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the good and the bad

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
Hey guys. I've been doing alot of bike tours and found I can vape just fine while riding the motorcycle. i just keep the pv between the legs and puff when I need it. problem is, i was on a long ride today and legs got cramped so i stood up... somewhere between mission and aggasis sits a fairly new stardust with my 2nd best battery...

then to top things off my second of 3 batteries dies after I get home. so..... I have to place a new order shortly for supplies so I can egt another battery. dammit.

on a positive note. I have been doing security at a mall with a bingo place, and have been handing out cards like crazy... I sure get a lot of questions about my pv, so this last order I got a stack of business cards to hand out. I think a vendor could make a killing by coming and demo ing their wares at this place.

anyone interested in a large clientelle? ask me for details and I'll introduice you to about 50 customers of older people that want to see what they buy but spend a fortune everyday at this bingo place... they all come out for smokes every 20 mins... and could play more bingo with an e cig? ;)


Full Member
Aug 6, 2012
I too Ride a motorcycle. I haven't done any long trips that warrent the need to vape on the ride yet, but I would order myself the SD keychain and put a Boge carto on it and Hang it on a lanyard. It would be good for 3+hours of vaping. Keep it inside your jacket as it is an auto battery. you could also use the Mini Ego with Lanyard if you want a manual battery.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
ya it was only the second trip I tried vaping and lost a battery so am back to vaping when I stop me thinks. gives me a reason to give my .... a rest anyway....

now that I have 2 of the fixed voltage upgrade ego pt batteries, life is good.

I have to say the dc2 tank doesn't like vg much. I don't use a lot but my double chocolate is my main vape and I find I have to top the carto often or take a lot of primer puffs without power to keep the carto wet. with straight pg it isn't a problem.

the stardusts are becoming my mainstays now. I just take the dc2 to work since I don't have to fill it for a whole shift


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
Hey Pipeous, "stood up on your bike"? Just have to ask....what are you riding sir?
I stand up on my KLE-650 from time to time, sure is a nice option if your bike allows
you to pull it off.

I rest my....every hour or so and take a vape break too, being uncomfortable on a ride
isn't my idea of a good time.

Could run a passthru from the lighter outlet through the tank bag for easy access on the go
but haven't felt the need as of yet, plus it would be too much of a distraction for me.
Riding normally requires my full attention.

Though on a secluded straight away it might be nice.:vapor::vapor:

Some good ideas here on how to get it done!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
Nice ride! A cruiser was on my list but I was willing to sacrifice some comfort for light,
nimble and more fun. I pay the price on longer hauls though, with frequent stops.
50mpg. sure is nice though.

Two wheels trump driving a cage anytime.(well. except in rain, ice, snow, cold.....)
Combine it with vaping? And well, could it get any better??NOT!:vapor::vapor:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
add water wings maybe, I live on the wet coast. snow looks more like a 7/11 slurpee here.

I don't city ride much. night rides or down the back roads. cagers are stupid. and I'm lucky those running boards fold cuz I scrape them cornering often. up in the duffy lake run especially. it's 750 km round trip and curvy fun. I've passed my share of sport bikes up there but yes I miss having a nimble bike at times. the big fat tires though make that 100 yr old hwy seem much smoother. once a month I do a mountain tour for the weekend. the drummer in the band and I have been riding a while as he has a harley, and now the bass player bought a harley.... my best friend gets his harley next payday... come to think, I only have one riding partner without a harley lol

this winter I am adding a trunk with arm rests and hard saddle bags. I truly hate those leather bags... way too easy to steal


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
The lady I am dating quit smoking 4 days ago. she takes a vape off my ecig now and then, everyone loves the double chocolate :D

we're heading up to duffy lake thursday but we're going to picnic out in the mountains, hit a nice bed and breakfast on a side trip up there I've been meaning to hit the last 5 trips. that is about the best ride in BC. this trip I won't be concerned with vaping while riding.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
well we did the run and stupid, we didn't stop... we left just after 1pm and got back 3:30am. frozen and sore. I have decided I will never do that trip in 1 day ever again...

She did really good up in the duffy, though I have nail marks in my sides from a few of the slow to 20km/h corners. I never scraped a footpeg once the whole trip, so was taking it fairly mellow (my bike is low). I was glad it was dark when we came down the #12 as it has long cliffs with sheer drops... we saw bears fishing the lake (salmon run) and on the side of the hwy. from liloett to lytton we counted 47 deer (short hwy too). we did stop a fair amount for pic sessions.

2 days later and I'm still stiff, haven't washed the bike... mind you we have a new lead guitar player joining the band today and I had to prep and learn a bunch of songs, change the parts I play etc. just packed the car and heading out shortly...

Bike goes in to the yamaha shop this week for service. I have just under 7000 km on it now and due for it's service. oh and it's called the canadian classic edition because of the dual color paint, dual color leather seats with buttons, dual disc front and rear and running boards instead of footpegs.

another oh ya. I bought my gf a new helmet, bell full face. was almost $300!!! I got my helmet, jacket, pants, gloves and shipped to my door for under $350 from leatherup.com ... if you need gear or accessories check that place out.
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