Vaping etiquette

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2010
Los Angeles, CA, USA
My college is a smoke-free campus but vaping is pretty much allowed. Lots of people vape and campus security doesn't say a word. Before I was making rainstorms with my RDA, I'd pretty much be vaping anywhere as long as I'm being considerate to others. Now I don't openly vape indoors because it's just way too much vapor production even with a light drag.

My general rule of thumb is just because it's not secondhand smoke and it's just water vapor, doesn't mean people want it in their face. I vape a ton at school, but if I know the vape will be getting in someone's face I won't do it.

Just don't be one of the smart asses that are always saying "Oh it's vaping you can do it anywhere it's legal". That's how you give vaping a bad reputation. Just be mindful and have respect for the people you're around and whatever property you're on. Other than that, keep on vaping friends.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 26, 2013
You are forcing them to deal with it by "puffing away" (your words) in a restaurant where people have limited choices on where they sit and could be in the middle of a meal. They have one of two choices, complain or deal with it. I guess they could leave to.

By vaping in a spot where people can't really avoid it you kinda are forcing them to deal with it.

Educating people is cool and I promote this myself but not at the expense of their personal comfort. maybe I'm just a nicer guy than you though. More considerate anyway.

Thank you Snicks!
Cheers, thanks for the input everyone! For my part, I definitely always try to be considerate of others - vaping very likely added a few years onto my lifespan by virtue of being the only solution that successfully got me out of my 2-pack-a-day habit, and I don't want to give anybody a reason to feel negatively regarding its practitioners - especially given its increasing popularity and the inevitable concomitant legislation that we're already starting to see come down the pipe. One thing I will admit, however, is that I haven't bothered to ask permission from bars / establishments that already allow smoking (of which there are plenty here in TN). I figure it can't possibly be worse than that, and so far nobody's said anything about it, so I guess all's well.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
I ask when I go out to restaurants, I vape outside at work mostly, just to keep some questions down. They really still don't understand it at the hospital I work, they treat it just like analogs.

The bums on the street still ask me for analogs! They look at me like I'm the lunatic when I have a plume coming out of my mouth and nose and tell them I dont smoke! :D I get such a kick outta that!

your hospital totally under stands it.
the less people that get sick,the less money they make.
first demonize.
second think of the children.
third they must be like real cigarettes = bad.
four tax them more than analogs=go back to analogs get sick=hospitals make good money.
its quite simple when you reason it out.

correct me when i'm wrong regards,



Super Member
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Jun 12, 2013
I generally ask,,,,,if I'm given the OK, I vape openly,,,,,,,,,

However, dr offices, restaurants, movies, etc, I don't usually even try,,,,,,,,or ask,,,,,,I just don't.

Outdoors, I use the same general rule I used with smoking,,,,,not too close to others, and I try and be considerate

I'm pretty much the same with one exception... outdoors I'll vape anywhere BUT designated smoking areas. I did my time in designated areas before switching to vaping. I will not force myself back into that realm outdoors. I'll be considerate of others always...


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Don't vape where you cant smoke, even though vaping doesn't produce second hand smoke or do any harm to others

This is not the perception that we want to provide the uninformed. Telling the world through your actions that vaping and smoking are exactly the same and equally dangerous is about as wrong as it gets.

Many of us who have been vaping for quite awhile take the position to vape openly almost everywhere BUT respectfully. Don't vape in crowned elevators or blow big plumbs of vapor in people's faces. On the other hand, don't be a "sheep" and automatically go to smoking areas and send that negative perception to the uninformed.

Again, vape openly most places but respectfully and be well educated on the safety of vaping so you can educate the uninformed.


Full Member
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Jun 21, 2013
I live in Bucharest, Romania and i openly vape almost everywhere. People here seem to be already used to the idea that ecigs are not harmful. I don't get stared at, i don't get negative reactions only curiosity sometimes. Many have asked me if ecigs helped me for real to quit smoking. I feel like walking advertising for electronic cigarettes.


Senior Member
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Jul 22, 2013
I, for the most part, treat it as if I'm smoking analogs and abide by the same rules. If I'm in a bar or the like, I check with someone working there. I won't do it unless they give me the go ahead.

If I'm in someones house I ask first of course. I have some juices that I really like that, unfortunately, give off an odor that some may not like. I try to keep that in mind and use my "non-offensive" juices in situations where people may allow it but may be offended by the odor.
I also treat it like analog, mostly outside and in the car. I won't vape inside the house for the most part, but definitely not when the kids are home. It's mostly just water vapor but there is probably still a low level of nicotine in it and I don't want to expose our kids to that. Or other people who may not smoke for that matter.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I also treat it like analog, mostly outside and in the car. I won't vape inside the house for the most part, but definitely not when the kids are home. It's mostly just water vapor but there is probably still a low level of nicotine in it and I don't want to expose our kids to that. Or other people who may not smoke for that matter.

Better not let your kids eat any tomatoes which will have way more nicotine than exhaled vapor (virtually none) and that's only if you blow it in their face.
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