This Vendor vs. That Vendor

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Unregistered Supplier
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Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Trust like respect is earned, there are a few here I wouldn't buy from because of their public responses to issues, once it's out there, there's no going back. What's that saying about you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Well about this one.

Communication is irreversible......once you say it, type it, imply it, you can't take it back.


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Dec 30, 2011
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Well about this one.

Communication is irreversible......once you say it, type it, imply it, you can't take it back.

Yeah, you can't take anything back, but you can start anew. There will always be that negative stuff out there but time passes by regardless. I am thinking of a ex tv star that turned to the dark side of movie making (hint hint) and she has become a new person, though the madness is still on the internet. However, there are some people that just persist, I guess because that is just their nature. Either way, I am more interested in the now, but when the now matches up perfectly to the negative past, then I keep on chuckin'!


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Lebanon TN
Haters and quasi-trolls who seem to hate everyone and everybody


Sounds like me, lol.

No but really, I have never, nor do I intend to, included myself, in any vendor dispute, and I won't be advocating for any vendor anytime soon neither. I have given others my honest opinion about this vendor or that vendor, but that is only if i have had actual experience with that vendor.

I will not advocate for any vendor, unless they start hooking my but up, cash, kick ... pv's, cartos, or juice. Until then, eh.

I've got a list, and its pretty short, of vendors I will never buy from, its basically 3, because they either carry overhyped, overpriced crap, or they gave me crappy service. That said, I've dealt with I'd say close to 30 or 40 vendors, and almost all have been a pleasure to deal with.


Vaping Master
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Jul 31, 2010
It's always the Sharks and the Jets, where ever you go- this kind of petty drama is just human nature. Everybody wants to start a rumble.

I could tell you hair raising stories about the grisly cross forum/facebook/twitter battles fought and died for between fans of certain gluten-free recipe bloggers/authors over Amazon reviews, with the authors themselves egging their rabid defenders on. I've seen some truly hateful stuff, ranging from disgusting name calling to actual death wishes on people's children. And what these people are so passionate about are blogs and cookbooks about flour substitutes. For muffins.

I had the misfortune to post a (legitimate) somewhat negative review of one of these fine "ladies'" cookbooks for which I paid far too much money, and was subsequently swooped down upon by a pack of really cranky carb-deprived blog minions questioning everything from the freshness of my baking powder, to my sanity, to my ability to read at all. Someone may have even questioned the very species of my parentage. And it's not like I ground her into the floor like a cigarette ...., either, I gave her a 3, and still I got nasty mail for weeks from total strangers.

Everybody needs to feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves. Even loners have heroes they'll defend to the death. Daily life can become drab and lonely, and there's no better cure for boredom than a good old fashioned feud. Unless you read, or play some sort of sport, or have some other kind of interesting hobby you could indulge in until the urge to make an ... out of yourself on the internet passes, that is.

Anyway. Yes, it's normal, for any possible subject under the sun.

Now that was a very, very good bit of writing.

Uncle Willie

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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
It's always the Sharks and the Jets, where ever you go- this kind of petty drama is just human nature. Everybody wants to start a rumble.

I could tell you hair raising stories about the grisly cross forum/facebook/twitter battles fought and died for between fans of certain gluten-free recipe bloggers/authors over Amazon reviews, with the authors themselves egging their rabid defenders on. I've seen some truly hateful stuff, ranging from disgusting name calling to actual death wishes on people's children. And what these people are so passionate about are blogs and cookbooks about flour substitutes. For muffins.

I had the misfortune to post a (legitimate) somewhat negative review of one of these fine "ladies'" cookbooks for which I paid far too much money, and was subsequently swooped down upon by a pack of really cranky carb-deprived blog minions questioning everything from the freshness of my baking powder, to my sanity, to my ability to read at all. Someone may have even questioned the very species of my parentage. And it's not like I ground her into the floor like a cigarette ...., either, I gave her a 3, and still I got nasty mail for weeks from total strangers.

Everybody needs to feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves. Even loners have heroes they'll defend to the death. Daily life can become drab and lonely, and there's no better cure for boredom than a good old fashioned feud. Unless you read, or play some sort of sport, or have some other kind of interesting hobby you could indulge in until the urge to make an ... out of yourself on the internet passes, that is.

Anyway. Yes, it's normal, for any possible subject under the sun.

Too funny .. can I use this in my next book .. ??


Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2009
Dogville Estate
There are always going to be fans and detractors for any supplier. The key is to not allow yourself to be sucked into the "fanboi madness". In the end most folks on the forum are smart enough to see through the cult like dedication1 and make a decision based on more reasonable criteria.

1Sometimes it borders on unhealthy and downright creepy...

Can I be an OldSoldier fanboi? Are there any perks to it? What is the pay and how long are the hours? Details! I need details! :facepalm:


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Can I be an OldSoldier fanboi? Are there any perks to it? What is the pay and how long are the hours? Details! I need details! :facepalm:

MastiffMike, I am trying to understand this post. The emoticon made me pause, maybe I don't know what is going on...

Anyway, this thread has been such a relief for me to read. A lot of sage words happening in here!!!


Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2009
Dogville Estate
MastiffMike, I am trying to understand this post. The emoticon made me pause, maybe I don't know what is going on...

Anyway, this thread has been such a relief for me to read. A lot of sage words happening in here!!!

Mr. Mann, it's just me sucking up to OldSoldier (you never know when I will again dance across a line that requires major mod groveling on my part to avoid the ban hammer). Please, continue with the vendor vs. vendor discussion and ignore the drooly doggie in the corner! :D


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Jan 29, 2009
Would you buy from a non-ECF approved vendor, or a vendor that was banned from this forum? I like the accountability aspect of ECF and have had nothing but good experiences with the vendors, though I may not like their product. The tread that I got caught up in was about a non-ECF approved vendor. So, it does make me wonder. I have never had to wait 3+ weeks for a juice, but then again, I think that may be due to ECF's accountability aspect! I know I will end up waiting a a long time for my next pv though, so all is fair, I guess?!

I haven't read further into this thread so some of your assumptions may have been corrected already, but:
An ECF approved vendor is one who pays ECF for the right to offer anything for sale. That does not make them a good, ethical shop with a quality product. It does get them some protection from via moderation from new people learning what others already know. Conversely, a non-approved ECF vendor who has been banned, is a vendor who chose not to pay ECF and therefore is banned until they no longer are a vendor. Many new businesses have more expenses than they can handle and ECF might be budgeted for later. It says nothing about their character or their product. As a matter of fact, I'll go on a limb and say if a non-approved vendor is getting alot of word of mouth on ECF, they have already have a product better than most.
I was on the thread that inspired this one. There was no fighting amongst homeys. The best advice I can offer, is look at the join date of the posters. Their experience is history. Anyone with < 9 months, likely has no inside knowledge that will be true tomorrow.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
I haven't read further into this thread so some of your assumptions may have been corrected already, but:
An ECF approved vendor is one who pays ECF for the right to offer anything for sale. That does not make them a good, ethical shop with a quality product. It does get them some protection from via moderation from new people learning what others already know. Conversely, a non-approved ECF vendor who has been banned, is a vendor who chose not to pay ECF and therefore is banned until they no longer are a vendor. Many new businesses have more expenses than they can handle and ECF might be budgeted for later. It says nothing about their character or their product. As a matter of fact, I'll go on a limb and say if a non-approved vendor is getting alot of word of mouth on ECF, they have already have a product better than most.
I was on the thread that inspired this one. There was no fighting amongst homeys. The best advice I can offer, is look at the join date of the posters. Their experience is history. Anyone with < 9 months, likely has no inside knowledge that will be true tomorrow.

As far as I can tell, you are the only one making assumptions here! Like you said, "you haven't read...." so I would suggest you read my post in question. I was making an observation. You are making an assumption. Peace out exactly what I said that made you type this up, or is it you are defending someone that wasn't even named? Hey, maybe I could make an assumption about members with 310 posts or less, but that would be childish, right? ;)
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Ultra Member
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Jan 31, 2012
Lebanon TN
I can think of one non-ECF approved vendor who offered me my money back on a pv that I received that just wasn't my cup of tea, he didn't have to do that, and I thought it was so cool that I didn't take him up on it.

I cn think of another vendor who gave me a full refund on items I purchased that weren't for me, the crazy thing is, I've heard of others running this vendor down, other vendors, and other vapers, but this person was a total pleasure for me to do business with, and I would do business with him in a heartbeat.


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The pv maker that I am going to end up buying from is not an ECF approved member. I don't have any qualms with that at all. I have used plenty. My point is just that it helps if you do run into problems with a vendor and they have a presence here. I am not making a blanket statement against all makers of products that are not ECF vendors, just that I like being able to have another recourse of action besides hoping they will do the right thing, though many of them might. If a vendor doesn't do right by you and they are not on ECF, then I don't quite know where I would turn. After all, I am not just here on this forum for the wonderful social interaction. I like being able to get a better feel for the vendors as much as possible, and I believe this forum does a fine job of that.


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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Ok...whoa in here a little bit...

ECF does not in any way approve any product or approve of any product of any kind seen on this website or offered for sale on any other website.

ECF does not sell any products and no products are offered for sale directly on this website, with the exception of private sales within the Classifieds section, access to which is prohibited for Suppliers.

ECF does not in any way approve any Supplier* or approve of any Supplier in any way whatsoever.
* a Supplier is any commercial trader or vendor or entity acting as a business and selling e-cigarettes or ecigarette-related materials

ECF cannot control the content of external websites, or monitor the products for sale, or approve or disapprove of them, or determine if the site or the products or the business concerned complies with any local laws, since it would be absolutely impossible for us to do any of these and guarantee that we had done so or had checked on any given day for any of the hundreds of global suppliers websites who are registered with ECF.


Suppliers are Registered with ECF, not approved.
There are many reasons...and not all bad...that a supplier might be not registered with ECF (or Banned/Moved On)...speculation is not a good could be wrong.
There is nothing wrong with discussing a supplier that is not registered with ECF.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
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Got it! ECF Registered is what they're called. I guess a few of us on this page didn't know that one. However, I wish someone would notice that I never once said that a non-registered or banned vendor, for that matter, was somehow unethical or bad, just that it makes me wonder if ECF's rules make it harder for a vendor to be less than accountable.


Retired ECF Forum Manager
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Dec 17, 2010
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To become a registered supplier on ECF your site must be reviewed and have no unfounded health claims, exaggerations or false information about legality or a cart is equal to 65234 analog cigarretes. We make a big deal out of "its only water vapor" and "you can vape anywhere". ECF chooses to only accept suppliers that are not making absurd claims that will come back to bite the vaping community as a whole .

We also check that the supplier has a secure cart and that they have posted contact information, to include a mailing address. We also check to make sure they are not selling drug paraphernalia since we do not wish to be associated with these sites. In addition if a supplier becomes unreliable and unresponsive to complaints or handles complaints in what we consider to be an unacceptable manner we will remove them from ECF.

The "it's all about the money" comments are absurd, because a supplier can recoup their processing fee in one sale.


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Jan 31, 2012
Lebanon TN
I can see why some vendors wouldnt want to be registered on ECF, I can also see the advantages. I can say that the feedback section of this site has helped me decide to never use one certain vendor ever again, along with my own experience.

Personally I think that ECF registered vendors do have a level of accountability that non-registered vendors don't have.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
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The "it's all about the money" comments are absurd, because a supplier can recoup their processing fee in one sale.

I figured...I mean, there are several relatively small vendors registered on here. In the end, all this information is something tasty to chew on. I love being informed! This makes me want to go read all the rules and regulations, not just the ones that apply to me. I think I will do that in the morning...:yawn:

Uncle Willie

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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
ECF registered or not does not determine the quality of a vendor .. the quality of service is determined by the quality of the people you deal with .. if a business owner wants to stay in business, especially with the number of sites these days selling e-cig material, then they will provide excellent service ..
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