting to cook us dinner so I won't smoke during that time either. Plus, we have a long drive in the morning and we stopped smoking in car. Thanks for the tips I will let you know how it goes.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2018
Ohio, United States
My answer based on my own experience with 6mg, is a definite YES you can. I'd also gotten down to 1/2 PAD, from 1 - 1.5 PAD for 42+ years, when I first decided to try vaping to help me quit. I found 3 eliquids I liked, and to start with...I bought 1 50mL bottle in 6mg, and 2 smaller 10mL bottles in 11mg, and was using just a small JoyeTech 510 double starter kit (very old school cig-a-like kit with batteries that were only a puny 320mAh).

I started cutting down on the smokes while vaping as much as I wanted each day. I chose to reduce the number of smokes I could have per day, every week. So, the first week I could have 9 per day. The next week I could have 8 per day, etc., etc. I used the 6mg eliquids all day every day, except for first thing in the morning and right after meals. For those times...I vaped using the 11mg eliquids, but I only used them for the first 2 weeks. After that, 6mg was fine the whole day. As the weeks progressed I was liking vaping more and more, and enjoying smoking much less. By the last 2 weeks...having 2, then 1 per day was no problem at all. When I smoked my last 1 on Jan. 14, 2014 I knew it would be my last one I'd ever smoke. I had no cravings, no withdrawl, etc. while doing the above and none since I quit.

Whether someone dual uses at all, how long they dual use, how they choose to reduce their smokes or go cold turkey, what nic mg eliquids to use, etc....are all individual decisions each person makes for him/herself. There is no 1 method of switching over to vaping from smoking, or timetable to accomplish it, or vaping kit or set-up, or nic mg eliquids...that works for everyone. You just need to find the correct combination of those things that will help you do it.

I respectfully totally disagree with that statement. There are many of us who dual used to help us switch to vaping only. For me, and I'm pretty sure for others who dual used, too...we were able to switch because the vapor was as satisfying! If it wasn't...we'd probably still be dual using and/or have gone back to smoking only.

Thanks,I tried the variety of nic levels today and it really did help. And, I agree everyone is different. Plus, if it wasn't satisfying only the people that made switch immediately would still be vaping and that isnt' the case.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
It does not bother me when people smoke --even at the beginning. I have mine - they have theirs. As a smoker I did not like if someone blew smoke in my face and I still do not like smoke or vapor in my face. With analogs, it's funny but I can tell by the smell when someone lights up if it's menthol or not. It's a great conversation starter when I am out socially. Folks ask me how I know. I just do. Strange --

It's more of an annoyance. I understand how smoking while someone is eating is rude now.


Thanks, and I currently have a few different tanks, ello subohm, smok prince, two toptank nanos, bravo rta, kylin mini rta, and a couple rda's. Also, have the priv one. I do have some 1.5 coils for the toptank nanos. Since the priv one is more restricted, I actually put some 12 mg. in there today and found it really satisfying. But, I agree, with the amount I smoked, I need the ability to vape a lot. So, what I did today, is put the 3 mg in two rta's and put 12 in the priv and six in one of the toptanks with a .5 coil. I found the variety and being able to switch between them was really good, and think I only smoked 6 today. Yeah. I know not great but better.
As far as hubby goes, I think I am holding him back more than anything. I notice he will be vaping all night until I light a cig. Plus, any time I have tried, he wouldn't smoke near me. I think I need to just make the jump and Saturday is the perfect opportunity. Not only are we both home, but my son is visitting to cook us dinner so I won't smoke during that time either. Plus, we have a long drive in the morning and we stopped smoking in car. Thanks for the tips I will let you know how it goes.

Subtank with 1.5Ω should be able to do MTL.
I don't necessarily agree that you need MTL (assuming you do DTL, some people do DTL with cigarettes) just calmer build with higher nicotine.

Having different mods with different strengths is a good plan. I did that to get over my morning cigarette with 18mg and then again to get used to 18mg when I was trying to move up.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2017
Los angeles california
He ware that smoking will literally kill you in the end I read somewhere that 60 % of smokers die die to smoking related illnesses I smoke since 15 years old and started vaping full time at 22 years old so I stopped early but I had to stop playing sports at 16 cause of smokers lungs so f@_k ciggs man get into vaping i was like you vaping and smoking wasting money like crazy but trick your mind to say f@%k ciggs it's worth it


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2014

Thanks, and I currently have a few different tanks, ello subohm, smok prince, two toptank nanos, bravo rta, kylin mini rta, and a couple rda's. Also, have the priv one. I do have some 1.5 coils for the toptank nanos. Since the priv one is more restricted, I actually put some 12 mg. in there today and found it really satisfying. But, I agree, with the amount I smoked, I need the ability to vape a lot. So, what I did today, is put the 3 mg in two rta's and put 12 in the priv and six in one of the toptanks with a .5 coil. I found the variety and being able to switch between them was really good, and think I only smoked 6 today. Yeah. I know not great but better.
As far as hubby goes, I think I am holding him back more than anything. I notice he will be vaping all night until I light a cig. Plus, any time I have tried, he wouldn't smoke near me. I think I need to just make the jump and Saturday is the perfect opportunity. Not only are we both home, but my son is visitting to cook us dinner so I won't smoke during that time either. Plus, we have a long drive in the morning and we stopped smoking in car. Thanks for the tips I will let you know how it goes.
Sounds like a plan ---good luck. You are well on your way already! (PS I used 6 in the toptank nanos as well with a .5 coil for along time)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
He ware that smoking will literally kill you in the end I read somewhere that 60 % of smokers die die to smoking related illnesses I smoke since 15 years old and started vaping full time at 22 years old so I stopped early but I had to stop playing sports at 16 cause of smokers lungs so f@_k ciggs man get into vaping i was like you vaping and smoking wasting money like crazy but trick your mind to say f@%k ciggs it's worth it

See, when people go saying stuff like that then I have to bring up quitting got me diagnosed with an incurable disease. Will I die from it? Hopefully not but maybe. I get to be hooked up to an IV every 8 weeks forever to a drug with a biohazard symbol that comes in a bag that says chemo.
I don't feel the whole quit for health thing. Never felt worse or been to so many Dr's as a smoker.
Geez, if I can switch to ecigs anyone can.

I know smoking does tend to be bad, I don't doubt I was heading to COPD, but when people bring up the health benefits of quitting all I can do is laugh. Sure hasn't been my experience.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
  • Jan 6, 2018
    I've been vaping for 3 years now and I still smoke a cigarette once in a while when I really feel the urge (like once or twice every few weeks). It's ok to quit at your own pace. At least you are not smoking as much as you did before, and that can only be healthier.

    Also a pack of cigarettes is about to cost 15 bucks around these parts, so I'll most definitely 100% quit to stay friendly with my wallet =)


    Citrus Junkie
    Supporting Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 2, 2017
    West Frankfort, IL
    Just keep in mind vaping is a crutch not a cure. You will have to decide to simply not buy anymore smokes. First few days may be difficult. Just sit and vape your way through it or distract yourself with some activity. You'll both get there.


    Full Member
    Mar 17, 2018
    Ohio, United States
    It's more of an annoyance. I understand how smoking while someone is eating is rude now.

    Subtank with 1.5Ω should be able to do MTL.
    I don't necessarily agree that you need MTL (assuming you do DTL, some people do DTL with cigarettes) just calmer build with higher nicotine.

    Having different mods with different strengths is a good plan. I did that to get over my morning cigarette with 18mg and then again to get used to 18mg when I was trying to move up.

    I actually still vape mtl the majority of the time. However, I cannot vape over 12mg with the 1.5 coil in there. And, right now only have a little of 12mg left. So, really gonna try and quit with what I have as just don't have the extra money to go out and buy a ton of stuff. Thanks!


    Full Member
    Mar 17, 2018
    Ohio, United States
    I smoked cigs for 40 years and WTA worked for me.
    No more cigs.
    Try it.
    Unfortunately, right now I have to try as hard as I can with what I have. Just got news that we have to move so cannot go out and buy a bunch of new juice, tanks, etc. But, I saved a website with them for as soon as I have the extra cash. Thanks!!
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