vape when you're sick?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2010
Ithaca, NY
you guys vape when you're sick?

I got the flu Saturday night -- just came on like a freight train over the course of about 5 hours. I was pounding beers so at first I thought it was from vaping too much when my throat started burning more than usual after big drags on the ecig with 30mg juice. Then it was medium-sized drags on 16mg juice causing pain... Eventually I couldn't even take a small hit off of 0 nic Peppermint juice (had zero throat hit the other day when I wasn't sick) without a wicked throat burn.

Pretty soon thereafter I noticed the achy feeling, and my nose was starting to get clogged... Slept for a while and a few hours later I woke up with full-blown flu....

So now I'm depressed because I've been coughing up a lung and my throat is so tender I still can't take even a tiny hit off the Peppermint. And when I try, it sends me into a coughing fit where I cough up more phlegm. It's making me think that this vaping stuff might be much worse for me than I thought if it can cause that kind of reaction from such a tiny hit. Or maybe it's steam. I'll test that hypothesis when I make some tea.

Just wondering how long it'll be before I can vape again. If I wait too much longer, what's the point of starting back up? It's almost been 3 days now, so the nicotine withdrawal isn't really there. And I already broke myself of the cigarettes (never going back to them...), so I almost feel like what's the point if it's bad enough for me that I can't take a tiny hit of 0 nic juice -- and peppermint -- one of the most soothing/cooling flavors out there? Why keep doing it? That's a really depressing thought after spending all of this money...

Just sucks.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2010
Perth, Australia
Sean, over the many years that I was smoking, occasionally I would get a dose of the flu. Not often, as I am fortunate to be endowed with a strong constitution. But yeah.... I would get crook as a dog!!!

At those times I would not be able to go anywhere near a what's're crook so just get better and then make your decisions from there.

A lot of people give up the analogues when they are unwell, so if you can give up both the analogues and vaping with this flu, hell give it a go!!
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Ultra Member
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Nov 15, 2010
Cary, NC
I got a staph infection about 2 weeks ago. Incredible pain in my nose, and my sinuses were recovering from something mild. I vaped less since I was sleeping more and laying down a lot, but I found a nice menthol e-juice and I must say it was very nice. I didn't smoke menthol analogs, but the smoothness of it when vaping is quite nice. It eased my sinuses and was quite pleasant. Peppermint sounds like it might be a bit harsh, maybe go for something milder? You could always up the nicotine a bit so you get more out of a single hit (so you don't feel the need to drag on it 10 times), in a nice menthol. Just my $.02 :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2010
This happened to me a day or two after quitting smoking and I began vaping. I thought I had a flu, but it was just my system clearing out all the old junk. Sometimes it happens right away, sometimes weeks or months. Some people get it worse than others. I thought I had a massive flu or something, but I had no fever to indicate any sort of infection. you sig shows you've quit a little over a month ago, so check your symptoms and see if you have a fever that usually goes with the flu. If not, your body might just be finally ridding itself of all the old crap. For me, I also was drinking beers, then went to bed and about 5-6 hours later woke up feeling exactly as you described.

The only difference for me was I still wanted to vape, though it still seemed to do little for me. But at the same time, I smoked when I was sick too.


Supporting Member
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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
So sorry you are sick ! Sore throats are rough... so can be peppermint. It's great if you nose is plugged but can be ouchie on the throat if it is a strong peppermint.
If you are still really wanting to vape you could try weakening the peppermint, weaker could actually be soothing. Is that the only flavor that you have ?
(Don't forget that honey is great for soothing sore thrroats !)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
Hi Sean,
My routine for sore throat is first and foremost take some pain pills, usually tylenol. Doesn't take it away, but it sure helps lessen the pain. Honey and hard candy seems to help also. If I also have congestion, then I also spend four or five minutes breathing through a washrag wet with hot water. I try to do that four or five times a day. It seems to help make my coughing more productive.

As for the vaping, it looks like you've got several good suggestions already. Main thing is GET WELL SOON!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2010
Ithaca, NY
thanks everybody -- been drinkin Emergen-C, drinking lots of water and sleeping a ton -- feelin better, or maybe I'm just getting used to it

btw this isn't a quitting smoking type sickness -- the last three years I quit smoking each year for 6 months, then 7 months, then in 2010 it was 8 months -- from the middle of January until September, and a month later I had quit smoking again, and was using a Vaporstar vaporizer to vape actual tobacco -- until I realized that instead of coughing up tar and lung butter I was coughing up tiny flecks of the ground-up tobacco that was falling through the screen... at which time I started looking into ecigs and made the switch a few weeks later

anyway, I just picked up a bottle of Glycerin from Mordor (walmart) for $3 -- took it home, opened a new atty and tested it out -- since I didn't have any empty bottles I filled up a 10ml bottle that was empty except for probably 6 drops of Marlboro flavor from blew out the primer, put a couple of drops in -- still kind of harsh... pretty amazing that I can still easily taste the juice flavor (6 drops Marb Flavor vs. 194 drops Glycerin?)

interesting thing I realized while writing this that people might want to pass on (and mind you, this throat burn is really intense -- even drinking a big gulp of water burns), I got some Ricola cough drops here - and sucking on a cough drop makes it so I can take hits off my ecig without almost ANY burn haha

so since the active ingredient in these cough drops is menthol, it would seem that adeline was spot on with menthol being much more soothing than peppermint :D :D :D so I can vape again! as long as I'm suckin a cough drop hehe
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