USA Flavor Reviews (Java Mint, #7, and Peacemaker)

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ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2011
Let me start by saying this is really just an addendum to Snow and Morandir's reviews. They seem to be experts at identifying subtle flavors and nuances and being able to accurately and thoroughly describe them. So if you want the real deal please exit to the right and visit here, here, and here.

But, by God we're going to do this anyway because I feel the need to try to put this into words so I can figure out what the hell is going on in my mouth right now! So if you've made it this far let's go.

**As a precursor I should note that my taste buds may be off at the moment because I've been drinking some Guinness Black Lager and vaped a few samplers that came with the order while filling these, in addition to doing them one right after another. (I'm not a patient man :p)

First of all, this is my first experience with the USA juice and the first thing I noted about all 3 is that they have very complex flavors that are hard to pin down and also that they produce a TON of vapor! I use Premier flavors only so it's quite a change. I really don't notice a lingering smell with any of them but it could be that I'm just oblivious to these things. But then I'm oblivious to a lot of yeah let's go with that.

Java Mint - This to me is like a dark roasted coffee bean. It's not a traditional coffee taste. If I could describe it I would say that it tastes like a coffee bean smells, which makes no sense at all. The mint is very muted. I think I may steep this juice a bit to see if it comes out at all. Being a menthol guy that would be great. The throat hit is average. Nothing special. I imagine if the mint was more pronounced that would help. Other than the mint part I really do like it. I drink black coffee so I like that it doesn't seem to have a chocolate/mocca type flavor. Hmmm perhaps I should make a pot and go get some Irish Cream...... but I digest. Onward!

#7 - Dammit what is this?! I don't have a clue but I'm loving it. I was going to describe it as nutty but it just changed on me. Get back here you. Well to hell with describing the flavor. As for an overall description, I would say it's most like a cigarette. Your average, run of the mill, Marlboro Light type cigarette. But cleaner. The taste to me is very pure. Like I said, I'm a menthol guy but I did smoke regulars for quite a while after the menthols started really killing me (well even more than the usual). So I still like to have a "regular" on a regular basis if you will. My preference on regulars was Camel Wides and that is what I'd compare this to. (See it already changed on me again!! WTF!) I vape Dunhall to get my traditional smokie treat fix at the moment and I think part of the reason is because to me Dunhall has kind of a nasty taste to it. It brings me back to my old cancer stick days. So yeah, this is much better. Also, it has a good strong throat hit. I like something that'll just slap me in the face and talk dirty to me! Crossing the line? Yes, probably. Alright let's move on before this gets any more weird.

Peacemaker - Well Morandir I believe it was (you may have seen him around. No? Well whatever) stole my thunder on this one already. York Peppermint Patty it is. Don't really taste any chocolate but that's a great comparison. Not sweet enough to be described as a candy cane. Dang. I think he said that too. What we should do now is copy and paste his description right here. But I'm too lazy. So it's up to you to click it up there and find it for yourself. What? Don't look at me like that! You have legs! Ok, back on track. The bottom line is that this flavor is fan-flippin-tastic. It has a good minty/mentholy throat hit and an excellent overall flavor. It's right up there with my top dog Spearmint. Trust me, you want to buy this. You will love it. And if you don't? Well ol' Scoot is more than happy to accept your generous donation.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2011
Ah thank you, thank you. Just helpin out. :)

Morandir/Eleanor, good plan. I think I'll let all of these steep at least overnight. I'm sure they get to us with quite a shorter shelf time than the overseas versions. I only filled 2 carts of each because I'm very interested to see how the flavors fill out. I may post an update if there's a significant difference.

And, back away from that Guinness, me boyo -- it's surely not helpin'! :):D

Oh it's helpin' quite a bit me laddie! Goin down just fine!


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Verified Member
Nov 4, 2011
I've been doing No.7 daily for nearly a week now, and last nite picked up a new flavor nuance. I was drinking hawaiian punch at the time, which I don't normally do. On the exhale of No.7 thru the nose, I got a distinct bourbon scent! The kind of toasted oak "sweetness", with a balancing "edge".

I need some Jack & Coke tonite to confirm. :party:
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