V4L Menthol Juice Cage Match!!!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Sorry to let this thread die (and resurrect it...MUHHAAAHAAA!)

a fellow vaper was nice enough to send me a couple sample bottles, and...

PARLIAMENT MENTHOL FTW!!! I like the Dunhall too, but Parl is just...well...IT. Perfect for me. Nice flavor, good vapor, decent throat hit, very smooth tobacco taste without menthol overpowering it. They balance each other nicely and round out to a very nice vape. I love it!

Thanks to everyone who pitched in with opinions to help out. Special thanks to wisteelersfan for his generosity.

Now...where's the 100ml bottles, V4L???? (J/K!)

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Now that you have a winner..I have a suggestion..for the next round of course! Have you tried getting your favorite tobacco and then a menthol, mint or smilin and add drop by drop to your tobacco until you get just the RIGHT flavor. I would mix it in a 5ml bottle or whatever is the smallest bottle you have. use a blank carto or a newly cleaned carto for the test vape.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Now that you have a winner..I have a suggestion..for the next round of course! Have you tried getting your favorite tobacco and then a menthol, mint or smilin and add drop by drop to your tobacco until you get just the RIGHT flavor. I would mix it in a 5ml bottle or whatever is the smallest bottle you have. use a blank carto or a newly cleaned carto for the test vape.

Funny...I just placed an order at TV for their tobacco and menthol separates...so I can also get some V4L flavors and experiment with mixing 'em just as you mentioned above.
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