The end of the road

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Eric Parlin

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Well folks, the time has come.

We have been dealing with a lot of personal health and family issues over the last year and have not had the ability to effectively manage the business at the same time. So, after lots of deliberation, some arguing, tears, and heartache, we have reached the difficult decision to shut down the website and move on.

To that end, everything on the website is marked down as low as I can go and is being sold on a first-come, first served basis. When an item is out of stock, it is gone. We will be selling stuff at about 1/2 off for the next three weeks and then looking to sell the remaining inventory off in bulk to any interested parties.

As for the website, intellectual property (including patent and trade names), remaining inventories, and vendor lists, anybody interested in acquiring them can reach out to me directly at . I'll be publishing a list of items to be sold and soliciting bids from all interested parties.

It's been a fun time and I have really enjoyed all of the great Reonauts I have gotten to meet over the last 2 1/2 years.




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Sep 12, 2010
For what it’s worth if i ran a small vape company without good US name recognition, picking up a system like REO would be a dream come true. Instant marketability. There are a lot of Chinese vape manufacturers that flat out crippled themselves with stupid name choices that could really use it. “Assvape” comes immediately to mind. They really really need a new brand.
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May 27, 2013
No. Cal.
Eric, thank you for being candid and I’m sure that it wasn't an easy decision to come to. I’m so sorry that your family has been going thru some rough health times. My hope is that healing and recovery comes sooner than later.

I’m grateful that you and your family have kept Reos alive for another 2 1/2 years. So many of us owe Reo Mods so much in terms of our own health.

Right now I’m personally sad as I’ve been a Reonaut for 6 years now. They are my all day, every day PV. And when it comes to Reoville, dang, let’s just say that I’m lost for words right now....

So folks, I’m thinking that one way we can show our gratitude is to go shopping! Lets show our appreciation and give the Parlins a gracious retirement.....


Infinity Member
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Dec 13, 2010
Definitely not the news I think most of us were hoping to see ... still had hopes of seeing a new REO hitting the scene at some point.

REO was my first squonker and as such, will always be special to me.

I understand the move however and I wish you and yours only the best, not only in health but also in whatever new endeavor you choose to explore.


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May 11, 2013
Best wishes, and thank you...

I do love and use my Reos...though I have like 30 other squonkers now, too...

Reo was my first - and I actually thought about grabbing another of that very the same Reo I bought a little over 5 years ago - a black wrinkle grand LP. :)

But I use my P67 more, so I just ordered another one of those. And some parts I'll probably never need.
If I find some money, maybe one more...for an even seven. o_O


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Nov 3, 2014
Well that is very sad news to hear. I hope everything goes smoothly for you from here on out. Hopefully somebody else can pick up the torch, and keep Reos going strong. I wish I could afford to get another, but there is no way I can. Reo is all I use these days. Best of luck to you.
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