*URGENT* CALL TO ACTION! Beach Florida flavor ban- URGENT!!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
[h=5]URGENT! We just received word that the city of Vero Beach, Florida will be introducing an ordinance to BAN the sale of flavored tobacco products (including e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco) within the city.

Please e-mail comments in opposition as soon as possible to cityclrk@covb.org. Address your comments to the Vero Beach City Council and let them know that you're an adult and flavors have helped you stay smoke-free!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 30, 2013
Kansas City, MO
Sent email!!

I really believe using E-cigarettes is saving my life! I was a smoker for 20 years. I have tried many methods of quitting and this is the only one that worked.

Couple things you need to know. The most offensive smells come from the tobacco "flavors" while the range of other options are even pleasant. Also, something I am sure you don't know. The tobacco flavors don't come from actual tobacco except in rare instances. In fact, there is little relation between tobacco and vaping.

How do you define a tobacco flavor? I have about 10 flavors that call themselves tobacco and there are hundreds more. What happens if someone is using a vaporizer with no nicotine? I have several bottles of no nicotine handy. On what grounds would that be illegal?

I fully understand the point of view that this could be made to appeal to children, but it is no different than a chocolate flavored liquor. I think that there should be an age limit.

There has been study after study that shows no negative second hand emissions, no toxins, no carcinogens, etc.

I appreciate the difficulty of trying to make public safety decisions without enough background information, but even the attempt to err on the side of caution will cause one of the most effective smoking cessation systems to lose its effectiveness.

Thank you,
Andy Bayliss
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