Thanks for all the help

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I would just like to take a moment to thank everyone here on this forum for all the help they have given me and ultimately getting me off of cigarettes. Its been a week without a cig after 3 weeks of cutting back and Im already disgusted by the way analogs smell.
Heres my story:
I had to quit smoking about a month or so ago after having my wisdom teeth removed and not being able to suck on straws, cigs, etc. It was hard not smoking and the patches I was using did little to calm the desire to smoke a cigarette. As soon as I was over the hump I went out and bought my first pv.... a Blu pack at my local gas station. It was wretched, and did little to calm my cravings and I went back to cigarettes, albeit at a slower pace (from a pack a day to 5 a day approx). It was pretty rough and I was close to giving up on the Blu and just smoking again when I came across this forum and read about a better way to vape.
I got my eGo-C twist with an EVOD about a week ago and havent looked back since. 1 week analog free and loving it.
Thx guys, this forum is fantastic


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2013
Hi Darkest and welcome!
Congrats on the switch. Good that you were able to get a decent vape kit to keep you off the killers. I too shared the same frustration of cig a likes. Seems to me they dont do a damn thing but put a short pause to analogs! Soon after most of us just continue smoking instead. I did relapse for another year after trying Green Smokes cig a likes. They tricked my co workers in going back to analogs and in thinking PVs dont do s*** into helping one quit analogs. Now some of them just choose to keep smoking and dare not to touch even a decent kit i referred them into trying. Dead on damn shame.
Heard great things about the EVOD and the twist. Right on! vape on!
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