Vaping for 1 week today!

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ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Hi folks my name is Josh. I smoked cigarettes (1 pack a day) for 12 years and I quit smoking cigs about 18 months ago. About a month ago, I was out eating dinner with a friend of mine, and I grabbed one of his cigarettes and just started smoking it. I was really disappointed in myself, and I smoked for about 2 weeks. I realized I was going to have to stop, because I hate cigarettes. By happy coincidence I stumbled on Ecigs and bought a DSE 801 kit. I have to say that I haven't had or desired a cigarette in 4 days. I am really really loving this Ecigarette stuff! Ive ordered a bunch of different juices, and 3 extra attomizers and even a USB pass thru. I look forward to meeting you people, and even starting a local Meetup group for local people to get together and vape. I love how you can vape in a restaurant and in public places. Heck, I was even vaping in Imax last night watching the Harry Potter movie LOL. I remember when I quit smoking I always kind was on edge and anxious. Now it seems like my depression and anxiety problems are just not there anymore. Whoever invented the E-cig is a great person. Well, there's my story! Thanks. :) :vapor:on


Senior Member
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Verified Member
Nov 15, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Welcome, and congrats. I'm in kinda the same boat with you. I tried and actually managed to quit analogs off and on for the past few years. End of the semester in college always seemed to be my trigger to fall back to smoking though. I'd e fine the first half od the semester....then the stress levels would climb and back to the bad analogs I went, lol. My school pulled a fast one on me this semester though and made it a No Smoking Campus and I started the E-cigs, First the Blu and then my 510 and I love the USB pass-thru. I can finally sit in the Engineering Lab at school for hours and not have to leave for a smoke break, lol. Well, Congratz!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Welcome, and congrats. I'm in kinda the same boat with you. I tried and actually managed to quit analogs off and on for the past few years. End of the semester in college always seemed to be my trigger to fall back to smoking though. I'd e fine the first half od the semester....then the stress levels would climb and back to the bad analogs I went, lol. My school pulled a fast one on me this semester though and made it a No Smoking Campus and I started the E-cigs, First the Blu and then my 510 and I love the USB pass-thru. I can finally sit in the Engineering Lab at school for hours and not have to leave for a smoke break, lol. Well, Congratz!!

Hey thanks for the reply! Ya, these things are GREAT!! what's your favirote e-juice? I like the tabacco flavored 555, USA choice and Coffee is awesome! I ordered from that place called Madvapes. They have some really really good prices on ejuice. I think you can get like about a 50ml bottle for about 14 bucks! The first place I ordered they charged me like 8 or 9 bucks for a 16ml bottle. Im afraid I won't be able to go back there, not at those prices. I am on a budget :(


Senior Member
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Nov 15, 2010
Charlotte, NC
I feel you on the budget....I'm a broke student myself....though since I dropped the analogs and quit my 2 pack a day habit, the budget isn't so tight anymore. So far my fav is the Coffee flavor I got from Aroma E-Juice : E-Liquid / E-Cigarette Refill / E-Cig Accessories / USA Made I also got some Clove flavor from there thats pretty close to the Djarium Blacks I used to love as an occasional treat. They had really good prices...around $8 or so for a 15ml and $6 or so for shipping, so I'll definitely order from them. Their RedBull flavor is pretty good as well. I'm also startin to tinker with DIY Juices too, so not telling what I'll come up with out of that, lol I can say for sure that It'll nothing short of an all out ban on e-cigs to get me to ever swap back to analogs. I can't even stand the smell of them anymore, so I'm hooked.....and for once it isn't such a bad thing


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
Welcome to ECF. I've seen a lot of those stories reading through ECF over the past year. Every ex-smoker that I have ever run into always says the same thing . . . they always have the craving, but have to tell themselves no. Don't be disappointed with yourself, cigarettes do cruel things to our brains.

Good thing that you found vaping though! I'm sure those 18 months weren't the easiest. Now you have the freedom to adjust your nicotine levels and avoid all the awful things in cigarettes. Keep reading the threads, meets get posted here a lot.

You should look up Hon Lik. He is the one who invented all of this. It came to him in a dream, LOL.
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