Tried NicQuid for the first time

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Symbiotic Biorhythms

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Mar 8, 2013
Santa Barbara, CA
So far I have been pretty loyal to a different company for my juice (Another made in the US brand), and decided to try some NicQuid to see how other stuff tasted. My initial impression of the 3 flavors I received is...


Initial tasting is with a 78mm and a Nano.

Sinnamon - Holy crap this stuff is awesome. Not a really heavy traditional TH, but you do get a nice cinnamon TH that sets it apart from any other juice I have tried. The flavor is really true to form, but not overwhelming at all. Reminds me of those little Red Hot candies.

Blueberry - This is admittedly my first true fruit flavor. I have tried stuff like Tiki juice and Malibu, but nothing that is just a single fruit flavor. Nice TH, and the flavor is good on inhale, but great on exhale. I feel it tastes more like an actual blueberry, than a candy that is flavored with blueberry.

Mintoid - On the first 'toot' I knew this would be my ADV for a while. I love me some minty juice. I have a lot of mint / menthol flavors that I mix up from time to time trying to nail a perfect blend of mints and menthol. This flavor has it all, by itself. Solid TH and as the name suggests, it is akin to an Altiod. Very strong mint and flavor. If you are looking for a muted or light mint flavor this is not it. If you want to vape, and feel like you ate an awesome breath mint, this is your golden ticket.

I now fear I will throw handfuls of money at SI to try out more flavors. If these are any indication to the taste and quality of the rest of them, I am sold!
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