Vaper Club Startup Ideas

Do you think a vapers club is a good idea to promote e-cigarettes?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe, but only if done right

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
OK, so it was suggested that we start a Vaper Club since we now went from 2 Vapers at my workplace to ~6 so far (in 4 weeks). I think this is a great idea, and have some ideas I'd like to bounce off the crowd to see if it sounds feasible and logical.

First off, it will not be 'official', as I could see lots of legal issues to deal with (financing, treasury, official positions, etc.). But I think just making up some business cards/brochure-type letters to hand to people who approach us at the smoke pit (and there are at least 3 a day!!!).

The one thing that seems to send smokers running is the initial buy-in. I convinced one of my friends at work to give it a try by letting him borrow my DSE901 and some juice for a few days. He just bought the protege (as did I) last week. So my suggestion now is kind of a 'pay it forward', as the person who got me vaping let me have some of his juice and an extra e-cig, and I was hooked. Maybe just ask for donations from the 'members', and use all of that to help buffer the startup costs for new vapers.

A website would probably also help us get the word out, but would probably have to get quite a few members before that becomes a reality.

That's about as far as I've thought through for now (only been an hour since the suggestion). Anyone else out there startup their local club, or participate.. and have suggestions, ideas, what to do, what not to do, general opinions? Thanks in advance!


New Member
Oct 3, 2009
definitely. epluribus_vapor hooked me with the 901. Made him order the protege for me, and I am loving it. Like he said, we have several people a day approach us. Everyone we have seen is very curious of it. The problem is, a lot of people equate the nice products that we have with some.... 'gimmic' items from TV. Such an easy transition, and I am now free of cigarettes!! Thank you e-cigs, and epluribus.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Ok, running ideas, here's what I got so far for the business card... just to direct them to the forum, where they can get more info... will work on the brochures for interested parties, maybe have them contact us on the forum and then email them the brochure?? (it's green)

The name of the club is also obviously debatable.
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Full Member
May 2, 2009
San Angelo, TX
I think you have a good idea going. As far as the pay it forward I recall you have 4-5 901's that you got before the protege. I would say keep them available, along with a bit of juice. Let ppl you know try it overnight/couple of days and if they like it, get their own. Might also keep a charger or two available. Call it the Gordon Stash or something! lol.


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Sep 29, 2009
I had the same turn out at work when I started vaping there. just about converted all 12 of the smokers. The initial buy-in does turn some off that's what led us to the club style and pooling our funds for large wholesale orders. the web site was not to much of a hassle to set up and may help increase the club size so we can start getting our supplies even cheaper.


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Sep 29, 2009
Np, if you decide to go that route and would like some of the price sheets I've gathered from manufacturers, distributors, suppliers let me know, they seem to all be close in price.

the prices I'm starting to list on smokeymountainvapor are for the 20 to 50 at a shot range, but they do go cheaper if you order larger qty's.

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
IMO A Vapors "Club" is a bad idea. Smoking or Vaping is a lifestyle, and calling it a club may bring on some issues.

Do you really think people will take kindly to;
1. The smokers club.
2. The drinkers club.
3. The Recreational drug users club.

I personally don't think it will help the cause.
Just my opinion.



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I think it could have ill effects too, as can everything, and that was the main reason for this thread. See what all everyone else has to contribue... and maybe shouldn't make it a 'club' as that would indicates that we're 'recruiting', which is a short turn to 'luring kids to smoking'... but having a group of coworkers who vape, and go in on orders together, and want to see vaping continue to be legal... that's more the purpose. And of course, only those who approach US and ask US about e-cigarettes will be talked to. Definitely don't want to become targeted for 'getting people to smoke'.


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Sep 29, 2009
I guess its all in how you set it up, that's why I limit access to only people I can personal meet in the Atlanta area keep the kids out that way.

didn't see an e-mail link on your site to send you the lists. but for small bulk your looking at kits under 24 bucks, 510, 901, 801's, attys at 5 buck and under, batt's 7 and under liquid around 5 bucks for 30ml.
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