This is really scary folks!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
This is very close to the layman's explanation of how Chantix works. That drug supposedly shuts down the nicotine receptors in the brain. That way, no pleasure results from inhaling smoke or absorbing nicotine. Pleasure comes from nicotine triggering the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine and seratonin.

Ah, but ... with feel-good hormones held at bay, nothing gives pleasure. Not sex. Not food. Not entertainment. Nothing. Life is a blur on Chantix. I hated my two months on Chantix.

This kind of study result could also lead to a kind of "smoker's labotomy" procedure coming into use. A cut here, a cut there, and the smoker is "fixed" for life. Lower insurance, no smoke breaks, better employee. Now, this is scary thinking, for sure.

Zombies rule, if this happens.


Ultra Member
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This is very close to the layman's explanation of how Chantix works. That drug supposedly shuts down the nicotine receptors in the brain. That way, no pleasure results from inhaling smoke or absorbing nicotine. Pleasure comes from nicotine triggering the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine and seratonin.

Ah, but ... with feel-good hormones held at bay, nothing gives pleasure. Not sex. Not food. Not entertainment. Nothing. Life is a blur on Chantix. I hated my two months on Chantix.

This kind of study result could also lead to a kind of "smoker's labotomy" procedure coming into use. A cut here, a cut there, and the smoker is "fixed" for life. Lower insurance, no smoke breaks, better employee. Now, this is scary thinking, for sure.

Zombies rule, if this happens.

Well put.
How much of this chemical abuse and experimentation will humans accept from drug companies before each realizes that we are in control of our own lives and nothing will make life "feel better" except our own choices.
This is why I choose to make a difference in my own body, in my own way, with what works for me.

Vape On!!!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
"This kind of study result could also lead to a kind of "smoker's labotomy" procedure coming into use. A cut here, a cut there, and the smoker is "fixed" for life. Lower insurance, no smoke breaks, better employee. Now, this is scary thinking, for sure."

Two movies come to mind about "fixin'" people. Charlie and The Terminal Man. At the time I thought they were scary, the whole live lab rat thing, but also, where would science draw the line. Well, here we are, real scientists really thinking about personality re-organization. If they can manipulate one area of the brain for smoking cessation, the next logical step will be, "Let's see what else we can do?" That's a frightening future thought of what might come next. :shock:


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
This is very close to the layman's explanation of how Chantix works. That drug supposedly shuts down the nicotine receptors in the brain. That way, no pleasure results from inhaling smoke or absorbing nicotine. Pleasure comes from nicotine triggering the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine and seratonin.

Ah, but ... with feel-good hormones held at bay, nothing gives pleasure. Not sex. Not food. Not entertainment. Nothing. Life is a blur on Chantix. I hated my two months on Chantix.

This kind of study result could also lead to a kind of "smoker's labotomy" procedure coming into use. A cut here, a cut there, and the smoker is "fixed" for life. Lower insurance, no smoke breaks, better employee. Now, this is scary thinking, for sure.

Zombies rule, if this happens.

That's why this new vaccine they are now developing is so terribly dangerous. Pure lobotomy. Mind control. And most likely irreversible. One can STOP taking Chantix or patches or Wellbutrin, but with a successful vaccine--Stepford wives (and husbands.) :evil:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
the deep south
That's why this new vaccine they are now developing is so terribly dangerous. Pure lobotomy. Mind control. And most likely irreversible. One can STOP taking Chantix or patches or Wellbutrin, but with a successful vaccine--Stepford wives (and husbands.) :evil:
What vaccine? Did I miss something in the article? Or is this something else entirely?


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
What vaccine? Did I miss something in the article? Or is this something else entirely?

Thanks for the link, wolflrv.

This is what frightens me the most.

The study design will incorporate recommendations from a newly formed scientific advisory panel. The panel is comprised of scientific and clinical experts in smoking cessation. The panel will also provide input to the company on other aspects of the NicVAX development program.

Who are these experts? ASH? And what are they going to recommend? What other aspects?

Are these the same experts who came up with Nicorette and Chantix? Or do we have some new experts?
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optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
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Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
There's no way to block *only* the nicotine receptors in the insula. Many subtypes of nicotinic receptors are found throughout the brain. The pharmacology to block just one subtype isn't really there. Even if it was, blocking the subtypes (or subtypes- since there is likely more than one) would affect other areas of the brain, including the cortex, hippocampus etc. The guy who wrote that article has no clue about how the receptors actually work or where they are located. This is the same reason that Chantix has the side effects that it does. It partially activates one receptor subtype, which makes it unable to respond to nicotine, but also unable to respond to acetylcholine under normal circumstances. The partial activation can also have its own effects.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
the deep south
there is also a "vaccine" in the works..separate from this article. Check that out here:

Nicotine Vaccine :: Quit Smoking. Stop Smoking.

All I know is this was not the world I was raised to live's some other reality entirely!

Thanks for the link, wolflrv.

This is what frightens me the most.

The study design will incorporate recommendations from a newly formed scientific advisory panel. The panel is comprised of scientific and clinical experts in smoking cessation. The panel will also provide input to the company on other aspects of the NicVAX development program.

Who are these experts? ASH? And what are they going to recommend? What other aspects?

Are these the same experts who came up with Nicorette and Chantix? Or do we have some new experts?

There's no way to block *only* the nicotine receptors in the insula. Many subtypes of nicotinic receptors are found throughout the brain. The pharmacology to block just one subtype isn't really there. Even if it was, blocking the subtypes (or subtypes- since there is likely more than one) would affect other areas of the brain, including the cortex, hippocampus etc. The guy who wrote that article has no clue about how the receptors actually work or where they are located. This is the same reason that Chantix has the side effects that it does. It partially activates one receptor subtype, which makes it unable to respond to nicotine, but also unable to respond to acetylcholine under normal circumstances. The partial activation can also have its own effects.

(thanks for the link)

This totally scares me too.

1. The fact that they would "fast track" this, based on the criteria that: there is nothing like it available, and it could save lives, is preposterous! There are plenty of 'stop smoking' devices/options, this is not the ONLY one.... and quitting is not an 'immediate threat'!

2. They should NOT fast track anything that binds to objects (in our bodies) and keeps them from functioning. They have no idea what else it could potentially 'bind to'. These are the kinds of things that need MORE testing, not less. Are we going to find out, five years from now, that this vaccine binds to a chemical that is essential to __________ (fill in the blank with your own worst horror). This reminds me of the Thalidomideproblems during the sixties/seventies.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
There are currently drugs that block receptors in the brain for addiction that have been on the market for years like Subutex/Buprenorphine. So I really believe that this could and will work, however I would love to know why they havent introduced a pill like it for Nic, I would love to see what the FDA and our Gov't as well as big tobacco would do or have to say if it was introduced and mass marketed by the big pharma as a new wonder drug for stop smoking, someone would probably buy the rights to it then crush it.!!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
There's no way to block *only* the nicotine receptors in the insula. Many subtypes of nicotinic receptors are found throughout the brain. The pharmacology to block just one subtype isn't really there. Even if it was, blocking the subtypes (or subtypes- since there is likely more than one) would affect other areas of the brain, including the cortex, hippocampus etc. The guy who wrote that article has no clue about how the receptors actually work or where they are located. This is the same reason that Chantix has the side effects that it does. It partially activates one receptor subtype, which makes it unable to respond to nicotine, but also unable to respond to acetylcholine under normal circumstances. The partial activation can also have its own effects.

Would they really care that something else inadvertently doesn't work if it stops you from smoking? Seems they would tout the program successful, bury the incongruities and get a gov't grant for further studies. Let's face it, a population of non-smoking chemically lobotomized people would be a god send to the self-righteous anti's and to the gov't. Anyone remember Soma from "A Brave New World"? 8-o


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
This is very close to the layman's explanation of how Chantix works. That drug supposedly shuts down the nicotine receptors in the brain. That way, no pleasure results from inhaling smoke or absorbing nicotine. Pleasure comes from nicotine triggering the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine and seratonin.

Ah, but ... with feel-good hormones held at bay, nothing gives pleasure. Not sex. Not food. Not entertainment. Nothing. Life is a blur on Chantix. I hated my two months on Chantix.

This kind of study result could also lead to a kind of "smoker's labotomy" procedure coming into use. A cut here, a cut there, and the smoker is "fixed" for life. Lower insurance, no smoke breaks, better employee. Now, this is scary thinking, for sure.

Zombies rule, if this happens.

Oh really? When I'm nicotine abstinent, my concentration is so hosed that I can't even read a newspaper. By the time I get to paragraph 2, I can't remember what I read in paragraph 1. I'm a menace on the road, because that oncoming car that I looked at when I glanced to the right before making my left turn just did not register in the short-term memory. My work output dropped by 90%, so I'd have to say that being off nicotine would not make me a better employee.
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