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UK community association

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Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
It's about time we formed a UK community group, and luckily we have a good model in the shape of CASAA. The main issues at the moment are to present e-cigarette use optimally to UK media, and to join with other EU groups being formed now, in order to make our views known in Brussels.

This effort is best initiated through the forums, so we should try to join up and move forward. The UK can be represented by those who care enough to become involved and do the work necessary. There will be a fair amount of admin, liaison with media and others in the UK, liaison with other Euro community associations, and ultimately some political work at EU level.

From my point of view I do have experience in this area but do not wish to fill any admin role for personal reasons - there are of course many capable people in the community. ECF will help with whatever resources are needed.


Vaping Master
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Hi Roly & apologies for the delay in replying to your email about this.

I'd not be very good at initiating something like this & also wouldn't make a very good spokesperson - my spelling & grammar leaves a lot to be desired for starters .But would like to try to help. I do already have links to several e-cig forums (with ECF at he top of the list of course ;D) on all about e-cigs, so do try as much as possible to get the UK community to join up & get involved.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
Any community association has by definition to include a representative from each forum - because they are 'the community' at the moment. So when things get further down the road, whoever is forming a committee would be observing the correct protocol if they asked you to nominate someone to join in.

Not sure when that will be, though... There's the Southerners... and the Northerners... and the South-Westerners... and the Scots and the Welsh and the Irish......... :)


Vaping Master
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Roly, I'm wondering if the reason that "things are are bit slow at yet" is due to a sort of catch 22 situation? Ie no one really knows what is really expected of them till things get off the ground. But on the other hand it needs to get off the ground before folks can be join in?

Lol sorry if the above doesn't make any sense :)


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
Well, you are right, Chrissie. This stage takes the longest, because people are not sure what needs to be done. Then, when they speak with each other, there may be disagreements about exactly how to do it. For example in Holland they have four forums, three came together and decided to try and start an association, but that process took a long time (I'm not sure how long but possibly a year). And this is the way it goes.

It would help if we moved faster but these things take time. It's as if the natural time for something has to arrive; as if ideas need to coalesce and then something is formed.

In theory a couple of people from each forum should sit down, talk things over, and invite in anyone else they think can contribute. From that, a working committee is formed. Then some rules are agreed and things move forward. A name is chosen and a website set up.

Perhaps we can start that process in a couple of weeks. Each forum needs to ask their members: who would like to help start this out?

So - take this as ECF asking this question of UK forum members right now :)

Anyone can contribute but it needs to be kept in mind that some work input is needed: getting PDFs together by doing research and writing; liaising with people in the UK and Europe; organising media approaches; organising approaches to legislators such as MPs and MEPs; and so on. The people on the committee need to be prepared to do some work - talking will not cut it.

In fact anything is possible by co-operating with others and splitting the workload into manageable chunks. A committee member might be in the position of trying to organise a project team to tackle a particular job. They would probably recruit those assistants via the forums. Some examples:

Project 1. Let's find an area where we have some people on the ground. Get a list of all doctors in the area. Print up one or two info PDFs to distribute to them. Get the PDFs to the doctors by visit or mail.

Project 2. The association might ask all UK vendors to include a small info sheet (maybe A5) with all product mailouts. The info sheet will be simple and contain a link to the association website. There will be no possible commercial negatives to including it. Therefore it needs two teams: one to research and write the flyer, one to get it printed and distributed to all UK vendors.

These are just examples of projects and may or may not be realistic - but you can see that a committee member needs to be an organiser.
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Super Member
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Jun 4, 2009
Yorkshire, England
Hello Roly, Chrissie and eveyone else :D

I am quite happy to rejuvinate the Campaign for Vaping in Pubs as a part of the Community Association, to target the Licensed Trade. I think integrating the various disperate groups under one banner is a long over due and I am willing to be a part of it. From September, my personal working arrangements will allow me more time to devote to 'the cause'.




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Jul 3, 2009
What would peoples thoughts be on asking CASAA if they would extend to becoming 'Worldwide' ? I'm sure that most of us are aware of what they do, ECITA has already mentioned about working together with US Vendors and with the EU discussing the need to place E-Cigs in what-ever category including tobacco i think the situation in the US isn't that much different to ours.

Maybe CASAA could be asked if they would be willing to have in effect a UK chapter? After all one of the the goals are to keep E-Cigs available and safe.


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Jul 3, 2009
Liscab,i hope that a UK consumer organisation does become reality.Whilst i'm happy to send emails etc to who-ever needs contacting(call to action) and adding comments to newspaper articles and things of that nature,thats as far as i can help in any way.I hope someone has the knowledge and is willing to set up a new organisation.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2009
Miami fl.
Liscab,i hope that a UK consumer organisation does become reality.Whilst i'm happy to send emails etc to who-ever needs contacting(call to action) and adding comments to newspaper articles and things of that nature,thats as far as i can help in any way.I hope someone has the knowledge and is willing to set up a new organisation.

I am on the same boat, i am not a easy wording guy on my own language , guess on another but any sparkle that i can drop to create the flame to bring this thing up I will be there


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
That is a good idea and has its attractions. However there are some good reasons why a CASAA local chapter would not work in some other countries. It may well work in physically close countries with similar laws and a similar flavour, but not in Europe I think.

-- The CASAA example is a first-class model to copy, if required.
-- However they have got their hands full in N. America.
-- They will not want to overstretch by going too far distant.
-- A local chapter in the UK would still need work by CASAA, which they don't need (think: another 8 or 14 countries, or whatever).
-- In order for another country to use the name, there would need to be a set of regulations, and some oversight by CASAA - and they don't really need that.
-- Each country has its own flavour and things might need to be done differently.
-- In Europe we need to form groups in each country and then join in a federation to make our voice heard in Brussels.
-- Holland has already started, and they have produced a good working plan: get people from each of the forums to combine.
-- Each country has its own standard format for national association names which is recognisable to natives of that country. Another's naming format does not really transfer well.
-- In the UK we might end up doing things in a different way to CASAA - hard to tell. But if the UK group is a local chapter of CASAA then that option is not available.
-- We already have a huge amount of experience available on forming and running national associations, so we don't really need any pointers in that department.
-- We might well need access to some resources though, and no doubt CASAA would assist.
-- It's a good idea to look at the big picture when you are starting out. Each country needs a community group. Regions such as Europe, N. America, S.E. Asia and so on could form regional central groups. And in the final analysis a world association is needed, because we have a global battle on our hands to resist the various groups who want to close us down. A large-scale solution is probably needed in the long run, not just local level work.

As stated, we have available a lot of experience on the formation and running of national associations. All we need to start it off in the UK is for five or six people to agree. That's all it is waiting on. Nothing can be done until the people recognised as being able to speak for their respective communities are prepared to agree with each other on a way to move forward.
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