Vape gear and traveling...

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Kd did

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Oct 17, 2012
Oklahoma City, OK
We recently went on our honeymoon to the Bahamas. I figured I would report in on Customs and the like since so many people wonder if airport regulations and vape gear would be a problem. I am happy to report that we had no trouble with airport screenings or long as you don't mind them turning your full tanks upside down and inspecting out of curiosity. We were asked repeatedly what "it" was, but never had any trouble after explaining that it was an "electronic cigarette." We traveled through Atlanta, Nassau, Dallas-Ft Worth, and Oklahoma City airports. Vaping was only allowed in smoking areas of the airports (those that had them) and not allowed at all on the planes. I thought those things were all to be expected, so we had no problems. We carried all vape gear in our carry on in case our luggage got lost. Our items were not "taken apart" or heavily inspected. We were simply asked what the liquid and ecig equipment was. No worries. Happy travels!
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