"This just in!" (news rant lol)

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Mar 10, 2011
Eagan, MN.
e-liquid if ingested, inhaled or gets into your eye is poisonous! ehh, just goes to show you how ignorant the media is. I just witnessed this on fox 9 news here in MN and it just feels like they are fishin' for anything bad to say.

The e-liquid spot on the news was quick, but I mean come on! There are warnings on the bottles, child safety caps and they had to mention the kids as well. I remembered when I started back in 2010 that someone asked if its ok if they put a couple drops on their tongue cause their ego broke/died and I can only imagine someone did that here to make the news. Ok, end of my micro rant lol and always hoping for no more negative media and especially new vapers to use common sense! :)

Vape on! :vapor:


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
Sensationalizing and Witch Hunting.... I guess life is just too boring for the average person... they need to pump up things to levels that are ridiculous... reminds me of traffic jams on the interstate.... someone gets a flat tire and traffic backs up for 2 miles cuz every one is rubber neckin to see someone change a tire... hoping to see some kind of death and carnage...


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Dec 6, 2013
Titletown, USA
Oh, geez! Eating soap, and bleach or putting them in our eyes will harm us worse, and those things come with the same warnings and child proof caps. No one's demonizing those things, are they? And, I'll guarantee household cleaning supplies kill more people by poisoning every year than nicotine eliquid (in a standard strength of <36mg/ml and in normally kept quantities) ever will.


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Dec 6, 2013
Titletown, USA
Eating tobacco leaves is also poisonous! This is not a big leap of faith to believe that nicotine liquid does similar things.

...I would think in the small doses we're accidentally exposed to (i.e. you inhale too hard and get juice in your mouth) can't be that harmful for you.

No, it's not harmful in any way. The couple drops of nic liquid on the tongue is magnitudes less nicotine exposure than one piece of nicotine gum or a nicotine lozenge used in the proper way (duh, put in mouth and chew or suck). And nicotine gum and lozenges are pushed every day by myriad commercials and Big Pharma as the safe choice. (I'm not demonizing those products, either. They have their place, I've used it for certain situations to "make it through" a stressful, weak moment in my life where vaping could not happen--i.e. air travel, 4 hours of college testing, etc.)


Ultra Member
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Sep 29, 2013
Near Austin, Texas
That's what you get for watching Fox News!! Rupert Murdock is hellbent to take this country down the tubes. (No pun intended) My brother thinks everything on there is the gospel. He starts out "I saw on Fox News that.." and I just hold my hand up to stop him. I am now departing this thread cuz I'm betting some of you think otherwise. Adios, mi amigos!!

Recycled Roadkill

Ultra Member
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Oct 13, 2013
Garland, TX
I rarely watch the news but what I have seen is either negative or, rarely, a balance of positive and negative with the scales leaning on the negative side.

As an adult I'm not supposed to enjoy flavorful anything? Apple pie makes me fat. Ban apple pie from teens so they won't get fat.

Personally I hate reading threads like this because they alway tend to tick me off. But, I read 'em anyway.


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Dec 6, 2013
Titletown, USA
I rarely watch the news but what I have seen is either negative or, rarely, a balance of positive and negative with the scales leaning on the negative side.

As an adult I'm not supposed to enjoy flavorful anything? Apple pie makes me fat. Ban apple pie from teens so they won't get fat.

Personally I hate reading threads like this because they alway tend to tick me off. But, I read 'em anyway.

Yes, seriously, the "news" has become "irritain-ment" to me. I must enjoy getting mad, I guess. I don't read or watch news much anymore, it's all "fake" anyway...


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Jan 6, 2014
Leicester, UK
I wouldn't bother putting it on my tongue; it probably tastes bad anyway. What I did when I was desperate and couldn't vape because I was in an aeroplane in mid-atlantic, I put a few drops on the back of my hand. Nicotine is absorbed very easily through the skin and, to my mind, so long as I am only using the same amount as I would be vaping, it's safer than vaping it.

I would be more careful if I was around children or animals of course.

Recycled Roadkill

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2013
Garland, TX
I wouldn't bother putting it on my tongue; it probably tastes bad anyway. What I did when I was desperate and couldn't vape because I was in an aeroplane in mid-atlantic, I put a few drops on the back of my hand. Nicotine is absorbed very easily through the skin and, to my mind, so long as I am only using the same amount as I would be vaping, it's safer than vaping it.

I would be more careful if I was around children or animals of course.
I may find myself trying that sometime. Thanks.


Senior Member
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Jan 23, 2014
Boringhamton, NY, USA
There should be a news channel that focuses on the "news" from other outlets and how ridiculous it all is! It's all nothing but distractions...whatever keeps us focused on ANYTHING but how disgraceful our lives really are.

Folks get all rowdy over some .... spewing nonsense on the TV, and then proceed to live a life of complete oppression while in denial. It is a sad society we live in, where the only "issues" people seem to care about are completely irrelevant!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2014
New Jersey
That's what you get for watching Fox News!! Rupert Murdock is hellbent to take this country down the tubes. (No pun intended) My brother thinks everything on there is the gospel. He starts out "I saw on Fox News that.." and I just hold my hand up to stop him. I am now departing this thread cuz I'm betting some of you think otherwise. Adios, mi amigos!!

I hate this. You can't just blame Fox News, when every other media is just as bad. They are all government run and biased bull. I never watch the public media, never. They always lie and twist stories, always.


Super Member
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Aug 5, 2013
thats it lets ban it all, got to get rid of the bleach, spray bottle cleaners, her nail varnish and varnish remover, jeze fuild, wd-40, motor oil, house paints and varnish, toilet freshers, air spray freshers, aerosol cans in general, all medication and some creams. wonder what else ive had in my house for years and also was in my mothers house growing up that could kill me if I drunk it, weird that ive never died from them for some reason lol. :):):)

was reading the bleach she bought there after reading this and thinking what it says on it lol, its corrosive as well as toxic.
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