The Cops took my stuff!!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2010
So Cal
Oh wow... thank you guys for the replies!!! And yea, has a catchy title huh, LOL

I cant believe I forgot to put this in my story:

That Chief and Officer at separate times both asked me, what do I want for the stuff I gave them. Ofcourse I tell them ... "Nothing, just Pay It Forward"

Best part! Should've told him to hand out some ecf cards with citations :p


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2010
Houston, Tx.
Good stuff, Gunjji.

I wish the police would be a little more on the up and up about e-cigs here. Especially being the big city we are. I was questioned the other day in traffic by a police officer. We were at a red light in heavy traffic and he was next to me with his windows down, mine up. He blipped his siren so naturally I looked over. He motioned for me to roll my window down so obliged. He, rather rudely, said something to the tone of 'I better not smell anything illegal'.:blink: Mind you, I'm a professional (as in my profession- no ego stroking, here. Not talking about skill) artist and use that to my advantage with facial hair, hair, etc. I was using my Mako Maksi and with much restraint from being an :censored: in return explained it to him. What a ......
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2010
Hudson Valley, NY
Great story. Way to spread the word. Yes, there will be issues both good and bad with e-cigs, due to their looks. Remember everyone, the bad guys used to make all kinds of things into pipes. Be patient, we are a stubborn, suspicious breed, but also human.
And now have a free get out of jail card.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 25, 2010
It's a shame not more of the PD's get involved in this. I know here in our town one of the cops I know got fired for smoking analogs...this would be a GREAT alternative for them! This is a GREAT story....hopefully that PD will PIF and help other departments and maybe THAT would snowball even FURTHER! Wow....way to go! Look how many people you just helped better their lives! That is an amazing thought huh? THAT is PIF all the way!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2010
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