Told I had not really quit

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I got really upset yesterday when someone told me that I had not quit smoking because I vape. Their reasoning was that I still used nicotine. This person does not have a problem with the patch, the lozengers, or the gum; yet my vaping is not quitting. I explain that cigs have hundreds of other ingredients and that I can gradually lower the nicotine.

Why is it okay to put on a patch of nicotine or chew it, but not vape it.:glare: I haven't had a cigarette in two weeks which means I haven't smoked in two weeks. So there.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
If you aren't using burning tobacco, by definition you've quit smoking. You aren't sucking down smoke/ash. Vaping is an inhaler -- nicotine delivered through a mist, similar to using a nebulizer or, for that matter, an old fashioned vaporizer/humidifer when you have a cold.


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Apr 25, 2010
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There will *always* be those that consider anything that resembles actually smoking as something that is awful. Vaping might not be 100% safe, as it still contains nicotine (nicotine that is in the patch, gum, etc.), but it is a much much safer alternative to smoking analogs.

Also, its more like *thousands* of other chemicals in cigarettes, including rat poison.

Please don't let someone else's opinion shy you away from something that has helped you for the past 2 weeks and many more ahead. Gratz on that! :)


PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
Quitting smoking in favor of vaping IS quitting smoking. It's no different than quitting coffee and still eating chocolate. The chocolate is a source of caffeine that is actually good for you and has flavonoids that help keep your arteries clear. Yet, there are people who will pick on you for being a chocoholic.

Too many of us have experienced the benefits of switching to an alternate source for nicotine for someone to tell us it's bad for us. Our lungs are clearer, we don't smell like an ashtray, and our sense of smell has returned. Tell those people to find someone else to pick on!


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Oct 30, 2009
Marietta, Ohio
I think vaping is much safer than the patch, especially after I used the patch and had to go to the hospital when one failed and released all the nicotine at once! Extreme example, but nonetheless. What vaping does for me, is when I had one of those MAJOR cravings, I just picked up the e-cig and puffed on it until it went away. I haven't smoked an analog since last year, and I've never felt better! I took up running again, and have been doing half marathons this year. Forget what anybody else says, keep at it, it's worth it.


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Nov 2, 2009
Bellingham, MA
It probably won't be the last time you'll hear those types of comments. I've heard that one more than a few times and from some surprising sources who I thought would be happy for me and support me, but instead decided to chastise me instead. And the interesting part is that the only ones who have not been very supportive are those who either used to smoke or still do. Every single person who never smoked has been very supportive and very happy for me.

There are many smokers who are just plain jealous. You were able to quit smoking and they haven't. A lot of people who talk down to some and talk about you behind your back are trying to make themselves "look" better than you. And then there are those who feel that smoking is all about the nicotine and believe (really believe) that nicotine is what is the most dangerous chemical in cigarettes. Of course we all know that yes, nicotine is not a "good" drug, but it isn't much different than caffeine and is not cancer-causing.

In 5 more days it will be 9 months without a single cigarette for me after 36+ years of 2 packs a day and I feel damn proud of myself. I don't care one single bit what anyone else thinks about vaping, all that matters is how I feel about me.

Bottom line is don't even think twice about what someone else may say about you vaping. What they think does not matter. There are much more important things in life that you should be concerned with. Be happy with yourself and know that at least you have more than enough support right here at ECF. Forget about negative comments and more importantly, forget about the people who make them.

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I said it before on a different thread, but will say it again. Are you a "traditional" smoker? NO, but I still feel we are ALL smokers still. As long as we use a device to heat nicotine to inhale, we are smoking. You guys can try to make it all pretty like, but the fact is, we are still smokers.

Ask yourself a question, if tommorow, you woke up, ALL of your juice was gone, no way to get more, all of your PV's gone....would you go to the store a buy a pack of smokes? This question has been asked before, and most said yes, they would go buy a pack of cigarettes. So we really havent beat the smoking thing yet, we have just found a new way to do it.

Now as far as the patch, gum and pills, I also feel as long as you use them, you are a smoker. Same question, if ya ran out of pills,patches or gum, would you buy a pack of smokes? More than likely, the answer is yes, or you wouldnrt need those items.

Do I think its safer? dont know, but I feel better. Is it cheaper? Not yet, at least for me. Am I still a smoker? absolutely.

I guess I think in black/white and most others think in gray. The gray way of thinking is, well we arent lighting up a traditional cigarette, so we must be ex-smokers. In a black and white world, we still use an electronic device to inhale/exhale, so we are smoking, just a new fancy and hopefully safer way. The "second hand smoke" has almost been removed, so thats better for others around us. The stink of burning a cigarette, has been replaced with sweet candy and bakery smells, so thats also good. But fact is, we still smoke.

Let the flaming begin.
I like to hear both sides of things Mutt, good job!! I am one of those who if was left without my PV & supplies though, would not go buy a pack of go back now would be futile. I have quit many Vices in my time completely..this would be the same... I am in a small minority that makes me one of few I suppose..
I wish I could say I would never buy another pack of cigarettes. I havent touched one in over 100 days, but I havent put the PV down either. If I were to lose all my supplies today, I have a feeling I would be smoking by tonight. I guess as long as I feel that way, I will always consider myself a smoker. I guess its like being an alcoholic, you never stop being an alcoholic, you're just an alcoholic thats been sober for xx number of days. So I guess, I'm a smoker who has been cigarette free, for 100+ days. We really need to pass out chips.:D


Moved On
Jan 13, 2010
I wish I could say I would never buy another pack of cigarettes. I havent touched one in over 100 days, but I havent put the PV down either. If I were to lose all my supplies today, I have a feeling I would be smoking by tonight. I guess as long as I feel that way, I will always consider myself a smoker. I guess its like being an alcoholic, you never stop being an alcoholic, you're just an alcoholic thats been sober for xx number of days. So I guess, I'm a smoker who has been cigarette free, for 100+ days. We really need to pass out chips.:D

It was how I gave up alcohol too Mutt (9 years sober)...And to tell you the truth, the cigs had a bigger grip on me, its like giving up 1 addiction for another , but as time goes by,,,the grip finally loosens on you...Willpower is a very hard thing to master....


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Jul 28, 2009
Tempe, Az
We really need to pass out chips.:D

The hell with chips... pass out bottles of juice!:D

For me it has always been, mind your own business. This is my life and I am here to enjoy it to the hilt! My pleasures are mine and different from yours.. SO WHAT!!!! Go bath yourself in perfume. Eat porkrhines. Drive a X-bike off a cliff. Have sex! Do what you enjoy, life is toooooo short.


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Jul 4, 2010
I said it before on a different thread, but will say it again. Are you a "traditional" smoker? NO, but I still feel we are ALL smokers still. As long as we use a device to heat nicotine to inhale, we are smoking. You guys can try to make it all pretty like, but the fact is, we are still smokers.

Ask yourself a question, if tommorow, you woke up, ALL of your juice was gone, no way to get more, all of your PV's gone....would you go to the store a buy a pack of smokes? This question has been asked before, and most said yes, they would go buy a pack of cigarettes. So we really havent beat the smoking thing yet, we have just found a new way to do it.

Now as far as the patch, gum and pills, I also feel as long as you use them, you are a smoker. Same question, if ya ran out of pills,patches or gum, would you buy a pack of smokes? More than likely, the answer is yes, or you wouldnrt need those items.

Do I think its safer? dont know, but I feel better. Is it cheaper? Not yet, at least for me. Am I still a smoker? absolutely.

I guess I think in black/white and most others think in gray. The gray way of thinking is, well we arent lighting up a traditional cigarette, so we must be ex-smokers. In a black and white world, we still use an electronic device to inhale/exhale, so we are smoking, just a new fancy and hopefully safer way. The "second hand smoke" has almost been removed, so thats better for others around us. The stink of burning a cigarette, has been replaced with sweet candy and bakery smells, so thats also good. But fact is, we still smoke.

Let the flaming begin.
Speak for yourself, mutt
I vape, I don't smoke. If there's smoke coming outta YOUR PV, you oughtta have it fixed or looked at...:)
and I would NEVER go buy a pack of cigs even if it was the last nicotine on earth.
I'm a vaper and an EX SMOKER and plan on keeping it that way
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Ultra Member
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Jun 18, 2010
Florida, US
i'll say that i'm not a smoker as well. Mutt, I respect and thank you for posting your opinion but i disagree, If you think you're still a smoker, try putting down u'r PV for a pack of smokes, i'm fairly certain you'll MUCH rather have your PV and put the cigs down for it. We may be Nicoholics because if an alcoholic can't get alcohol they'll resort to mouthwash and nyquil. now for us, cigs are mouthwash and nyquil. that if we had no other alternative, we would go back, but I would, given the choice now rather vape. This is coming from someone who didn't intend to quit smoking but instead intended to just use a PV where smoking was prohibited but wound up quitting anyway.

if you're not using tobacco flavors anymore just try lighting up - it's awful.

so given that i'd rather not have a cigarette if i have a choice i'll say i'm a non-smoker
but i will admit completely and totally that I'm a nicotine addict and choose to stay one (better anti-depressant (w/ a few other things) and w/ fewer side effects than anything BP has on the market)
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Oct 30, 2009
Marietta, Ohio
So I guess, I'm a smoker who has been cigarette free, for 100+ days. We really need to pass out chips.:D

Hi mutt! My name is Brian and I have been tobacco free for over 1 year. lol

But yeah, I'm slowly weening myself down off the nicotine, so that hopefully I'm at 0 nic by the time they ban them.
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