Vaperev Carto Tanks. What is your experience?

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Aug 7, 2013
NoHo El Lay CA
This past Black Friday/Cyber Monday Vaperev had a great sale on their carto tanks. $15 for their $40 Pyrex tanks. So I, and many of you, jumped on the sale and got some. I bought 2, with the slanted end caps.

They are back at normal price now, and seem to be OOS on some colors Alcantara Gray Rev Tank - Cartomizer Tanks - Accessories

I was wondering if any of you share the same experience I am having with them. Here is my review...

Beautiful tanks. Well finished. I love the look of the slanted/graduated end caps. Perfect length for my unflanged cartos. Great seal, (more on this below). I got one with clear pyrex and one with frosted Pyrex. Both are finished well with no rough surfaces on the ends.

They vape very well. Just as good as my beloved IBTanked tanks. With the slanted end caps, I can shove the tank all the way down the carto, and even into the end cap on my Provari with no blocking of airflow. With all my flat end capped tanks, I have to push the tank slightly up the carto to get good airflow on the Provari. Not a big deal, a hair width adjustment.

Here is my only issue/complaint.

The inner o-rings are TOO tight. I have to exert A LOT of force to insert the carto into the tank, even with using a carto filling tool and lubeing the shaft of the carto with eliquid. And then when refilling the tank, having A LOT of problems sliding the tank up the carto. My method to conquer this was to crank the carto and tank down as tight as I could into the 510 connector, thus locking the carto to the connector, and rotating the tank until the grip was loosened enough to slide the tank up, fill, and then slide back down. This, of course, created a problem when wanting to remove the carto and tank to switch it out with another. The only way I could figure out to do this was to slide the tank up the carto far enough to get a pair of thin pliers onto the carto to loosen it enough to screw it off. A problem if you don't have tools at your quick reach!

The fit is soo tight, that it sometimes rolled a part of the oring up into the tank when inserting a carto. Pinching it there. This eventually led to one of the orings to break, the other to become rough and cut up and about to fail. The seal remained fine until the oring broke. The tanks did NOT come with replacement o-rings, nor are there any to order from Vaperev (bummer).

One lucky thing for me is that the extra o-rings that IBTanked provided with their tanks I purchased actually fit the Vaperev tank, and is a better fit than the ones that came installed on the tank. So I have the tank with the broken o-ring working again with the help of a competitors provided o-ring.

The isue with these over tight o-rings makes me wonder if they designed them this way, and I am just using them wrong, or if they ran out of the correct o-ring during production and switched them out with the next best fit, which was the wrong fit. I also wonder if they had the greast sale on these because they knew of the problem and just wanted to dump them out so cheaply that no one would comment.

So, my review including the normal price and the o-ring issue is a 3 out of 5 rating. I do not think I would buy these again, at least not at full price. Not when I can get a custom IBT for $10 less and have it work perfectly.

How have you experienced these tanks?


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Sep 26, 2013
MetroWest Boston, MA, USA
I picked up a pair during the sale too and have the same problem trying to load the carto and refill the tank. It takes a lot of force to slide the carto in and out, even when well lubed with juice. Then I had that rare DOA carto that I had to struggle to remove after the aggravation of putting it in. I wasn't happy. I used a syringe to get the juice out and transferred it to an IBTanked and haven't gone back to the Vaperev ones since. Thanks for the heads up on using an IBTanked o-ring, I may try that. The Vaperev is a nice tank, but for the price and no spare o-rings, IBTanked is a better deal (I think they hold a little more juice too).


Ursus Praedonum
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Jul 5, 2013
The Vobbit Hole
I got two of the flat capped tanks with frosted glass during the sale. They ARE pretty tight. With a tank tool and some juice for lube they go in and out, just not easily. I'd rather have them a little too tight than too loose. If I had an o-ring break or something like some of you guys I'd be irritated, but as it is, not too bad.


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Aug 7, 2013
NoHo El Lay CA
I never had a problem with the ones I purchased before the sale, but the two I bought on sale are a pain in the tail...same problem here!

Wow Stormy, I find that very interesting.

I was just being cynical with my statement wondering if they were dumping defective tanks, but maybe now it looks like I may have been right.
Or it was coincidental that some defective ones were in stock when they had the sale. Could be. I guess.

Let's see if they respond to my email, and how they respond.

The Ocelot

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The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I got 3 of the tanks in the sale, but I've only used one of them. The one I'm using has the opposite problem, at least on one end. The cap pulls out too easily if I'm not careful. I did notice the tightness too though on at least one of the other tanks. They were out of clear glass in one color, so I got frosted. After the tanks arrived, I switched the glass and had a very hard time getting the caps off of one of the tubes. I can't remember if it was both caps on the tank, or just one end. In any case, not bad for $15, but I wouldn't buy another one at full price.


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Aug 7, 2013
NoHo El Lay CA
Here is Vaperev's response to my email, which contained much of my OP

We are happy to hear that you like the tanks and that you were able to purchase them during our Cyber Monday sale. We normally do not offer sales on any of our items and thought this would be best time to discount them during our Cyber Monday sale allowing customers to take advantage of the savings and purchase a tank if they have been wanting one.

The O-rings on the tanks you received are the correct ones. We originally used smaller thickness O-rings, however, customers did not like the original O-ring design as customers were not able to attach their cartomizers to their device as the tanks would keep spinning. By using O-rings with a tighter tolerance, this prevented that issue.

Also, a few customers stated that the tank would slide off their carto when pulling out their device from their pocket or purse. Since a few customers use drip tips that are the same diameter as their cartomizer, the tanks would slide past the drip tip causing the tank come off and leak liquid. This is the worst case scenario which we do not want to see happen which is why we felt the O-rings that are used in manufacturing now, work the best.

When installing a new cartomizer, it is best to twist the cartomizer while pushing it in, this will prevent the O-rings from binding or getting cut from your cartomizer. When refilling and re-installing your tank to your cartomizer, we suggest using the same method. I personally use an Alcantra Grey Rev tank with my Itaste and use my thumb to push the tank up enough to leave a gap so that I can refill the tank. (I never completely remove my tank) Once I have done so, I simply twist the tank while pushing it back down. I have not had any issues with my tank after 4 months going on 5.

We offer spare O-rings free of charge. Just let us know what address you would like us to mail them to. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know so that we may better assist you.

Best Regards,

Vape Rev Team

OK. Whatever.

I do like that they will send replacement o-rings, seemingly free of charge.

From what some of you are saying, I think that they have a few different size o-rings, and put in whichever they have have in stock at the time. Some are too big, some too small, and hopefully, some Goldilocks (just right).

I think they are good looking tanks, and a great buy at $15-20. Too expensive at $40.


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Aug 7, 2013
NoHo El Lay CA
Oddly enough, I switched the caps from 1 tank to the other and now both work fine. Is it possible there are slight variations in the size of the glass and they use different o-rings based on the glasses' diameter when they assemble them before shipment?

Could be. And interesting.

But my problem, and the others who posted here, were with the inner oring in the end caps. The orings that grip the carto. Glass size variance would have no impact on those orings.

Tapatalking with my thumbs.
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