Vapeonly BCC Mega leaking into mouthpiece?

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Full Member
May 7, 2013
Los Angeles
Mine does it from time to time , i usually take off the drip tip and clean it every time i fill the tank.That seems to work for me. I have also noticed if i leave my pv in the car and it gets warm it will leak into the drip tip and get very gurgly.
This! I left mine in my hot car when I came back I noticed it was leaking into the mouth! I didn't think the car heat had much to do with it though but I guess it did.

Do you think leaving it in the car does permanent damage? Cuz now the thing gets wet under there after normal use, havent left in the car again since that one time.


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Verified Member
May 9, 2013
i have had nothing but problems with these things, coil popped on one so i rebuilt the coil and i get gurgling and juice through the mouth piece. when i push the coil head in sometimes it gets connection sometimes it doesnt. i cant get any kind of ohm reading from the connections on my multimeter, i have tried everything to get it to work correct. probly wont buy another


New Member
Jun 14, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I have to say, I noticed this happening with the BCC Mega tank after accidentally leaving it in a hot car too. It hasn't been right since, even with trying multiple coil replacements :( Switching to a drip-tip for the time being has helped reduce the liquid leaks through the tank top ( thanks for the recommendation!)- but its leaking on the bottom too now and I guess its pretty much shot.
I've been pretty stuck on those and the mini tanks, and eGo batteries- they are adequate for me and I really dont want a bigger, bulkier system.... but both these tanks and batteries seem to "go bad" after a few months and need to be replaced. Anyone have suggestions on a comparable system?
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