Week ahead: Senate Democrats target e-cigarettes | TheHill
US Senate HELP Committee Chair Tom Harkin (D-IA) has scheduled a hearing for tomorrow (Thursday) at 2:30PM to demonize e-cigs and lobby for vaping bans, e-cig ad bans and FDA’s proposed deeming regulation that would ban >99% of e-cig products, give the e-cig industry to Big tobacco, and threaten the lives of all vapers and smokers. FDA’s Mitch Zeller and CDC’s Tim McAfee are the only witness invited to testify.
US Senate HELP Committee Chair Tom Harkin (D-IA) has scheduled a hearing for tomorrow (Thursday) at 2:30PM to demonize e-cigs and lobby for vaping bans, e-cig ad bans and FDA’s proposed deeming regulation that would ban >99% of e-cig products, give the e-cig industry to Big tobacco, and threaten the lives of all vapers and smokers. FDA’s Mitch Zeller and CDC’s Tim McAfee are the only witness invited to testify.