V4L Business Practices- A Business Student’s Perspective

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Full Member
Oct 8, 2009
Bio- I am a senior level Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Management student at a State University and a pack a day smoker of light cigarettes. I was recently introduced to e-cigarettes and decided I would give them a try, hoping to quit my 8 year addiction to tobacco. Extensive research led me to the E-Cigarette-Forum where I found many reviews, comments, and history of e-cigarette manufacturers, suppliers, and general products. I typically would not write such a lengthy review of a product I have purchased, because I lack the time or desire to do so. But I felt in this instance, it was imperative that I lend my knowledge on the business practices of Vapor 4 Life, as I felt it would be beneficial to future purchasers. At my University it is a requirement to develop a product, produce it, promote it, sell it, and ensure a profit is made to pay off all incurred expenses that were covered via a small business loan from a local lender. The entire amount of profit, less loan principal and interest, is then donated to a nonprofit charity. I am providing all of this information to add some credibility to my education and knowledge of business practices from not only the customer’s point of view, but that of the business.
Vaper4Life- I chose the Vapor King (KR-808D-1) from Vapor 4 Life because of the overwhelming responses from previous customers and their satisfaction with the product and service provided by Vapor 4 Life. Steve Milin and the team at his supply house have demonstrated to me the qualities of a successful business model that I as a student have studied and actually implemented throughout my required course work. The days of build it and they will come are over. Product markets are driven by you and I; the customer. While I don’t know what happens at V4L between Steve and his team, I do know what and how they treat their customers.
Business models that we have studied extensively in their simplest terms look like this.
·[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]Not only meet the customers’ expectations, but exceed it slightly[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]This is a win-win situation. It makes the customer happy and creates repeat business for the vendor[/FONT]
Keep inventories at current market demand, with a small cushion, but do not overstock[/FONT]
[FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT]This saves money for the supplier, in turn saving the customer money[/FONT]
[FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT]V4L has a large selection of products and keeps them stocked[/FONT]
·[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]Time is of the essence.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]Ship quickly[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]Answer questions promptly[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]If there are delays, explain why[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]Have a solution to the problem before it occurs[/FONT]
Consistency is key[/FONT]
[FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT]There should be little to no variation in product quality or service[/FONT]
·[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]Listen to your customer[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT="]o[FONT="] [/FONT][/FONT]They can tell you what it is they want, how they want it, and how to improve[/FONT]
This tells you how to satisfy your customer, keeping you and business, and them coming back.[/FONT]
Vapor King- Because this is my first e-cigarette I cannot offer a well documented comparison, but I can give you my beginner’s opinion. The two-piece cartomizer design makes this unit simple. When the cartridge is empty, you can refill it, or trash it and replace it with another. The drag is extremely good, flavors robust, and overall the unit is aesthetically pleasing. All of the equipment I received works without flaw thus far, and the quality seems durable.
I will continue to update this section as I use my Vapor King more. . .
Conclusion- I will also add comments on Kamel, Kant, and Virginia flavors in the upcoming days as I try each, documenting the length of life and flavor quality. I would like to thank Steve and the team at Vapor 4 Life because of their commitment to customer satisfaction. I was surprised to see several extra goodies in my order. I can’t thank them enough for that because it will benefit us both in the future. I hope this small bit of information has helped. If anyone has questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to becoming friends with everyone here in the community!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2009
Prescott, Arizona, USA
·Keep inventories at current market demand, with a small cushion, but do not overstock
[FONT="]oThis saves money for the supplier, in turn saving the customer money[/FONT]

There's a fine line there, though-- volume buying results in lower costs, so sometimes it's better to get far more than is necessary for the short term.

As an aside regarding the multiplicity of Ryans, I once worked in a kitchen where all four of its staff were named Andy. We didn't have screen names to fall back on, either. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 4, 2009
Thanks for the review from a business student's perspective. We do love V4L for a reason, well actually many reasons:
  • product quality
  • fast filling/shipping of orders
  • quick response to phone calls and emails as well as forum posts
  • constant improvement of the products
  • Steve's little surprises in each and every order
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