The Kawfee Korner

Sir Kadly

Tootle Wompin' Squonkaholic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
  • Sep 18, 2015
    I went away for a little while (OK, a long while) and cane back to discover nothing but cobwebs and crickets in some of my old haunts. The wompers seemingly no longer have a woom of their own, and the Kawfee beanz have turned to dust.

    So I thought I'd open up a little café where you can kick back and relax in big cozy chairs, sip on some coffee, tea, or whatever beverage you prefer, and talk about anything, everything, or nothing at all.

    Two things though. First, entry requires you to provide the Super Top Secret password, and I would never make it something simple, or leave it lying around where anybody might find it, like under a spoiler button.

    Second, shenanigans ruled the day in the old Kawfee thread, so watch out for those whoopie cushions when choosing your seat.

    So welcome, enjoy your stay, along with a little Johnny Cash song that most people don't know.

    Sir Kadly

    Tootle Wompin' Squonkaholic
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
  • Sep 18, 2015

    Sir Kadly

    Tootle Wompin' Squonkaholic
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
  • Sep 18, 2015
    Just thought I'd provide a little background on me.

    I started vaping back in 2015, by 2017 had amassed several hundred dollars worth of gear (yes, I developed a serious case of shinyitis:eek: ) but never really fully quit smoking until, well, about the same time I went MIA.

    October 2017 to March 2020, not one single cigarette. Then one day as the pandemic lockdowns started I bummed a smoke. Told myself "It's just one, no big deal" and that one became a couple a day, then a few a day and finally back up to a pack or more per day. My vape gear mostly sat on the sidelines, feeling envious of the attention those little sticks were getting.

    So, here I am, pulling my gear back out of storage, and seeing just how much has changed in the vape world in the last six years. Also looking at some new gear because, well, shinyitis...:facepalm:

    So here's hoping my return to ECF will also lead to a return to the cig free life.

    Sir Kadly

    Tootle Wompin' Squonkaholic
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
  • Sep 18, 2015
    After a bit more looking around, it seems as if the Porches collapsed, taking all the Older Folks with them. :eek::blink: Seems like so much has changed in the last six years.

    Not sure why, but somehow I thought I'd come back and things would be pretty much the same. I thought I was coming home, but it seems like my old neighborhood has been torn down, leaving vacant lots behind.:cry:


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Nov 9, 2013
    western Massachusetts
    yup. Quite a lot has changed.
    To me, the lockdowns are quite similar to what was done to the vaping world.
    Giant government over reach.
    The effects on society from the lockdown nonsense will be felt for years.
    The effects on the vaping world from government actions are as you see them. Neighborhood torn down.
    What was a fun and fairly freewheeling large community has become a small group talking to themselves about not much. The playfulness and freedom are hard to find.
    I'm not quite sure where people have gone, but it's sad to see.
    So, what can we do to start having fun again?
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    Sir Kadly

    Tootle Wompin' Squonkaholic
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
  • Sep 18, 2015
    I get home from work shortly after midnight and go through a routine that goes a little something like this...

    Open door, step into kitchen, hear "Meow" from directly in front of me. That would be my tux, Sea Salt.
    "Yes buddy, I know you think you are starving."
    "Give me a second Salt"

    I go to put my things on the small table that is sitting next to the door for that purpose and encounter a furry head. That would be Saffron, my tabby. Annoyed that I am trying to make her share her perch with my lunch bag and coffee mug, she hops down and moves a few feet away. Saff is evidently smarter than her brother.

    "Meow" Salt repeats. I pinpoint his voice so that I can step around him on my way to the light switch, about 5 feet from the door. "Meow, meow" Dangnabbit, he moved back in front of me. Once more I maneuver around his voice. "MEOWWWW!" That would be his response to the fact that I just stepped on him, kicked him, or tripped over him.

    "Well, buddy, I keep trying to tell you I can't see in the dark. You should really take a lesson from your sister." I say as I finally turn on the lights.
    "Meow" he says, in what I assume is a cat version of cussing me out.

    I glance at the food dish and confirm that he is not in fact in any danger of starving to death, and ignore his insistent meows as I pull some leftovers out of the fridge to heat up for myself.

    "Meow" he says again as he plops down in front of the broom closet to make sure I get his point. Salt is smart enough to know that his food is in the closet. Why? Because he is also smart enough to open my kitchen cabinets, so I had to find a place he couldn't get into for the food.

    "Meow" he says again, this time sounding an awful lot like Levi Stubbs saying "Feed me Seymour"

    With my food heating up in the microwave I go ahead and add a small scoop of food to the still half full cat food dish. Salt and Saff both rush over to it, take a couple bites apiece, then walk away and curl up together on the couch. The next time I stand up, Salt immediately runs to the kitchen and once more says "Meow, Feed Me!"

    Sir Kadly

    Tootle Wompin' Squonkaholic
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
  • Sep 18, 2015
    From strangers into family
    From family into strangers once again

    Don't know why I thought I'd come back and still find my old fam, but I miss you all. I'd tag you all in if I could just on the off chance you might see the notifications, but nobody shows up anymore when I start typing your names.

    Luv ya Kodak, Dinger, Kaez, Skully, Lynn, Angel, Tejas, Mark, Deb, TinMan, DC, LLB, and all the rest that came and went.

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