tilia oil`s vapor!!!!!!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
Rio Rancho, NM
i have tried to vape something good to bronchitis like tilia oil and it has made a vapor but not as much as VG and PG ,so please if any one here knows any thing that is good for bronchitis and make lots of vapor as much as pg and vg tell me please

Dude, what is "Tilia" Oil?! If you have bronchitis, your bronchitis medication is what you should use. Do you have bronchitis medication, or are you trying to "self medicate" with your personal vaporizer (e-cig)?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
Rio Rancho, NM
I found this on Wkipedia about the medicinal use of Tilia:

Medicinal uses
Most medicinal research has focused on Tilia cordata although other species are also used medicinally and somewhat interchangeably. The dried flowers are mildly sweet and sticky, and the fruit is somewhat sweet and mucilaginous. Limeflower tea has a pleasing taste, due to the aromatic volatile oil found in the flowers. The flowers, leaves, wood, and charcoal (obtained from the wood) are used for medicinal purposes. Active ingredients in the lime flowers include flavonoids (which act as antioxidants), volatile oils, and mucilaginous constituents (which soothe and reduce inflammation). The plant also contains tannins that can act as an astringent.[2]
Lime flowers are used in colds, cough, fever, infections, inflammation, high blood pressure, headache (particularly migraine), as a diuretic (increases urine production), antispasmodic (reduces smooth muscle spasm along the digestive tract), and sedative. [3] New evidence shows that the flowers may be hepatoprotective.[4] The flowers were added to baths to quell hysteria, and steeped as a tea to relieve anxiety-related indigestion, irregular heartbeat, and vomiting. The leaves are used to promote sweating to reduce fevers. The wood is used for liver and gallbladder disorders and cellulitis (inflammation of the skin and surrounding soft tissue). That wood burned to charcoal is ingested to treat intestinal disorders and used topically to treat edema or infection, such as cellulitis or ulcers of the lower leg.[2]

Interesting, but I still think you need to talk to your doctor about this.
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