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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
I don't want to jinx it, but I've been analog free for 48 hours! To tell you the truth I'm shocked.

Part of my success is the wonderful selection of flavors, vs. the very few options I had with my last system. The passthru has saved me too, or I surely would have run out of charged batteries at the worst of times.

Kudos to the wonderful service and quick processing of my 2 orders so far.
I'm looking forward to trying some new flavors including cuban cigar, 555, Cherry, Ry4, and the tobacco flavors in the sampler that I haven't had yet, Virginia, Kant, and Kamel. These shipped today, and I sprung for express shipping as I just have to have a Merry vaping Christmas!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
I'm feeling very good that I've been able to let go of the analogs. I've got almost a full carton sitting there, but they just don't taste or smell that great after just this short of time. Amazing.

I've successfully quit analogs a few times, one with patches, once cold turkey. I just made up a ".... jar". You take your spent analog cigs out of the ashtray into a jar, add a little water and shake. Open it up and have a big sniff whenever you want a "real" cig.
It can really deter you from lighting up an analog.

Yep, I'm feeling pretty darn good!
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