The average smoker will not Vape

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Jan 18, 2011
I smoked for about 7 years before I started using e-cigs. While I smoked, I dreamed of having some sort of device that could imitate all the characteristics of smoking without all of the negative side effects. Then 1 day in the mall, I saw a guy using an e-cig! It was amazing. But I was highly skeptical. As with everything I buy, I did tons and tons and TONS of research. I finally settled on an ego as my first. But I just was not satisfied for long. I eventually relapsed back into smoking, as it was much more satisfying. Long story short went from ego to SB/tank to Reo Grand. As I got more comfortable with vaping, I didn't mind having ecigs that no longer resembled analogs. After finally settling on devices, I noticed my biggest problem with vaping was, as pointed out earlier....the liquid. Then I did research on liquid providers. Again, I became really into vaping and thought I had found peace.

However, as my taste buds change and desire for better liquid, I admit, it has been a struggle. Even a year after vaping, I still smoke 1-3 analogs/week. I hate it, but the craving is still there. I just can't seem to become satisfied with the vaping entirely. I have tried getting smokers at my company to vape. They were excited and did it for a few weeks/months. Then RIGHT back to the analogs they went. It was expensive to smoke again, but it was much more satisfying and EASY. Plus, when we are out with others, it seems out of place for them to vape when everyone else is smoking. There is a social aspect to it as well. Even after a year, I am still sometimes embarrassed to vape in public. Not to mention, it just didn't *feel* like smoking. The devices were just too different than analogs for them. I think this is another issue that arises when people attempt to vape.

What I have come to find is- It takes a LOT of research, a LOT of will power, and DEDICATION to successfully enjoy and appreciating vaping. It can be painful, annoying, frustrating, sometimes with feelings of lost hope. Feeling that you are worried you just won't be able to stick with it. Not to mention all of the legislative action against us vapers. So many choices of devices and liquid. It is overwhelming. It is not easy; but we must first realize this, as smokers, and be prepared for the transition from smoking to vaping (or no nicotine devices at all!). I agree, the vast majority will not take up vaping full-time. It takes a whole lot less time/energy (relatively speaking) consuming to smoke rather than vape.

It can be fun to find the vaping path right for you and I always keep in mind the money I am saving and my health I am preserving. It keeps me motivated and I will continue to vape. I wish more people could do the same.
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Senior Member
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Mar 22, 2011
Leoma TN
I smoked for about 7 years before I started using e-cigs. While I smoked, I dreamed of having some sort of device that could imitate all the characteristics of smoking without all of the negative side effects. Then 1 day in the mall, I saw a guy using an e-cig! It was amazing. But I was highly skeptical. As with everything I buy, I did tons and tons and TONS of research. I finally settled on an ego as my first. But I just was not satisfied for long. I eventually relapsed back into smoking, as it was much more satisfying. Long story short went from ego to SB/tank to Reo Grand. As I got more comfortable with vaping, I didn't mind having ecigs that no longer resembled analogs. After finally settling on devices, I noticed my biggest problem with vaping was, as pointed out earlier....the liquid. Then I did research on liquid providers. Again, I became really into vaping and thought I had found peace.

However, as my taste buds change and desire for better liquid, I admit, it has been a struggle. Even a year after vaping, I still smoke 1-3 analogs/week. I hate it, but the craving is still there. I just can't seem to become satisfied with the vaping entirely. I have tried getting smokers at my company to vape. They were excited and did it for a few weeks/months. Then RIGHT back to the analogs they went. It was expensive to smoke again, but it was much more satisfying and EASY. Plus, when we are out with others, it seems out of place for them to vape when everyone else is smoking. There is a social aspect to it as well. Even after a year, I am still sometimes embarrassed to vape in public.

What I have come to find is- It takes a LOT of research, a LOT of will power, and DEDICATION to successfully enjoy and appreciating vaping. It can be painful, annoying, frustrating, sometimes with feelings of lost hope. Feeling that you are worried you just won't be able to stick with it. Not to mention all of the legislative action against us vapers. So many choices of devices and liquid. It is overwhelming. It is not easy; but we must first realize this, as smokers, and be prepared for the transition from smoking to vaping (or no nicotine devices at all!). I agree, the vast majority will not take up vaping full-time. It takes a whole lot less time/energy (relatively speaking) consuming to smoke rather than vape.

It can be fun to find the vaping path right for you and I always keep in mind the money I am saving and my health I am preserving. It keeps me motivated and I will continue to vape. I wish more people could do the same.
I am very opposite from you,I after I vaped for 3 days straight after finding the right liquid for me,both my atomizers died and I tried to smoke and it was just awful!!Then here a while back I bought a pack of smokey-mizers from totally wicked that blew both my tornado batteries and got kicked out of the forums because they didn't believe me,I about went nuts literally climbing the walls cause I had to smoke cigarettes!!Then about a month or two later those smokey-mizers cost totally wicked out the ... cause they were blowing everybody's batteries up that tickled the ..... out of me!!


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Mar 30, 2011
Most post to this thread have not dealt with the opening argument...I am talking about the average smoker, not about the person who is into technology and likes to fiddle around with mods and such. If this industry wants the average smoker they must come to him, not move further away, and that is what is happening. Maybe the people in the vaping community are fine with the small community they have and that is fine with me. You are just not going to get the average smoker to deal with these complexities. I understand that it is really not that complicated once you are in it for a while, but there are many things in life that are simple, but are not obvious and this is one of such things.

This is an excellent thread. And your point is quite valid Frankster. Smoking cigarettes is easy. Too easy actually. It requires a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, which can be purchased on nearly any street corner. This is what smokers are accustomed to.

I'll take this argument a step further. After 30 years of smoking, I've been analog free for 8 months now. And my story reads very similar to the original post. Lots of expensive mistakes and frustration. That is all behind me now and I've settled into a smooth & easy vaping routine. Great.

But here's the new frustration. The company I work for has about 30,000 employees. I cross paths with new people everyday. Some are smokers and often they are curious when they see me vaping. They want to try it. Usually they've heard of these new "e-cigs". I let them try mine. The response is usually an ecstatic "Wow I want one of these, I need to quit smoking, this is great!" And finally, "Where can I get one???"

Well, are you prepared to start a new hobby? Are you willing to learn about volts, ohms, amps, watts, mah, PG, VG, etc?

Sure I want to help them. And I will help them. I want to help anyone quit smoking. But if I'm not there to hold their hand for the first few weeks, then they're in for the same frustrating journey that many of us had. Maybe not as bad with the help of a friend, but frustrating nonetheless.

All that aside, thank you ECF. You didn't hold my hand but you sure as heck made a big difference.

Good day, JJ :)

milo hobo

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Jul 16, 2011
Lake Charles La
Everytime I hear of someone mention that they still smoke analogs because they don't get the real feel of it, it makes me think of WTA (whole tobacco alkaloids). I don't want WTAs in my juice, but I think that many people would make the switch easier with them. Right now there are very few venders that have them, but it will probably be a growing trend. If I can get my wife to finally try personal vaporizer, and she is struggling with this, I will get some for her to try.

Again, I don't think that the industry has to be as complicated as it currently is. The brevity of options is beautiful and overwhelming, and probably the biggest hurdle. We need something super user friendly to dominate the market, like an iVaporizer, only better batteries than apple.


Vaping Master
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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Holy moly... no wonder you're frustrated! It can be very frazzling initially trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. I vaped and quit cigs with a horrid little creature called a 'firelight' which cost me a bloody fortune and popped automatic batteries like 3 a month. What a nightmare! rofl I then got lucky and did a BUNCH of research and ended up on my Joye Ego, which I've used happily for about a year now. Just now starting to explore some higher voltage options to see what really works for me. I'm gonna give you the same advice I was given. I was resistant to it because I wanted something pretty and cool looking, but I listened to the experts and am so glad that I did. Get yourself a cheap Variable Voltage box mod. They have a great one at Madvapes for about $35, or you can do what I did and post a 'WTB' (want to buy) ad here in the classifieds for a cheap VV box mod, charger and batteries. That will enable you to find your 'sweet spot' and figure out exactly what voltage you like to vape at. PLUS you can vape on it from about 3.2v up to over 6, so you can use up some of those cartos and attys you have laying around that only work in a certain voltage range. Down the line, once you've established if you want a higher end VV mod in a style other than the box, or if you want a fixed voltage unit, you can check that out....but that's down the line. I will say, I'm no expert on mods, but i do know its MUCH more pricey and complex to vape at higher voltages, just because many juices and components don't work well and are difficult to keep functional at those super high voltages, and you do sort of have to have a solid understanding of atty/carto resistance and so forth or you will just fry those suckers left and right.

My suggestion is get yourself a cheapo VV BoxMod, so you can figure out what works for you, use up some of the cartos you've already purchased (because with the VV you'll be able to use each of them at the voltage they were intended for) and stop chasing what you're missing and just figure out exactly what appeals to you most. $35 for a mod like that is pretty outstanding, and maybe you'll be lucky like me and find someone who has one laying around who will sell you the mod, batts, and charger for about $30 total.

As for juices, I vaped a TON of crapola before someone referred me to Virgin Vapor. Her flavors are 100% organic, which makes them taste so much more authentic to the food they're trying to imitate, and no weird undertaste. Seriously, they rock. And it was simpler for me to figure out what flavors i'd like because the juices taste like the actual food, for once! lol So if I enjoy blueberry cheesecake, I knew I'd love VV Organic Blueberry Cheesecake. If you like the food, chances are good that you'll like the juice since the flavors are so 'dead on' realistic. And while at other vendors I might have to try 5 or 10 flavors to find one of them that I like, of the 14 Virgin Vapor flavors I've tried, I'd gladly buy 13 of them in a larger bottle. The 14th wasn't bad, just not my cup of tea. BUT they won't work well at super high voltages (say over 4.5 or so) since the organic flavors don't work well at high heats. If you're determined to vape at very high voltages, then I can recommend both FreedomSmokeUSA and Pure Smoker, as those were the best 'artificially' flavored liquids I'd found. I'm happy to suggest flavors for any of those if you like, feel free to pm me.

I can see just how much frustration you've gone thru, but again.. my suggestion is to simplify the whole thing, get cheap mod that will enable you to find just what you've been missing, and then you can work it out from there. BTW, you can sell all the ones you've discarded in the 'classifieds' here, under 'buying and selling' in the main forum. Some of those mods you've bought are awesome, but clearly not for you, so why not give someone else a chance to grab em at reasonable discount, and get you some of your $ back?

I wish you the best, and if there's anything else i can do, feel free to pm me. But seriously, this cheapo VV box mod is the perfect thing for me, and from the 15 or so people that suggested it for me, apparently its worked awfully well helping a ton of people find their vaping 'sweet spot'. Best of luck to you!
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Oct 6, 2011
Jacksonville, NC
I too tried the usual impulse buy. After some success with the blu, I gave it up because of the price of the cartos that just didn't last as long as they claimed. I found this site one day at work and finally did some research. My wife and i both have Riva's and we love them. Looking into a passthrough to insure always having power. Liberty-Flights has some passthroughs that i know of and they are UK and USA based.


Full Member
May 17, 2011
Hi, thanks for that. I had a quick look on the LF site (where I think I've looked before for a passthrough - I've bought most of my stuff from them in the past, and trust them, well, trusted them until recently, but that's another story), and they only have them for the 901 and the EGO. Never had an ego, but am I right in thinking that the EGO is the same thread as a 510, and as such will work with 510 cartos?



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Hi, thanks for that. I had a quick look on the LF site (where I think I've looked before for a passthrough - I've bought most of my stuff from them in the past, and trust them, well, trusted them until recently, but that's another story), and they only have them for the 901 and the EGO. Never had an ego, but am I right in thinking that the EGO is the same thread as a 510, and as such will work with 510 cartos?


Yes, you can use an eGo passthrough with 510 cartos.


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Nov 23, 2009
Greenville, NC
I had a similar experience with juices tasting terribly when I first started vaping in September 2009. I think this had a lot to do with the learning curve of using an electronic cig correctly and properly priming the atomizer prior to vaping. Secondly, I wanted a flavor that tasted like a cigarette, and no tobacco flavors tasted right. Even Johnson Creek, which had the closest to a real tobacco flavor than others I have tried, tasted more like some sort of fancy pipe tobacco than a real cigarette. I found myself vaping for a good portion of the day but smoking at least a few real cigarettes in the interim. I think that after a while, I started getting enjoyment from other flavors that don't taste like tobacco, like grape and apple, and i lost my desire to taste burning tobacco. And I stopped cigarettes entirely. I vape mostly fruit or cake flavored liquids. Something that has the hit to your throat like a cigarette but the flavor of something else entirely, which I find to be a strong point of electronic cigarettes. I use a tank and cart now, and i don't care if people look at me strange or if a cop is stopped right next to me at the red light. And I live in the bible belt. You are correct... Electronic cigarettes have a learning curve, and for the average smoker, it's not easy to make the switch on your own, but once you do and you get over the craving for the taste of a real cigarette, the enjoyment of vaping begins. After over two years, you couldn't pay me to smoke a cigarette.

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Ultra Member
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Jun 11, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
I have been vaping about 7 weeks, and in that time I have come up against one road block after another. Vaping has to be made less complex than what I have seen thus far. It is way out of hand and the average smoker(unless he has friends that vape) will never get involved in something that seems to be incredibly complicated. Let me present what has happened to me thus far...if it were not for the fact that I am a neurotic, I would have stopped the first day out of the box.

My first experience was to go online to buy tobacco and saw for 15$ an e-cig. I purchased it to give it a try. It came with very little instructions but I put the three pieces together. I took a few drags on it...there was little vapor and absolutely no th. I went to waste basket and tossed it. Right at this point, the average smoker would end it right there.

I being me was interested even though this first try failed. My second go at it was a a online vendor from china. I spent about a 100 dollars. I purchased 2 batteries not having any idea what to expect. I also purchased pre-filled cartomizers(having no idea what ohms they were) and why would I know such a thing. The came with the usual stuff and I also purchased some juice. The batteries died in 2 weeks, the pe-filled cartos made me sick and the juice was worse. This was the end, I said to myself.

I went on the internet and saw a vapor4life video...I spent another 150 dollars on 2 more batteries(510 batteries) with juice and cartos(again pre-filled and blanks) Again, the 2 batteries die on me in 2 weeks. The pre-filled cartos tasted like vomit(I am serious) and the juice had no taste, and no th. I said this is definitly the end of my vaping experience, but it was not.

I went back online and found GRIMMGREENE...I watch almost every video he had. I said this time I got it. I went out and purchased the volt. I got lucky, one battery worked and the other was very weak. The good one was not giving me any power. Long story short, I sent it back...Also the I watched a few videos by the Grimm on juices. Most made me sick except the Dulsis...First primer puff and I said to myself this is the real deal. I think I was right b/c I have not tasted anything that even comes close.

Now, I need a new e-cig...I see the Grimm do the k-go and I go out and spend another 60 dollars for that plus I spent about 150 on juices, I only liked the dulcis and the rest went in the trash. I purchase blank cartos, ccv 1.7. I put about 15 drops in one, and it was burnt, I tried another and it was burnt...long story short 3 out of 5 are burnt. Send e-mail, talk on the phone with Brent. He sends me 3 cartos, I put about 15 drops in all burnt that is 6 out of 8. I did not realize that I was supposed to put 30 or so drops in. Why should I know that if I am not told. No smoker will go half this far.

The k-go was and is still working great. Now I see all these mods and start hearing about volts and amps and ohms and wattage, (please you are killing me) I say to myself this is so out of hand, noone would go through this.

I want now to do 6volts...thinking I am shortchanging myself out of something better. I spend over a 100 dollars and I purchase the silver bullet. I buy the 18650 battery with the charger, but as you know that is only vaping at 3.7. I purchased this to voly at 6volts(why else would I purchase this) I go out and but the rcr123a protected batteries, then I hear The Grimm mention that they blew up in someone's face(that's nice). I say the hell with it...I stack it and vape, not realizing I am using lr 510 cartos. They all fried.

Meanwhile almost every juice that I am trying seems to get worse and worse...I smoked the most horrible tobacco in the world and never got sick. This juice was literally making me sick. Now I purchase more juice going for more money and I purchase the ressurector from ccv. I dry burn 9 out of 10 cartos, then I find out through Andrew(great guy) that I should put about 70 drops LMAO. how was I supposed to know that...He sent me more and they work great. There is no way in hell that the average smoker is going to go through this. You could take it to the bank...not happening.

I did not finish yet. I go out and buy dual-coil cartos to use on the sb at 6v they are 1.5-1.7 ohms...I put them on the silver bullet at 6volts and nothing...I put a couple of boge 510's it fires up and of course they are burnt and go to the trash. Now, I am being asked to find out what class of batteries these are( people are you getting this) I am not a scientist and nor should I have to be to vape. I go online and see what class batteries are...I'm looking at words like amperes per hour or something like that. I just start must be kidding me!

This is where I stand right now...I have no all day vape juice. What I do have, I cannot vape for more than an hour so I go from one carto to another vaping juice I do not really like.( the DULSIS will be ready in 2 weeks) LMAO. I will be smoking again in 2 weeks. Someone somewhere must come into this and simplify this or the millions of smokers out there will never, and I mean never be involved in this. I'm involved because I love the idea and it seems to be alot fun even I am not having a great experience with juices. If you do not have the right juice, it does not how many mods you have, they are all useless without the juice.

This is my opinion and I think it is pretty close to the truth. I have friends that smoke and you tell them about a few details and it's over. They will never get involved. One more thing I purchased 4 attys for about 30 dollars and then realized. Am I going to be in the street and taking a bottle out of my pocket and start dripping. I do not think so. I agree that you get more vapor, th and flavor...I mind as well smoke hash if I am going to do that and I will probably get locked up in New York("wait officer, I am dripping into my atty,) come on people.

Someone, please simplify this stuff! I am tired of writing...good day to one and all.

Then stop writing. You are going to think yourself back to analogs.


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Nov 7, 2011
I think I will if the juice I keep vaping taste like poison!

:( I am so sorry that this is the case for you. I hope you find one that works for you soon.

BTW I would 2nd Virgin Vapor. They are fantastic. I have tried one from Juicy vapors that was spot on too no funky aftertaste.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2011
staten island, new york
:( I am so sorry that this is the case for you. I hope you find one that works for you soon.

I know, my taste buds have to be completely opposite of everyone in the vaping community...I should run a thread on what people consider their favorite wine and this way I will have a better idea of my taste buds.
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