Vaping Etiquette

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Feb 12, 2014
Ithaca, NY, USA
Based on a recent thread in the other New Member Forum I decided to create another thread. I did an advanced search on the topic and found one from July but think that it's time to revisit the topic, as vaping is becoming more popular and gaining additional media attention.

I am curious about what you consider proper decorum when vaping. Please, for the purpose of others, include at least the region that this applies to or indicate if it is valid all around.

I live in Upstate (Central Region) NY and feel that this applies to vaping here.
Proper Etiquette for me (this is for my experiences so far and likely to change in the future.):

In Public and In Businesses:

Vape only where smoking is allowed, unless otherwise stated. Stealth vaping is not ok in areas where vaping is no allowed.
Do not cloud chase if indoors in a public setting (with the exception of vape shops if permitted).
Be respectful of others when vaping in public (do not intentionally blow the cloud in their face).

In a bar:
Do not vape openly at the bar inside UNLESS you get permission. Stealth vaping in the bathroom is ok if no one else is in the bathroom.
Do not cloud chase.
Do not blow vapor in peoples' face.

​At a friend's or acquaintance's house/car/property:
Do not assume vaping is ok, ask permission.
Do not assume cloud chasing is ok, ask permission.

Remember, I am fairly new and still treat this as somewhat on par with etiquette to smoking analogs. I am curious about your thoughts about your areas or general etiquette that you notice as appropriate.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2014
Me or those that do it? haha. If it's me, then sorry! If you think those that do this, I agree right now :)

I'm sure they're siding with you here. Noone wants a plume of, what is to them, mystery cloud all up in their grill.

Also, people have severe allergies to everything imaginable. A case of death by second-hand vapor would not help our cause.


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Feb 10, 2014
New Mexico
I agree with the don't cloud chase in indoor public places (other than vape shops)

Even if a business does allow vaping, they may reconsider if you cloud up their whole shop/bar/restaurant and disturb other customers.

Stealth vaping is iffy. I stealth vape cautiously. I have other classmates that are much less cautious (this is college btw). They get caught all the time and it just makes the campus instructors irate and even more rules are made against vaping. So stealth vape in a way that it is almost impossible to be caught ( I like to stealth vape on the 3rd floor in the bathroom shower stall that is never used)


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Mar 14, 2014
Buffalo, NY, USA
I live in WNY and no one, as far as I've seen, is tough on it whatsoever. I've openly vaped in the restaurant I work at on break, in the mall, various stores... Initially I did it cautiously but once I realized no one cared I stopped trying to hide it. Of course if I'm told not to do it, I wouldn't continue to do it stealth or not.


Vaping Master
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Mar 31, 2013
United States
I don't agree that we as vaper's vape with smokers nor should we only be allowed to vape where smoking is allowed. We don't smoke it's totally different. I know it'll take more education to get this point across so I'll leave it at that.

I agree not to blow vape in peoples faces, that's tacky.

Stealth vaping is what it is, stealth vaping.

Cloud chasing should be saved for competitions, parties, meets, concerts, home use, and any place that allows it specifically.


Full Member
Oct 29, 2013
Ya'll are insane.
Vape anywhere, anytime.
Although I WILL smack you upside the head with my provari for vaping in a movie theater!
Manager at a place of business tells you to stop, don't patronize again.
Ask in someone else's house.
Sub ohm, the only cloud chasers reading this are the ones who don't need to be told, and the ones that do aren't reading this. For thay like being [Moderated].

"Give me liberty, or give me death!"
Patrick Henry
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Senior Member
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Mar 5, 2014
Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA
I asked my co-worker I carpool with if he minded if I vaped in his pick-up. He didn't mind. He actually like's the smell of the berry pomegranate I've been vaping recently. Said it makes him want to go pick up some pipe tobacco, lol. He's a dipper, btw. I vape at work because everyone else smokes. Some are fascinated with my vaping, some make fun of me, and one tried it, and coughed miserably. (Don't think I'm going to be able to convert him, lol)


Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2014
Austin, TX, USA
Vape anywhere, anytime.

I really hate this mentality. I very rarely hate anything, but my god...
Don't give me the usual spiel of "It's only vapor" or anything else. Nothing can excuse trampling all over others rights simply to exercise your own. Just because you feel that vaping anywhere is ok, doesn't make it so. It's this blatant disregard for others that has further fueled all this anti-vaping propaganda. :facepalm:

"Vape anywhere, anytime"?? Why not drink anywhere, anytime? Or how about {Moderated} anywhere, anytime? It's not hurting anyone else, so why not? :rolleyes:

The old adage that "Freedom isn't free" holds true in more ways than one. There is no such thing as true freedom, that would be anarchy and chaos. Mutual freedom takes concessions and compromises. Personally, I'd much rather compromise to not vape inside public establishments than get taxed 95% for vaping supplies. Not only is it responsible to acknowledge others rights, it's courteous and just plain proper. If only every vaper could take that to heart, then maybe the public image of vapers being spun in the media currently could change to something more positive.

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Jan 6, 2014
Leicester, UK
When I smoked, I would move downwind of people I was talking to. Nobody likes other people's clouds in their face, be it smoke or vapour. These days, they don't expect clouds in bars or restaurants either. Sure it's harmless, but you're not going to be able to sit everyone in the bar down and go through a list of peer-reviewed studies point-by-point.

ANTZ are making headway into converting the non-thinkers out there. Education is good; if you can get a non-thinker to start thinking and convert them back, all the better. But generally, asserting your legal rights and walking away is not going to do that. On the other hand if the only vapers they see are acting respectfully and with attention to others, they will be less likely to fall for ANTZ propaganda.


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Feb 20, 2014
Rome, NY, USA
CNY myself, and I find that I get little to no hassles in public about vaping. Most comments center around, "That smells great!" or "What is that!?!" I exercise common courtesy and common sense. WalMart? OK to vape; not in the check out line, or in crowded aisles. C'mon, people wear their pajamas in there while shopping! Larger retail stores, again, OK with the same rules. Movies? No. Doctors office? No. Around children? No.

Funny story: My cousin, who is 74 years old was recently in the hospital, in ICU. The nurses were OK with me vaping while I was visiting!

Funk Dracula

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Jun 7, 2013
Although I WILL smack you upside the head with my provari for vaping in a movie theater!

What the hell is the deal with smug Provari owners physically assaulting people with their "all powerful ProVari!"???

I vape anywhere I damn well please, within reason of course.

I exercise simple common sense and reasonable courtesy. (stress on reasonable; I won't bend over backwards to please strangers)

BTW, it's not stealth vaping if you get caught. Don't blow clouds in a movie theatre or in the middle of restaurant. Don't decide to vape in the middle of a crowded elevator ride. Don't whip out your stash of super strong Radiator Pluid e-liquid. Are these little details really not obvious???

People are making it out like vaping in public, whether it be stealth, discretely, or blatantly in the open, is some sort of extremely challenging problem yet to be figured out.


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Feb 6, 2014
Boston, MA
I vape out and about the way I used to smoke. I vape as much as I want in my private home office, I vape in my car when I am alone, I don't ever vape in rest/bar/mall/movie theater/friend's house/etc. and only vape in actual vape shops when I see empolyees vaping.

Here is my thought on the matter: you guys can pretend it is 1980 and vape wherever you want, when you want as long as there is not a speciific "no vaping" sign present but all you are doing is hastening the hard restrictions on vaping for all. I completely disagree with the "please, vape in public" mentality I hear often in these threads as I don't think it actually helps us at all. Do we really think we will be able to win the public over to the point where people will be allowed to vape wherever they want the way smoking was accepted in the 50s? It's never going to happen, period!

Can we just use a little common sense here people? Look at it this way, there is no law against farting in public but I don't know anyone that blatantly lets one rip while in one of those crowded public places I mentioned above. Why not? Out of common courtesy, because we know it offends people. If you don't think vaping offends people, you're wrong. It does. As much as we wish it didn't, it does. Some people are curious, some people will be OK with it because people smoking never bothered them, but the majority of people will not be thrilled with someone vaping next to them.

This is just my opinion and I know it is not mainstream. Not trying to incite a riot here, just trying to bring a little reality into the discussion.

OK, I've got my foil helmet on...flame away!
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV

In Public and In Businesses:[/B]
Vape only where smoking is allowed..............................

Oh, I see, vaping = smoking to you and that is the perception we should give the uninformed.

Many of us instead advocate to: vape openly most places but respectfully and with common sense. Don't give the impression that vaping and smoking are the same thing, but do be courteous and respectful in how you vape.
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Ultra Member
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Sep 22, 2008
Washington State
Burnnoticefanny - Thank you for the compilation of etiquette rules.

Some people vape with a "It's not smoking, I'll do what I want" attitude. Behavior like this will not help spread the acceptance of vaping. A little common sense will go a long way. If you must stealth vape, do what your wallet can afford. Get caught stealth vaping on an aircraft, and some new friends will meet you at the arrival gate with some flashy wrist-bling.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
................. Personally, I'd much rather compromise to not vape inside public establishments than get taxed 95% for vaping supplies...............

It's apparent you have done no research on the history of vaping. Vaping bans were started back in 2009 before there was one vaper every 500 square miles in this country, much less anyone seen vaping in public. Bans and taxation have NOTHING to do with how people vape. Never have and never will.

I would suggest doing some research.
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