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ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
Just picked up an ERA "Torch" atty, and I'm wondering - what options I have to fiddle with the finish?

Is there a way to "undo" the torching?
Would it come out as "brushed SS" if I used steel wool on it perhaps?
Or does the torching go "deeper" than that?
Just thinking about it...

Looks like this (the one on the left) though no where near that dark or even:
A light application of #0000 steel wool to remove the flame patina and a lot of work. Bluing is mostly on the surface but it's stuck there real firm. You can steel wool that stuff off, but if your anywhere near my age it will make your hands sore. Following that if you want a nice shine a buffing wheel and some green rouge, a drill, and some more time you could get a nice shine on it.

Thing is it's a lot of work and time, but if you want to do it, it can be done. Just be real careful if your tempted to use sand paper, those scratches can be tough to get out of SS. I use a manicure block for that, the kind with multiple grit. the course is always too much but it's a great place to get a tiny piece of micro screen on a sanding block.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 11, 2013
Thanks for the input!
I think I'm going to learn to love it like it is...
- I'm thinking this may have been "baked" - it looks colored inside as well, so it could be VERY deep...
- It's possibly a lot of effort, and may well be "for occasional use only" anyway...
- I get hand cramps sometimes just trying to get wires in post holes, lol
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