The Big Thank You Thread

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Signature Guru
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
If you quit smoking using WTA ejuice when nothing else had worked, drop a note in this thread to thank Jerry for saving your life.

Thank you for saving my life, Jerry. Your work has given me extra years of life I would not have otherwise had.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
If you quit smoking using WTA ejuice when nothing else had worked, drop a note in this thread to thank Jerry for saving your life.

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Thank you for saving my life, Jerry. Your work has given me extra years of life I would not have otherwise had.


I'm glad for the friends I made here and elsewhere and I owe you a big thanks for your support.

Nonetheless, please remember if you want to give props they should be directed to Dvap. He came up with the concept and helped so many people along the the way.

Myself I can not express in words my gratitude to DVAP.


Signature Guru
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
Jerry, I've already given the same credit to Dvap, where credit is due, and where he will be sure to see it. Dvap had no interest in commercially producing WTA though. It was you who made it available to the masses.

Here's the quote, for people who haven't been following that thread.
There are only two people on this whole forum who have my full, complete, and utter respect. They have invested their own money and more importantly, time into selflessly researching elements of vaping and have freely shared this information with the vaping community without asking for anything in return. Neither one craves the spotlight or is an attention seeker.
One of those people is Raidy, who gave us the Genisis concept, the other is Dvap, who gave us WTA eliquid.

Dvap, without your research and contributions to vaping, I am sure that I would still be smoking. Thank you for saving my life.

The only reason I didn't include you among that select group is because you run a commercial operation. I'll be the first to admit that you've probably worked harder and for less thanks than both of those two combined have, so perhaps I should reconsider my earlier post? :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Jerry, I've already given the same credit to Dvap, where credit is due, and where he will be sure to see it. Dvap had no interest in commercially producing WTA though. It was you who made it available to the masses.
.....I should reconsider my earlier post? :)

Please don't reconsider your posts.

The post you made in the other thread was spot on.

I don't want credit or praise, but hope to educate and help others out by providing a product.

Considering the long hours, very low profits, and other hassles I often wonder if it is worth doing this.

I have made several sacrifices and put a lot into our facility only to see "Vetted" individuals with huge egos attempt to spoil it for others that are in need.

That being said we will move forward with our mission and hope to meet the needs for others. I believe in our product and hope others feel the same.


Vaping Master
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May 30, 2011
I have an idea. Make this thread a sticky.
Though I don't know if it's such a good idea to dump being a "lifesaver" on Jerry, I mean that's a heck of a burden, but lately I've wondered how many individuals have benefited from Aroma ejuice. I'm kind of cloistered and it's easy to fall into the assumption that the only people who use Aroma WTA are the people who post regularly here. I know that's not the case. Maybe people would be inclined to just pop in and leave a note if it was in their face.

Me? No, Jerry didn't save my life. I licked the smokes well before I found Aroma, and credit for that belongs to V2 cigs believe it or not. Jerry has merely made my life more enjoyable and fun.


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Jul 17, 2010
Florida Panhandle
I have an idea. Make this thread a sticky.
Though I don't know if it's such a good idea to dump being a "lifesaver" on Jerry, I mean that's a heck of a burden, but lately I've wondered how many individuals have benefited from Aroma ejuice. I'm kind of cloistered and it's easy to fall into the assumption that the only people who use Aroma WTA are the people who post regularly here. I know that's not the case. Maybe people would be inclined to just pop in and leave a note if it was in their face.

Me? No, Jerry didn't save my life. I licked the smokes well before I found Aroma, and credit for that belongs to V2 cigs believe it or not. Jerry has merely made my life more enjoyable and fun.

Didn't know if I should post here or in another thread but figured why not...

I placed my 1st order (Beatle juice, GI Joe, Virginia, DK-TAB and Peach) for WTA earlier this week and hope this has what's been missing or what I can switch too.

I've been vaping since July 2010 and mainly have been a one juice guy but tried all the popular juices throughout the years and just stuck to one Chinese juice. However throughout the past year or so the main vendor I've gotten this from has changed suppliers for this juice and it seems once I finally get good with it, it again changes or it's not always the same and then I have to get used to it, etc. The one thing that concerned me (and it's probably in my head) is that ever since starting this last batch I got (I order about 200 ml at a time) in December I started having issues with my ears (kinda high pitch tone and think it's tinnitus) that I've never noticed or had any issues with before in my life. Again it might be in my head but I started to think of any and everything that I changed in my habit around this time and the only thing different is the juice. I mean I went OCD crazy thinking of anything I was doing different, like eating, exercising, etc. but I didn't do anything different except start this new batch of juice. Like I said, I've been vaping this same type of PG 24mg juice for over 2 years with the occasional sampling of other juices so I highly doubt it's vaping in general but who knows?

Anyway I apologize for the TMI but the other reason I figured I would give it one last shot before having no other choice but quitting all together and dealing with the stress of no nicotine is that I read an older post in this thread by good ole Snork and he explained how WTA helped him with the weird feelings he occasionally had, something about tight chest, and other feelings (sorry I should have found the post and quoted but currently on my iPad) and I feel I experience this same thing. I go to the Dr. regularly and know it's probably just my nicotine habit and or just stress, which I'm fine with, but always wondered if WTA would help me deal with this better so finally pulled the trigger as a last resort or last ditch effort.

These juices still might not be the answer I am looking for but thank you for the opportunity and chance to try. Feel free to delete this post if this shouldn't be posted here, no hard feelings:)

Vape On!

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Ultra Member
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Nov 3, 2010
So California
Super ((HUGS)) Jerry. I know for sure, if I didn't have Aroma juices, I would still be having white knuckle moments, seriously, and they happened a lot. While I did stop smoking prior, and yes there were flavors I enjoyed, there is the satisfaction of putting down the pv for a while, a major plus for me. And darn it, it just taste down right out fo this world. You know I love love the dktab...and mahalo. Trying the vanilla I just got, and yep just as I thought....a keeper. Thanks Jerry..I appreciate all your hard work and effort to bring us wta.
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