Theoretical FDA Regulation Loopholes

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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2013
Most discussions regarding potential implications on vaping from FDA imposed regulations boil down to taxation and regulation/control. The biggest footing the FDA stands on (tried and trying) is the concept of nicotines connection to tobacco and subsecuently the smoking cessation properties of ecigs which could place ecigs/eliquids into the tobacco regulations or deem them under the federal tobacco act. Hence, taxation and regulatory actions. IMO it seems as though there is potential for many loopholes surrounding the issue. For example, 1) eliquids without nicotine,how would regulation/taxation be enforced for those products? (PG/VG are already deemed safe for human consumption-food additives) 2) similar to the recent "Bath Salts" issue, chemists could easily change ingredients that would make the substance not fall under regulation (although umbrella-type regulations can be created). Any other loopholes you think could arise if the FDA deems all ecig/liquids are regulated? And would the govt be able to completely control these products, particularly due to the DIY factors?
My rant:
In recent years the government has been very "knee-jerky" with reacting to new issues that arise (very quick to ban without investigating or evidence based decision processes). I feel the ecig debate falls in this category.
Lately I feel that "We the people" is dying and our voices are ignored. No matter how hard we petition and raise our voices it will inevitably fall on deaf ears and laws will pass no matter the outrage. This is clearly evident when we the people have finally found a safe choice to free ourselves from a deadly product but find ourselves nervous due to the fact that this miracle option is being attacked out of plain and simple ignorance and greed. It's a shame that government can't just embrace a good thing and help its people instead of creating agendas to try to kill it out of ignorance and greed. Its absolutely mindblowing to think that,although unlikely, people would need to create a black market for a product that saves lives and betters quality of life. 0.02
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