U force tank


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2023
Hallo, friends good evening.
The last year I mostly use the voopoo xt with the u force tank I love it for its known awesome flavour I dididnt change the tw-20 coils the tank is new the older one I gave to a friend and I'm using the same e liquids I use cupple of flavours evry day or to I change it I clean my tanks once a week and my e liquid are always storage in a dark cool place the last week I feel something is changed and I feel the flavour is a littel bit weeker the only thing that changed is I started to use the armur s with the I tank 2 and I'm even surprised I feel the flavour sweeter in the I tank 1 with the target 100 it wasn't the same I think vapresoo upgraded the gti coils I also use the freemax maxus solo 100w the flavour is still the same with the same e liquids and the fl-1 coils what can be the reason that I feel this wey on the one of the best sub hom tanks for flavour?
I will appreciate your knowledge and response.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2023
Wick or coil can change favor, even within a production lot. I don’t use cartridge coils unless you count the replaceable build decks on an aromamizer plus (I’ve got 3 which I will build and put in little capsules and use like cartridges). I personally don’t feel that coil cartridges produce totally reliable experiences between coils but some do. Coil cartridges can according to some produce better consistency than rebuildables. I don’t feel that it’s consistent enough to make a difference though. If you’re changing coil type though, yes. It’s going to happen.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2023
Wick or coil can change favor, even within a production lot. I don’t use cartridge coils unless you count the replaceable build decks on an aromamizer plus (I’ve got 3 which I will build and put in little capsules and use like cartridges). I personally don’t feel that coil cartridges produce totally reliable experiences between coils but some do. Coil cartridges can according to some produce better consistency than rebuildables. I don’t feel that it’s consistent enough to make a difference though. If you’re changing coil type though, yes. It’s going to happen.
Thank you, I'm with the same coils nothing is changed same e liquids


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2023
Might be buildup. The issue with cartridges is they can’t be cleaned. This is one of the reasons they can keep up and even sometimes surpass imperfectly built rebuildables. They can use “coil” systems that can’t be cleaned. Usually they seem to be some sort of stamped mesh, though they’re called “coils” they usually don’t have actual coil shaped wire in them. They still experience buildup though, so you have to change the coil and throw the old one away. Some rebuildable people change their wick every day. I do it about twice a week (I’m a slob) but that is often how frequently coils need to be changed. The advertised time is the maximum time a coil can be used. Usually it’s shorter. Frequently it’s actually twice a week, same as me, though it may say “5 days” It could be 4 or 3. Even two with a really high buildup juice. Flavorwest pomberry for example is incredibly high buildup. When I vape that I change my wick and clean my coil every day. It varies from ingredient to ingredient. Fruits tend to be harder on coils in my experience. They have mor “stuff” in them. If you put in a fresh coil of the same type it might clean up for you. Back in the day you could soak, recutting, and reuse coils. These days not so much. The “coil” in them is often tinfoil thin and will shred if you try to even unpack it. With coil cartridges it toss em and screw in a new one. The vape is nice, but it gets to expensive for me. I’m a cheap ........ So I do RDAs, RTAs and RTDAs. I ran across the term “RBA” which sort of describes that whole group. A rebuildable can “work” for a month too, but it’s not safe in either case. “RBAs” are so cheap to rewick I can just do it whenever I feel like. With coil cartridges I’d have to baby them along to get maximum use out of each cartridge and it wouldn’t be a whole lot cheaper than smoking. (It would still be cheaper, just not as much). Too much trouble. I did give my sister a coil system. She’s got a lot more disposable income and changing a wick takes a bit more time and is messy. She’s not big on messy.
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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2023
Might be buildup. The issue with cartridges is they can’t be cleaned. This is one of the reasons they can keep up and even sometimes surpass imperfectly built rebuildables. They can use “coil” systems that can’t be cleaned. Usually they seem to be some sort of stamped mesh, though they’re called “coils” they usually don’t have actual coil shaped wire in them. They still experience buildup though, so you have to change the coil and throw the old one away. Some rebuildable people change their wick every day. I do it about twice a week (I’m a slob) but that is often how frequently coils need to be changed. The advertised time is the maximum time a coil can be used. Usually it’s shorter. Frequently it’s actually twice a week, same as me, though it may say “5 days” It could be 4 or 3. Even two with a really high buildup juice. Flavorwest pomberry for example is incredibly high buildup. When I vape that I change my wick and clean my coil every day. It varies from ingredient to ingredient. Fruits tend to be harder on coils in my experience.
Thank you my friend, my coils last longer 10-15 days for cupple of reasons I'm not a slub and I clean my tanks once a week with hot watter the base the glass evry thing even during the day I clean the top part from moisture and glycerin the second reason is I never use the same mod all day I use 2 or 3 in the same time when I prime a new coil I always start vaping 5-10 w below the 55-60w I vape and starting going up evry puff so the coil will start working as well and get more life time my battery is new I replaced evry half year even if they still work good I stop using the sumsong t-40 and start using the molical p42 I can put my finger why I feel the flavour lass sweeter in the beginning I thought my be it's because I'm a little cold and it regards to My small and taste but its not when I use the vaperso armur s or the freemax maxus solo


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2023
Thank you my friend, my coils last longer 10-15 days for cupple of reasons I'm not a slub and I clean my tanks once a week with hot watter the base the glass evry thing even during the day I clean the top part from moisture and glycerin the second reason is I never use the same mod all day I use 2 or 3 in the same time when I prime a new coil I always start vaping 5-10 w below the 55-60w I vape and starting going up evry puff so the coil will start working as well and get more life time my battery is new I replaced evry half year even if they still work good I stop using the sumsong t-40 and start using the molical p42 I can put my finger why I feel the flavour lass sweeter in the beginning I thought my be it's because I'm a little cold and it regards to My small and taste but its not when I use the vaperso armur s or the freemax maxus solo
It might not be buildup then.

TLDNR: In which I talk about why I think so
10 to 15 often does not mean 15. It means “sometimes they only last 9, and rarely more than 14”. For me that description means effectively 8. So they’re likely good for a bit over a week before they get nasty. They’ll probably continue to “work” for far longer than that, but, again, Carbon and burnt juice buildup is carbon and burnt juice buildup. There will be the same amount at the same rate because physics, but they handle it better than old style stuff. Maybe take an old cartridge that you’ve used for a couple weeks and open it up. There will be a lot of black gunk. That black gunk is why coil cartridges are a thing and why cigarette companies make the claims they do. If you vape cartridge coils you don’t have to touch it. With rebuildables you do.

TLDNR: in which I compare my vape habits to the poster
I generally go a year, lately more like 2 on batteries myself. It all depends on what you’re willing to put up with. Batteries are getting better. That 6 month thing used to be normal for me too. Many years ago though. I generally only wash out a juice reservoir when I change flavors. So maybe once a month. Varies a lot. I do generally use the same mod all day. I’ve only got 3 that totally work, (many more that have issues or have been worn out. I got a drawer full of those) and I would have had only 2 if I hadn’t boned the ordering. Accidentally bought two single battery 21700 squonkers. Mostly I just use the one mod (currently a vandyvape pulse2 2021/6) if that dies I’ve got an eleaf squonker and an old geekvape ageis with an aromamizer plus as tertiary backup. So using a different mod several times a day wouldn’t be the easiest for me. There are a lot of people that do it though.
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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2023
10 to 15 often does not mean 15. It means “sometimes they only last 9, and rarely more than 14”. For me that description means effectively 8. So they’re likely good for a bit over a week before they get nasty. They’ll probably continue to “work” for far longer than that, but, again, Carbon and burnt juice buildup is carbon and burnt juice buildup. There will be the same amount at the same rate because physics, but they handle it better than old style stuff. Maybe take an old cartridge that you’ve used for a couple weeks and open it up. There will be a lot of black gunk. That black gunk is why coil cartridges are a thing and why cigarette companies make the claims they do. If you vape cartridge coils you don’t have to touch it. With rebuildables you do.

I generally go a year, lately more like 2 on batteries myself. It all depends on what you’re willing to put up with. Batteries are getting better. That 6 month thing used to be normal for me too. Many years ago though. I generally only wash out a juice reservoir when I change flavors. So maybe once a month. Varies a lot. I do generally use the same mod all day. I’ve only got 3 that totally work, (many more that have issues or have been worn out. I got a drawer full of those) and I would have had only 2 if I hadn’t boned the ordering. Accidentally bought two single battery 21700 squonkers. Mostly I just use the one mod (currently a vandyvape pulse2 2021/6) if that dies I’ve got an eleaf squonker and an old geekvape ageis with an aromamizer plus as tertiary backup. So using a different mod several times a day wouldn’t be the easiest for me. There are a lot of people that do it though.
It'd sounds awesome you really are a professional and I appreciate your advice and response my be it's time to change the mod it self after one year despite he is working good anyway I have the new vaperso armur s he drinks a lot of e liquid but the profomence of this mod is outstanding with 0.2 coils on 60w


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2023
It'd sounds awesome you really are a professional and I appreciate your advice and response my be it's time to change the mod it self after one year despite he is working good anyway I have the new vaperso armur s he drinks a lot of e liquid but the profomence of this mod is outstanding with 0.2 coils on 60w
Soooo not a professional. There are a few here but I’m not one. I’m just an old school old fart.

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