Vaping continuing in it's current form...

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Full Member
Mar 2, 2013
As someone who has sat on the sidelines and watched the progression of US law/legislation with respect to vaping I just wanted to offer up my opinion/analysis of where vaping is going from here on out.
-In a court case involving SE/Njoy the FDA was told they could not regulate ecigs; ecigs were considered tobacco products not medical/drug delivery devices.
-This means the gov't can only move to regulate ecigs in the same manner as regular cigarettes.
-Pharma is trying to kill these things, but they won't succeed. They are too late.
-Lorillard, which recently acquired blu has been lobbying legislators to regulate ecigs to ensure that they and a select few massive tobacco corporations will have a monopoly on the market.

Where this leaves us?
This will leave us with only the option to purchase 10$ prefilled 5-packs of cartomizers with %&%&$ defective batteries at exorbitant prices. I don't want this and I know this would be terrible for the vendors on this forum. The only way I see vaping, in it's current friendly form, continuing is if Blu/Lorillard is boycotted (as well as RJ Reynold's Vuse) by the vaping community. I don't want 'big tobacco' coming in here and knocking out all the decent prices and selling their overpriced defective $#%# and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Just one person's opinion. I'm sure there are a lot of legitimate reasons to disagree with me; grain of salt and all that.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Well it will change things, but there is good news.
Many of the THINGS we use cannot be regulated. Individually they are Not E-cigs, but pieces of hardware.
even cartomizers may be safe.
As for E-liquids, some adjustment can alleviate that issue. Flavoring cannot be stopped, VG has many purposes as does PG so they are nos in category for regulation.
Even liquids premixed with no Nic should not be classed as they are in no way Tobacco related
Some way, some how the smart will find a way and we will continue forward.


Full Member
Mar 2, 2013
While this may be true let me make a coffee analogy here.
Yes, we will be able to buy all the parts to the coffee machine; maybe even a whole coffee machine - but we will only be allowed to buy decaf coffee. If you want caffeinated coffee you can only buy it from Starbucks in very small amounts for slimy prices. At the end of the day what people want is the caffeine; this is the exact scenario that it would be ideal to avoid. Metaphorically. I want nicotine to stay available to the masses at competitive prices in many forms, just as caffeine is right now.


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Apr 3, 2013
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Yes, the only thing that could be regulated is the Nicotine. Yes we can expect to pay more, but the major companies will sell it. Because they can make money off of it. The government wants the tax money so it will be allowed. Lorillard (newports) is just getting ahead of the game. PM (phillip morris) will buy out the next biggest or RJR will. It is to big to stop so they'll just try to take over the market if they can. With cartridges, they probably could do it effectively. I'm sure as they look to buy someone out, they learned all about the market and probably have concluded that the cartridges aren't long term winners. Once people get used to the equipment, there is simply no comparison. I fired up a V2 I had sitting around and can't believe how bad it tasted in comparison to my carto. V2 is probably pressing for a buy out because people will learn that their products are very poor and far over prices even though they are probably the cheapest cartridges on the market.


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i'm not worried one bit. if it does get crazy companies will just sell premixed liquid with no nic. so our favorite flavors wont go away. then will just have to find a way to add nic. never extracted nic but i'm sure it isn't hard.

Yes, there will by 20 threads started same day about how to get what you need and how to extract it.


Full Member
Mar 2, 2013
As someone who is most likely going to be doing chemical engineering for a living let me inform you that you will be spending a lot of money on solvents, pyrex, titration materials etc. if you plan to make even the moonshine equivalent of e-liquids. I am fairly certain that the vast majority of people who attempt a nicotine extraction with no formal chemistry knowledge would have to go through so much trial and error (on top of the overhead) that it would be cost prohibitive. Many people will end up with terrible messes and the rest will end up with impure nicotine - probably worse than the stuff the grey labs in China pump out.
That said I'm sure there are some intelligent people on here with or without formal chemistry knowledge who will manage it, but everyone else will be stuck buying overpriced cartomizers.

Note: I don't condone extracting pure nicotine - if anyone does try extracting nicotine PLEASE be careful.
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ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
As someone who is most likely going to be doing chemical engineering for a living let me inform you that you will be spending a lot of money on solvents, pyrex, titration materials etc. if you plan to make even the moonshine equivalent of e-liquids. I am fairly certain that the vast majority of people who attempt a nicotine extraction with no formal chemistry knowledge would have to go through so much trial and error (on top of the overhead) that it would be cost prohibitive. Many people will end up with terrible messes and the rest will end up with impure nicotine - probably worse than the stuff the grey labs in China pump out.
That said I'm sure there are some intelligent people on here with or without formal chemistry knowledge who will manage it, but everyone else will be stuck buying overpriced cartomizers.
I agree with this. If nicotine is severely regulated and no longer available as easily as it is now, the vast majority of vapors will suffer because of this. Very, very few of us will be willing or have the space, money, or knowlege to extract nicotine in a lab-like setting. The majority of people will either return to smoking tobacco or giving in to the Big Tobacco cigalike factories.

Everything but liquid nicotine probably would still be available on a limited basis. Liquid nicotine is the key to this discussion and will be what all the political batter will be about in the end.

To better avoid a worse case scenario, I will repeat the suggestion for all of those who have not yet joined CASAA to do so. They will be our consumer advocate in the political arena. If you can, contribute financially. These are volunteer vapors who came from this very forum and are representing our interests and right to vape. The strength of any organization is recognized by the size of its membership. The link to join and to learn more about what is at stake click the link in my signature.
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Full Member
Mar 2, 2013
Yes, many people underestimate the importance of nicotine in this discussion. If more people took the time to get some more information on nicotine extraction from chemists, professors, online etc. they would realize the difficulty of nicotine extraction is heavily underestimated. Most vapors aren't going to be willing to purchase a centrifuge for example; which is quite necessary in a reliable nicotine extraction. There are many hobby organic chemists who have a decent understanding of what solvent to use when; practical experience with which equipment works best for what; how to properly titrate; and still have difficulty getting a decent personal use yield.


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Feb 16, 2013
Westport, WA
1.liquid nicotine is easily available for purchase if you are scared, start stockpiling now.2 in court no jury will ever agree to ban e cigs and allow the sale of regular tobacco. every member on here can join class action lawsuits when this comes up. 3 for people like me who are at 0 nicotine. are they going to ban and or tax PG? you can't really ban access as it is used in food products, and medical devices.
I believe regulations will leave to this kind of vaping. HAAAAA:2cool:


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ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Regulation will lead to:
No more DIY juice
No more Mods
No more bottles of juice
12- 14 mg max
sealed cartomizers
All we need do is look at the Blu Ecig offerings and you'll get a pretty accurate idea of what is to be.
The good long as China is still in the Ecig business we'll ALWAYS be supplied with what we want and/ or need.


Ultra Member
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Jan 15, 2013
United States
In my opinion, supporting CASAA is a really good deal for us now. Becoming a member is free. Donate if you can. They do great work supporting our rights to vape. Watch for calls to action and do what you can to help them help us.

The website is here. Click 'Get Involved' at the top.

I agree. If you want to have a chance in keeping your right to vape, then get involved with CASAA.


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Apr 13, 2013
Fort Lauderdale
I have joined the CASAA and setup a recurring donation. I am new to carto-vaping... left BluCigs about 2 weeks ago. I am happy I did.... I need to find a smaller carto for my partner so I can get him away from bluCigs also. I am using Smok Kear starter kit, so i need something similar but smaller and durable.

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