Vaping After a Heart Attack / After Heart Disease Diagnosis

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Jan 25, 2011
Long Beach, Ca.
I had a mild heart attack almost 4 years ago. I asked about nic patches or gum at the time and the doc was strictly no nicotine whatsoever. Problem is, I get real depressed when I quit nicotine (or, I'm finding out, the maoi's in tobacco) so I figured that would be worse. He offered a perscription for Chantix, but I turned it down. Heck, when I am off tobacco I get depresed, so why would I take a drug that had the side effect of possible suicidal ideation? Seemed stupid. I quit for a bit and got real depressed. Then I found vaping, and that worked for the cig desire but I was still pretty meloncholy. I went back to smoking because of it. Now I have added snus and have some snuff coming, so I'm getting my maoi fix and the p.v. is taking care of my smoking needs. I am off all medications except for the statin and I attribute this to not smoking. Even the short time I went back, I didn't need the meds! Anyhow, despite my doc being totally anti-nicotine, I know I'm better and all the tests prove it. He can buy that ANTZ garbage all he wants, but the stats prove him wrong (trust me, this is the only direction of his I don't follow!). That's my story, fwiw. Ymmv.

On a side note, I often wonder if I've been self medicating with tobacco all these years. I am not depressed at all with the nic and the maoi's, seriously, but I get real depressed without them. Guess I'll start a new thread, as I'm curious if anyone else experiences this.

Tamer El-Meehy

Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2014
Cairo, Egypt, Egypt
I have had 7 stents placed, 3 heart attacks and open heart surgery. I still smoked for about a year and half after surgery..dumb, stupid, etc..I know. But I found vaping in February 2012. Since then my cardiologist and family practitioner have found nothing wrong in any test I've had. Both know I vape and are extremely happy I finally quit smoking after 30 years. My blood pressure still tends to be a little on the high side when I go in (140/90), but everything else is perfect. They attribute that to "white coat syndrome" because at home I'm typically around 115/70. Chest X-ray's perfect, blood work perfect, stress test perfect. I always had some type of episode at lest once year after I turned 40, since the first of 2012 not once had an issue at all.

I have vaped 24mg since I started vaping and continue that today. I have purchased some 18 but really don't have desire to drop my nic level because I still crave the throat hit. I recently purchased some menthol juice to see if I can still achieve the throat hit. Only time will tell but right now I'm happy and healthy. Good luck in your journey

ٍSame here..I have 7 stents implanted in my coronary arteries..I have been a cardiovascular disease patient since I was 30 years old when I had my first infarction (I've been smoking since I was 15). The last 3 stents were implanted about a month and a half ago. Shortly afterwards I discovered vaping and my life has improved almost instantaneously!!! To name just one positive development, one of my clients has his office on the top floor of an old building that has no lift, and to make matters worse it's one of those buildings with high ceilings so you end up climbing much longer stairs than in modern buildings. Needless to say I always dreaded having meetings over there. When I reached my meeting a couple of weeks ago, I just sat down, started the meeting and a few minutes later I realized that I am not short of breath, sweating or flush.

On the nic level..I started with 24 but I quickly found out that it's too harsh, so the next week I cut down to 18..still harsh I cut it down to 9..and that's my current level. Since I vape a lot, I will try to cut it down further to 6 and see what happens. But even if I stick to 9 I believe I am much better than before.


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Dec 21, 2013
Asspucker, Illinois
my husband and my mother have both had heart attacks and are now both vapers with their doctors' approval and consent... they both state they feel much much better, do not have the cough, the laggy feeling.... both have high oxygen levels and have had healthy check-ups since vaping . everyone is happy, including the doctors.... we consider that a great endorsement for the switch


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Jan 25, 2009
Tennessee, USA
Been a long time since I posted anything to ECF. I mostly just lurk these days but this topic is close to home for me, so here goes.

I discovered vaping in January 2009 and quit analogs the day I got my first 901 kit. In November 2009 I had a heart attack, followed by a quad bypass. I didn't start vaping again until a couple of months later when I started having a few cravings and I'm still vaping today. Mostly I used 24mg nic and have recently lowered that to 18mg.

Both my cardiologist and my family doctor kind of rolled their eyes when I told them I was vaping, but neither insisted that I stop. I think they both feel that I'd be better off not smoking or vaping, but I told them I was afraid I might be tempted to smoke again if I didn't vape. My family doctor said if it came to a choice between e-cigs or the real thing then electronic was definitely the way to go. My cardiologist has no problem with my drinking coffee (2-3 cups per day) or beer (1-2 per day), so I doubt the amount of nicotine I get from vaping amounts to much of an issue. Of course my situation only applies to me, and YMMV. Anyone who has heart disease should at least make sure their physicians know that they are vaping.

I have had no health issues that I could attribute to vaping.

I don't know of any scientific or medical studies on vaping and heart disease but would be very interested if anyone else has a citation.

--tokarev TT-30
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
Been a long time since I posted anything to ECF. I mostly just lurk these days but this topic is close to home for me, so here goes.

I discovered vaping in January 2009 and quit analogs the day I got my first 901 kit. In November 2009 I had a heart attack, followed by a quad bypass. I didn't start vaping again until a couple of months later when I started having a few cravings and I'm still vaping today. Mostly I used 24mg nic and have recently lowered that to 18mg.

Both my cardiologist and my family doctor kind of rolled their eyes when I told them I was vaping, but neither insisted that I stop. I think they both feel that I'd be better off not smoking or vaping, but I told them I was afraid I might be tempted to smoke again if I didn't vape. My family doctor said if it came to a choice between e-cigs or the real thing then electronic was definitely the way to go. My cardiologist has no problem with my drinking coffee (2-3 cups per day) or beer (1-2 per day), so I doubt the amount of nicotine I get from vaping amounts to much of an issue. Of course my situation only applies to me, and YMMV. Anyone who has heart disease should at least make sure their physicians know that they are vaping.

I have had no health issues that I could attribute to vaping.

I don't know of any scientific or medical studies on vaping and heart disease but would be very interested if anyone else has a citation.

--tokarev TT-30

Have not seen a single article related to heart disease and vaping. Glad you are doing well.


Senior Member
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Jul 6, 2013
Cornwall uk
a friend of mine uses' snus after having bypass surgery. Not sure if he had a heart attack . He had to stop smoking for obvious reasons
and switched to snus. He only uses regular strength snus (8mg) because if uses the strong stuff he feels lethargic and gets twinges. He probably should stop altogether. I thought nicotine was a vasoconstrictor , which I don't think is particularly bad with healthy hearts but is a bit dodgy maybe if you have issues. It's certainly better to be using e-cigs than tobacco though imo . Maybe if you try and keep it as low as possible?


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Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
Please keep your experiences coming......

Since heart disease is so prevalent, particularly among smokers, this is another area where there is very little information or data available. Many of us are likely directly affected or have friends or relatives that are. (I have family that have been affected by heart issues.) While it looks like vaping is a much safer alternative, it will be very interesting and valuable to learn if vaping could be a safe alternative for smokers with heart-related issues.

Tamer El-Meehy

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Jan 30, 2014
Cairo, Egypt, Egypt
One cardiologist (not my doctor) told me that even though vaping is less harmful to the heart and arteries than smoking, it is not good for the lungs because of glycerine. What I understood from her is that the bigger glycerine particles that reach your lungs through vaping make the lungs exert more effort in processing them. Does anybody know anything about that?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
One cardiologist (not my doctor) told me that even though vaping is less harmful to the heart and arteries than smoking, it is not good for the lungs because of glycerine. What I understood from her is that the bigger glycerine particles that reach your lungs through vaping make the lungs exert more effort in processing them. Does anybody know anything about that?

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That's something I have never heard. Perhaps a little research will tell you. These products have been studied and discussed numerous times, and this is the first I have heard such a thing.
Okay, well I have atrial fibrillation and hypertension which are both well controlled with medication. I had a cardiomyopathy event in 2009 but that situation has since been declared resolved and I have a normal infarction rate. I am obese, perimenopausal and have obstructive sleep apnea. Needless to say every drag I took off a cigarette was a death wish. I had a little scare when I first started vaping because my blood pressure went up dramatically and I thought I was one that just couldn't vape. I was already monitoring my BP and charting it because I was losing weight and trying to collect evidence to convince my cardiologist that I should drop some of the multiple bp meds I was taking... So I was excited to have stopped cigarettes and just knew my bp number would be going down. This was maybe the 3rd or 4th day that I was vaping that I discovered the BP change and I basically put down the Ego and read read read and took my bp almost every 2 hours. It was coming vaping was the problem. I realized that I was waaay too high on the nicotine. I was advised by the guy in the B&M vape shop that I should probably vape 24mg or 18mg since I told him that I typically smoke about 10 light menthol cigs a day. Wrong. Luckily I had a little bottle of 6mg juice out of the several bottles I got that first day- switched to just that, cut the rest of my juice with some drugstore VG and my BP started testing normal. Since then I have become a DIY ejuice maker so I am very careful about the levels of nicotine I vape. I have several 0mg and 3mg mixes that I switch to at night, or when I am driving (I seem to chain vape in the car?). So far I have been fine with vaping up to about 8mg- but I can't do that all day or I wont be able to sleep at still wide awake at daybreak never got in the bed took a shower and proceeded with my day type insomnia...I go to the cardiologist every 6 months and my annual visit was just in May where I had the ekg, echocardiogram, chest xray and chemical stress tests and everything is testing out fine. My doctor is completely uniformed about ecigs and asked me several times "how many mgs of nicotine do i take in a day?" she could document it in comparison to me saying I was wearing a 14mg patch...I was only able to drop one out of 4 bp meds since I stopped smoking and started vaping. I had lost 75 lbs while still smoking and my BP didn't change...So I know from my history and experience that I am very resistant to BP meds (its is also an African American thing) so I have to lose all extra weight to sub normal BMI, no smoking (or nicotine), no caffeine, exercise 7 days a week, and maintain a constant perfect zen state to achieve the healthy medication free life of my dreams. Yeah. It's a process.


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May 13, 2014
Bangalore / India
Smoking for 30+ Years. 3-4 Packs a day. Body weight 110 Kgs.
Had my first heart attack on April 9th 2014.
An emergency angio cleared the clot.
No stents where placed as the doc said. All my arteries where like pipes. There was no narrowing no issues.
But the complete near death exp, the hospital bills, the pain, the experience was something I did not want to have again.

So decided to quit. Started on the nic chewing gum in the hospital. After I left the ICU. They had me on blood thinners. For 48 hours.
The first week saw me in acute depression. My mind felt like it had turned to jello.

The nic gum was doing nothing for me. So tried the e-cig the carto. On a 510.
Within a week I was on tanks and making my own juice. The climb in nic started went up to 40 MG and then back down to 36 MG.
By the second week. I was on trying to make my own TA (Tobacco Alkaloids).
During my worst times I used a pinch of Tob with my iolite vape.

As I progressed form my Cart to a clearo to a atty to a RBA my liquid consumption went up. And I dropped my nic to adjust.

My doctor was not impressed by the fact that I was on the e-cig trip and just kept repeating just stop it.

Changes I found after smoking
a. Im not out of breath so easy.
b. Much stronger erections.

But Im still chasing those elusive tobacco alkaloids.
Some of my DIY soaks do seem to be giving me some of them.
Buying from another country is out of the question for me. So I have to skin this cat for myself.

My advise the right way to do this if you had the money.
Stop. Smoking screw the e-cig / snuff / vaping. Then go see a good shrink and get treated for your real problem i.e. your addiction to tobacco. With the right doctor and the right prescription they will have you feeling right as rain in a week.

For guys like me who cant find that good doc or afford one. I guess Ill keep sucking on my e-cig. In an effort to keep it together for another day. Im very close to getting my DIY juice act together. Either by distillation on chemical extraction.
If it fails which I doubt. My trusty iolite tobacco vape is always there.


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Apr 13, 2014
Central Florida
Cant believe I missed this topic before....

I had an MI in February, 1998. Three days later had a triple bypass (after laying in ICU, never have a heart attack on a Thursday, nothing gets done until Monday). I smoked most of my life starting at around 17 years old (46 when I had the MI). Stopped smoking for about a year after the surgery, but started back up again. Smoked cigarettes then switched to small cigars (Swisher Sweets) for a number of years smoking between 10-15 per day depending on my days.

A few months ago I switched Primary Care Physicians (my old one just wasn't doing anything and it was time to make the switch). My new Doctor insisted that I see a Cardiologist. He ordered a bunch of tests just to see where I was and establish a base line.

Good thing he did.... my echo showed that I have a reduced ejection fraction in the right venatical, pumping out approximately 30% of the blood volume with each pump (you typically eject about 60% so I was down about half). They changed some meds and retested three months later. Still same result, actually down just a touch with a lower ejection fraction (I have been told that the percentage is basically a guessimation and that there is not an exact science to determining total volumes).

So, anyway, two months ago I had a pacemaker/internal cardiac defibrillator installed. It basically is just an "insurance policy" that will make sure my heart rate stays within 40-171 beats per minute and we give me a defib shock within 3 seconds should my heart stop. The good news is, I can now jump start my car if I really need to...:)

Prior to having the PM/ICD installed I was still smoking and my Primary Care, Cardiologist and EP (specialist doctor who inserts the PM/ICD) all wanted me to stop. I was driving by a local B&M that had recently opened in my neighborhood and decided to stop in and check it out. Lucky for me the owner (whose wife is a Doctor) was extremely patient and helpful in working me through the equipment, what it does, how it works, how to use it and what I would need. He sold me a basic Kanger starter set and helped me find some juice.

I started vaping immediately but still had an occasional cigar for the first two days. On the third day I was determined not to smoke. Went all day without a smoke, but vaped almost continuously. After dinner that evening I went outside for a cigar (never smoked in the house) and lit one up. Took two puffs; gave me an instant headache and tasted terrible! Put it out and have not had one, or a desire to have one, since.

That was one month prior to the installation of my PM/ICD. All three of my doctors were trilled that I had stopped smoking. My EP knew about vaping and did not express any concerns at all. My Primary Care admitted he did not know a lot about it but was trilled and vowed to study it some more (and he is the type that will do exactly that). He has since expressed his opinion that it is much better than smoking!

When I had the PM/ICD installed they required me to stay overnight in the hospital. I had taken my PV with me (just a VV stick battery and an EVOD at the time) and would go into the bathroom for a quick hit or two during the night (you can not sleep in a hospital!!). The nurse came in twice right afterward and asked, "what's that lovely smell in here?"

Since I have stopped smoking I am breathing much better. My energy level has increased, however, with the surgery I have been restricted somewhat for two months allowing the PM/ICD and leads to settle. I typically vape at 12 mg, but have begun making some of my own juice and am lowering that to 9 mg and plan to drop eventually to about 3mg.

Sorry for the very long post.
Nice to know there are others who have been through some of the same stuff and enjoy vaping!


Star Puppy
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Nov 19, 2013
North Carolina
I have looked for and read everything I could find regarding nicotine consumption via smokeless delivery / ecig after having suffered a heart attack and / or being diagnosed with heart disease, but there doesn't appear to be a lot out there. I'm not sure that vaping AFTER these circumstances has been addressed much. I have family that have been diagnosed that are asking me about this. I'm also interested for myself. Any info or experience any of you may have will be much appreciated.

If you vape and have heart disease or had a heart attack, are you using nicotine?
What are your doctors saying?
What's your experience?
Are there any studies citing smokeless nicotine use after a heart event?

Hey TyPie -- yes I will answer these questions. Btw, I am a 56 year old male that had a heart attack,(blocked arteries) and had smoked for 40+ years.

1)If you vape and have heart disease or had a heart attack, are you using nicotine?

I am using nicotine but 6mg only. I started with 24mg but stepped down. I still get my nicotine fix just not as strong a fix. ;)

2)What are your doctors saying?

My doctors are glad I quit smoking. I had tried for several years after my heat attack to stop smoking using the FDA approved methods with no good results. Vaping was the answer for me.

3)What's your experience?

Tbh I feel better. Not as good as I did before having to take all this medication, but better still.
My meds are metoprolol and quinapril, one 81mg aspirin a day, and the occasional NORCO for severe arthritis.

4)Are there any studies citing smokeless nicotine use after a heart event?

Not yet, I feel there is not much interest in that subject as you can see by this progressive report.
I feel the CDC needs to do one though. Hell I will even volunteer for the study. ;)
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Star Puppy
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Nov 19, 2013
North Carolina
Cant believe I missed this topic before....

When I had the PM/ICD installed they required me to stay overnight in the hospital. I had taken my PV with me (just a VV stick battery and an EVOD at the time) and would go into the bathroom for a quick hit or two during the night (you can not sleep in a hospital!!). The nurse came in twice right afterward and asked, "what's that lovely smell in here?"

Since I have stopped smoking I am breathing much better. My energy level has increased, however, with the surgery I have been restricted somewhat for two months allowing the PM/ICD and leads to settle. I typically vape at 12 mg, but have begun making some of my own juice and am lowering that to 9 mg and plan to drop eventually to about 3mg.

Sorry for the very long post.
Nice to know there are others who have been through some of the same stuff and enjoy vaping!

Lurch -- Loved the Hospital Bathroom story..enabler! I have been terrified of having to go into hospital for fear I would be away from my Ahlusion Rick's Request! heh heh heh *with an evil grin...No more! ;)


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Apr 13, 2014
Central Florida
Lurch -- Loved the Hospital Bathroom story..enabler! I have been terrified of having to go into hospital for fear I would be away from my Ahlusion Rick's Request! heh heh heh *with an evil grin...No more! ;)

Be forewarned, it is hard to hide a PV in those stupid hospital gowns. Fortunately they had me wear a sling to keep my arm from moving. Made a great spot to keep my PV!!!


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Apr 13, 2014
Central Florida
Apparently, its not nicotine... wish I had known this before:
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